16.1 Overview
Human rights have become an issue of
great importance in contemporary times. This explains why it has come to
occupy such an important and prominent place in State governance, the
world over. Much of the misery and injustice of our time is the result
of the reckless use of power. The abuse of power is a human problem and
nobody seems to have a built-in- immunity from its corrosive effect.
An APC Government is committed to
limiting this tendency by ensuring the sanctity of life and the dignity
of man.
The factors that characterized this
sector are:-
The APC Government will:-
a) meet internationally
accepted standards of promoting and protecting the rights and dignity of
every man, woman and child.
b) protect, promote and respect
all Sierra Leoneans from the violation of their human rights so that the
true ideals of democracy can be realized.
Such objectives as above shall be
attained by :-
a) supporting institutions
where they exist for the protection of human rights.
b) promoting a credible
political dispensation that will guarantee and protect human rights for
all by making justice accessible without discrimination.
c) ensuring that human rights
laws and institutions created to implement them are supported to
function effectively in building a human rights- conscious society in
post- conflict
17.1 Overview
We as a party are aware of
the fact that no matter how well intentioned a government may be, it is
bound to fail if it is saddled with a public service that is lacking in
capacity or unwilling to adapt to changing circumstances. We readily
acknowledge and accept that the public service is currently
dysfunctional, however there is still a lot of good potential within it
which can serve as a base for a more efficient public service our nation
Currently the public
service is:-
The APC Government
a) revise the
process of recruitment, entry and progression within the public service
and will therefore support the ongoing reform programmes.
b) take immediate
action to look into the present discriminatory two- tier system of
remuneration of public officials
c) give the anti-
corruption Commission the power it needs to function effectively and
check the endemic corruption so rampart within the Public service
The APC plans to meet
these objectives by:-
a) modernising the
old general and financial orders, which have proved unsuitable in
b) enabling the
civil service reclaim its past glory and efficiency.
c) improving the
salary and conditions of the public service with a view to making it
attractive and competitive.
d) ensuring that
recruitment and promotion within the public service of
18.1 Overview
The APC Government
recognizes that the youth problem has become chronic with a potential
for explosion. To be sure youth employment if not appropriately
addressed is a time bomb. Its solution cannot be done on an ad hoc basis
but rather on a comprehensive policy requiring inputs from the youth
themselves. Conscious of the trauma to which thousands of our youths
have been subjected as a consequence of the war, an APC Government will
spare no effort in revisiting the existing National Youth policy. The
APC will engage and comprehensively promote sporting activities in
support of the welfare of our youth.
The following are the
characteristics of this sector:-
An APC government will:-
a) implement the current
legislation relating to the protection and welfare of Youth.
b) work steadfastly with both
national and international non-governmental organizations to ensure that
the youth in
c) institute a national youth
training programme to harness the potential of our youth, create
understanding and instill a culture of civic responsibility that will
support and core enhance family values.
The APC as a
government shall seek to attain these objectives by:-
a) formulating a
comprehensive plan of action that is geared towards full implementation
of the Sierra Leone Youth policy.
b) expanding the National Youth
Policy with the creation of youth executives in all Districts Councils.
c) reviving and restoring the status of sports and athletics in
schools and colleges by seeking assistance from our friends to extend
sporting facilities accordingly.
d) providing bursaries for students who demonstrate outstanding
skills in sports and athletics.
e) re-activating all sporting competitions especially soccer at
national and international levels through closer collaboration with the
respective sporting organisations.
f) introducing a National Youth Service Corps.
19.1 Overview
Land is a resource and an asset and in
almost every part of the country issues related to land constitute a
major source of conflict and court cases. Ministry of Lands officials
including surveyors, land owners, dealers, are all to blame for these.
The current poor city planning is the result of corruption, limited
foresight and capacity. The uncoordinated and inept actions of
Government departments and officials have led to a myriad of cases that
have virtually strangled the judicial system. The APC recognizes that
housing a basic necessity of life is in short supply in the country for
all categories of the population. An APC Government recognizes further
that environmental protection has become a necessity of life and its
abuse nation wide demands immediate attention.
These sectors are beset with the
following problems:-
As a Government, the APC will:-
a) seek an expeditious
resolution of all matters dealing with land conflict.
b) create opportunities for the
expansion of all markets and cemeteries to meet current population
c) build a culture of civic
responsibility for the care and protection of the environment.
d) establish guidelines for
zoning and building.
e) engage in legislation to
ensure that deforestation and degradation of the environment is arrested
and further more draw up guidelines that will conform to international
WE will achieve these by:-
a) engaging in a national
campaign of educating our people on all policies governing land use.
b) supporting and strengthening
the National Commission on Land and the Environment to function
c) establishing a comprehensive
national register that will document all cadastral records.
d) encouraging international
investors as partners in the provision of low cost housing.
e) embarking on sensitization
and awareness raising using the mass media, schools and colleges on the
consequence of misusing and abusing the environment.
f) reviewing the current state
of all Government properties and their occupancy.
g) pursuing a policy of
strategic acquisition of lands and properties in an effort to expand and
upgrade social infrastructure such as markets and cemeteries so as to
ease congestion.
In conclusion, all of the above stated
objectives and strategies are in support of the firm determination of
the All Peoples Congress Party to govern
As a Party, let us assure everyone that
we have in place a solid team of dedicated personnel with the brain
power, commitment and professional expertise to implement these
programmes. The APC therefore calls upon all Sierra Leoneans at home and
abroad and the International Community to join us in realising these
noble goals of governance presented in this Manifesto.