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Thursday August
4, 2011
Thursday August
4, 2011
- How a sound post-independence economy was left in
tatters after the kleptos took over in 1968 laying the
foundation for Sierra Leone's economic woes as financial
and monetary lawlessness became the norm and the
national currency was left in a devastating freefall 
47 years ago on August 4,
1964 a newly-independent Sierra Leone launched its own
national currency, the leone (notes) and the cent
(coins) to replace the West African Currency Board
denominations that was in use before then. Sierra
Leoneans largely welcomed the new currency which, at the
time, was seen as a symbol of nationhood and economic
strength. It was no longer pounds, shillings and pence
but our very own leones and cents with two leones
equivalent to one British pound while the US dollar was
a mere, yes mere 75 cents of our money. However, over
the years, the mismanagement of the economy, sweeping
and pervasive corruption encouraged by government
functionaries more interested in self than the nation
has now seen the leone
devalued to unimaginable levels. Ask the
re-branded and re-scented Vouchergate
exposed and nation-wrecker Victor Foh, EBK's buddy how the
Central Bank, the Bank of Sierra Leone, the banker of bankers in
the country became a part of the corruption that made nonsense
of accountability and good economic management. Those who took
the country for a ride into the economic doldrums
acquiring any and all assets that came their way will
never tell their sons, grandsons and great grandsons of
the origins of their "wealth" as they hide their true
nature living in far-off countries to see Sierra Leone
wilt under the devastating economic tsunami left by
their thieving and greed. It was a period that saw
political appointees filling strategic positions at the
Bank of Sierra Leone and any who dared disobey Siaka
Stevens and his gang paid the price as the still
unsolved murder of Bank Governor Sam Bangura clearly
showed. He was killed in 1979 as the Siaka Stevens
government prepared to host the Organisation of African
Unity (OAU) meeting. The Bank Governor was reportedly
opposed to the idea.
Wednesday August 3, 2011 - History
in the making. Former authoritarian ruler of Egypt
appears in court to answer to charges relating to among
others the murder of demonstrators and corruption.
A warning to those who would just love to cling on to
power using any means?
This was a historic scene, a scene
never dreamt of in the Arab world where iron-fisted
rulers reigned like demi-gods over their own people.
Here was a former close ally of the West enjoying the
benefits of laws made to suit him and his cronies and
who at one stage was grooming one of his own sons to
take over the reins of government after some thirty
years in power. Hosni Mubarak appeared in court a
bed-ridden man and as
one news outlet reported looking
sickly. Another report stated "In a chaotic scene
outside the Cairo police academy where the court has
been set up, hundreds of policemen in gleaming white
uniforms and riot police with shields and helmets
separated demonstrators hurling stones and bottles at
each other. It was a sign of the profound emotions
stirred by the unprecedented prosecution of the man who
ruled Egypt with unquestioned power for 29 years until
he was toppled in February by an 18-day uprising. For
many Egyptians, the trial is a chance at retribution for
decades of oppressive rule in which opponents were
tortured, corruption was rife, poverty spread and
political life was stifled. But for others, he was a
symbol of stability.
The BBC adds
"His sons Alaa
and Gamal,
Minister Habib
al-Adly and six
other former
officials also
face charges.
Some 3,000
soldiers and
police have been
drafted in to
maintain order
at the police
academy for the
trial. It was
originally going
to be held in a
Cairo convention
centre but the
moved the venue
to a temporary
courtroom set up
inside the
academy because
of security
Mr Mubarak was flown to Cairo from hospital in the coastal resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, where he had been detained and receiving treatment since April for a heart condition. The former Egyptian leader resigned on 11 February, after 18 days of protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square, in which some 850 people were killed."
Thursday July 28, 2011 - BBC reporter killed in
Afghanistan - The very real deadly hazards of reporting
in an unstable and war situation.
Ahmed Omed Khpulwak is no more
Another BBC
reporter is dead. Killed while carrying out his duty of
informing the public on what was going on in his part of
the globe, going into areas where few in the profession
would dare and doing his best to present a picture of
what was happening as seen through his eyes and those of
the people he met.
Ahmed Omed Khpulwak
was only 25 when he was killed. His relations say his
body contained eleven bullets. The website of
the international news organisation, the BBC states and
we quote -
"Ahmed Omed
Khpulwak, who
has been killed
in a militant
attack in the
Afghan province
of Uruzgan,
worked as a
reporter for the
BBC Pashto
service. His
former BBC World
Service Kabul
bureau editor
Dawood Azami,
knew him for
almost three
years and
remembers a man
who was full of
life. On the
morning he was
killed, Omed
filed a news
report for the
BBC in Pashto.
It would turn
out to be his
last. Omed saw death every day - I was amazed he somehow always managed to keep happy despite living in such a volatile environment."
Sunday July 24,
- Outrage - Nearly one hundred feared dead, many wounded
and still others unaccounted for as Norway enters period
of national mourning. Main suspect says he will reveal
all as to why he went on murder rampage when he appears
in court tomorrow, Monday July 25.
The people of Norway are
in a state of shock and are in national mourning
triggered by the killing of at close to a hundred people
in first, a bomb blast in the capital Oslo and then a
shooting rampage at a youth camp some forty five minutes
drive away. The main suspect, one
Anders Behring Breivik, 32,
is reported to have described his actions as "gruesome
but necessary", and said he would explain himself at a
court hearing tomorrow Monday July 25, 2011. First news
reports on Friday concentrated on a bomb explosion in an
area housing government ministries as well as one of the
country's top newspapers. Initial reports spoke of two
dead and then as the day wore on watchers of the
unfolding events were horrified to learn that earlier
reports of a shooting incident which had not grabbed the
headlines was in fact the scene of a massacre by a man
dressed in a police uniform, a neo-Nazi who has told his
lawyer that what he had done was "necessary". 32 year
old Anders Behring Breivik when approached by armed
officers willingly surrendered himself lest he be killed
sparking fears that he could well have planned his move.
First a diversion with the bomb blast that engaged the
rescue and security services and then a journey to an
island forty five minutes drive away where he presented
himself as a police officer sent there to reassure the
youths who were camping on Utoeya island. The BBC
website states that
"Police have not
speculated on motives for the attack but the bomb in
Oslo targeted buildings connected to Norway's
governing Labour Party, and the youth camp on Utoeya
island was also run by the party.
The US-based Christian
Post had this headline -
Norway Bombing: Tragedy Turns Citizen to God.
Wednesday July
20, 2011 - The
United Nations declares two regions of Somalia as in a
famine situation.
Calls for aid, logistics...anything that would help
alleviate the situation as former Ghanaian
Jerry Rawlings,
the African Union Special Envoy to the country sobs on
television recalling scenes of suffering and anguish.
What is President Ernest Bai Koroma doing about this
human suffering in Africa?
regions of southern Somalia - Bakool and Lower Shabelle
- have today been officially pronounced by the United
Nations as areas that have been hit by
famine - a word
that is never used lightly by the world body and which
in effect means that unless something is done NOW,
there's bound to be a catastrophe of proportions that
conjures images of the affliction that hit Ethiopia in
the 80's. The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia
Mark Bowden is quoted as saying that
day of delay in assistance is literally a matter of
life and death for children and their families in
the areas affected."
In his
appeal to the international community in an interview
shown on the UK Channel Four television, Jerry Rawlings,
the African Union Special Representative to Somalia made
a passionate plea to the international community,
practically begging member countries to put aside
whatever perceptions they may have of Somalia and help
the people who now face the prospect of having a huge
percentage of its population starving to death.
The Sierra
Herald recalls that after the devastating Haiti
earthquake, Sierra Leone's President chipped in with one
hundred thousand US dollars and we would like to see
what this ["jewel in Africa's crown", this man who has
single-handedly reformed the African Union and the UN
Security Council (so say his paid praise singers] will
now do to help an African country in dire need. We would
want to remind our readers what one of the President's
hirelings wrote -
in this article.
Sunday July 17,
- Another holy day for Christians all over the world to
pray for the good of mankind, for Sierra Leoneans to
pray that one day, the mother country will have true
patriots who would put country first and pockets last
Yes, it is another Sunday
and as usual the Sierra Herald would expect all
Christians who can make it to places of worship,
churches, to fellowship with others of the same faith as
well as interacting and praying for those of other
faiths with whom they interact with in family, community
and the wider congregation of good people - men, women
and children. And for true men of the cloth - note - we
state here - true men of the cloth and not charlatans -
to pray that the evil will turn away from their ways and
that those in authority will keep the promises they made
to the people. Here again we shall provide this link to
manifesto of the APC as championed by
Ernest Bai Koroma so that he can see just how much he
has deviated from his sugar-coated promises to voters as
Sierra Leone prepared for those crucial and epoch-making
2007 General Elections. If one was to rely on the
internet flying toilets who see no wrong in their "god"
of an Ernest Bai Koroma, you would be excused for
thinking that the APC won "hands down", that there was
no run-off after the first round!!!!! Think about this
ye shameless gbatolites and
look at this as you
prepare your "sermon" on the altar of deceit.
And oh - by the way did you know that the man hailed as
the new jewel in the crown of Africa, yea the United
Nations for "reforming the UN Security Council" only had
4, we repeat - four African Heads of State who honoured
his invitation to attend ceremonies of our 50th
independence anniversary celebrations?
Thursday July 7,
2011 - Breaking
news....Breaking news....Breaking news...After more than
a century and half in the news industry News of the
World is to close down amid scandalous revelations on
the way it obtained news materials - hacking into mobile
The UK tabloid at the
centre of allegations of phone hacking criminal activity
is to close down with the last edition of the paper
scheduled for Sunday 10th July. The news of the closure
announced today Thursday 7th July by the tabloid's
James Murdoch, son
of mogul Rupert and whose portfolio includes overseeing
the operations of the tabloid came as quite a surprise
and shock as pundits never thought of this move by the
owners. News watchers say closing down the newspaper is
not the answer as they regarded the newspaper as a
British institution that has been with readers for 168
years and that rather than the closure of the tabloid,
the top guns in the editorial sections who knew about
the alleged phone hacking and denied it should be
properly investigated and made to answer for their
deeds. Closing the newspaper somewhat summarily is to
punish journalists and other workers who had no role in
the rotten and criminal scheme and who would now lose
their source of livelihood, they point out. More fingers
are now pointing towards
Rebekah Brookes,
the tabloid's Chief Executive who is been seen as
enjoying the protection of Rupert Murdoch himself from
his US lair. Former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Prescott
who believes he was a victim insists, on hearing news of
the closure of the newspaper, that the police should
continue with their investigations into the matter,
followed by a judicial inquiry that would get to the
bottom of unwholesome practices by not only the News of
the World journalists but by some three hundred or more
others thought to have been using illegal methods to get
items for their pages.
The National Union of
Journalists (NUJ) of the United Kingdom has just put out
a statement condemning the
decision by the Murdoch empire to close the newspaper.
Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ General
Secretary said: “This shows
the depths to which Rupert Murdoch
and his lieutenants at News
International are prepared to stoop.
The announcement James Murdoch
should be making today is the
dismissal of Rebekah Brookes as
chief executive of News
International. The shocking
revelations this week show beyond
doubt the systemic abuse and
corruption at the top of the
operation ran by both Rebekah Brooks
and Andy Coulson. Yet News
International has persistently lied
about the extent of this scandal and
tried to pass it off as a problem
created by a couple of rogue
Thursday July 7,
- Six years ago today in 2005, London was attacked by
home-grown terrorists in suicide attacks that killed 52
people, injured hundreds and left thousands traumatised
as the capital's transport system was attacked during
the rush hours of that fateful
Thursday July 7, 2005 morning 
72 months ago an outrage
was visited upon commuters in London as the city's
transport system was attacked by home-grown suicide
bombers leaving 52 people dead and many more injured and
traumatised. UK security officials and operatives were
taken aback if not caught on the wrong foot as they
realised that the murderers did not come from outside
but were men carrying British passports - yes British
citizens who believed they owed a duty to terror than to
the country that has provided them with refuge,
education, a way of life, education and all the good
things to be expected in a not so perfect world. Today
will always be remembered by all those who respect the
rights of others and all those who believe that despite
this outrage London will still live and that Londoners
stand ready to defy and oppose the perpetrators and
their secret supporters waiting to strike - the
spineless cowards that they are and always will be. On a
day like this we remember all those who perished, all
those who survived but have to live with the scars of
their injuries and all those traumatised by the cowardly
and beastly attacks of July 7, 2005. Long live London.
Long live democracy and the rule of law. Long live the
ideals of human rights, good governance and the rule of
law - for without these ideals, then to the jungle
should we all return as beasts of that habitat. And
now...woe upon woes, the relations of victims have been
contacted by the police...that
their phones could have been
hacked into by operatives acting on
behalf of the News of the World tabloid!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday July
6, 2011
- Hold the
front page...Huffington Post, the AOL internet news and
blog site is launched in the UK even as the Parliament
debates a move to have a public inquiry into the
activities of the News of the World tabloid. 
It's a day to the 6th
anniversary of the terrorist attacks on London's
transport system which saw more than fifty killed and
hundreds if not thousands injured or traumatised in what
is now known as the 7/7 outrage against the people of
London - the first such to hit modern London with
home-grown terrorists as perpetrators. Arianna
Huffington the president and editor-in-chief of the AOL
Huffington Post could not have stated it better when she
noted in her introduction of
HuffPost UK that
We are arriving
here in the midst of a rich and thriving media
culture marked by great innovation. We look forward
to adding HuffPost UK to the mix, and to our
real-time 'digital water cooler' -- which embraces
the best of the new (immediacy, transparency,
interactivity) and the best of the old
(fact-checking, accuracy, fairness, and an emphasis
on storytelling) -- becoming the spark for many
interesting conversations.
The launch of HuffPost
UK today could not have come at a better time (though
Toby Young, writing
in the online version of the Telegraph appears to be
unimpressed with a UK-version of the US outlet) what
with the general outrage on the lips of many now on how
the tabloid News of the World allegedly hacked into the
mobile phones of people they were interested in -
ranging from celebrities, politicians, victims of crime
and even colleague journalists. Even as we bring you
this news,
the House of Commons (Parliament
for you) is at the moment debating just
how to go about setting up an inquiry that would look
into the activities of the tabloid as it allegedly
violated the privacy of individuals including the
victims of crime and surviving relations of those killed
in the 7/7 outrage.
Monday July 4,
- The
Butcher of Bosnia, after a whole month to decide on plea
refuses to listen to the judge reading out the charges,
becomes deliberately obstructive and is taken out of
court by guards
A month ago today on 4th
June 2011, the Butcher of Bosnia made his initial
appearance before the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in the Hague and was
given a month to consider just how he would plead to the
eleven counts he faces. Ratko Mladic came back to court
this morning only to embark on what could best be
described as a deliberate plan to delay the court by
refusing to enter any plea. He was so disruptive that
Presiding judge Alphons Orie warned him several times
not to interrupt him as the defendant argued he should
be allowed to choose his own lawyers. "No, no, I'm not
going to listen to this without my lawyer," the Butcher
of Bosnia shouted as he removed his translation
headphones when the judge began reading out the charges.
Shortly before guards escorted Mladic from court, he
shouted at judge Orie: "You want to impose my defence.
What kind of a court are you?" But that was not to stop
today's plea as the judge calmly read out the charges
even though Ratko was no longer in the court and duly
entered on behalf of the court a "not guilty" plea on
each of the charges. The charges include genocide and
crimes related to the more than three and half year
siege of Sarajevo as well as the murder of 8,000 Muslim
men and boys in Srebrenica. The court will now have to
examine the two new judges Ratko wants as a part of his
privileges, having discarded with the services of the
court-appointed lawyer. That is justice as has to be
played out in court, never mind the fact that the
Butcher never gave such an opportunity to his many
victims who died not knowing why they were selected for
the guns and bullets of their tormentors. The
BBC reporter who
covered today's event Lauren Comiteau noted that
"From the moment he
walked in, Mr Mladic was absolutely defiant...adding
that she had never seen anything quite like it in 15
years of covering the court."
Friday July 1,
- New UK law on bribery comes into force today. Will
this law help to nail the blatant corruption of
"investors" in Sierra Leone?
It has taken almost a year
or thereabouts to get it ready for use, but today a new
law (of
2010) that targets bribery within and
outside the borders of the United Kingdom is now in
force and should help put a stop to unwholesome acts by
persons and companies operating anywhere in the world
with links to the UK. Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke
has noted
"The Act creates new offences of
offering or receiving a bribe,
bribery of foreign public officials and of a failure
to prevent a bribe being paid on an organisation’s
behalf. It also provides a defence to the last of
these where an organisation can show that it has
‘adequate procedures’ in place. These are quite
tough rules. But what the guidance I am also
publishing today underlines – after helpful
consultation with businesses, and NGOs – is that
combating bribery is about common sense, not
The new law makes it
illegal to offer and receive bribes as well as failing
to prevent bribes. Individuals convicted under the new
law can be jailed for up to ten years and face unlimited
fines. The UK government claims that the coming into
force of this law should underpin the country's position
as a global leader in fighting corruption. With the
passing of this law, it has now become necessary to put
the spotlight on one Vasile Frank Timis President
Koroma's alleged chief financier as well as
investigating monies and favours he could have showered
on President Koroma and his operatives...and Vasile is
not the only one to watch.
Friday July 1,
- Good news for the rule of law in the fight against
corruption as Anti Corruption boss is left stunned by
court decision absolving Alieu Sesay of 57 counts
prepared by the commission
The Sierra Herald had
always been of the considered view that Anti Corruption
Commissioner Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, never mind his
roots and affiliations to key functionaries of the Nazis
(read AFRC MK2) is his own man and could have noticed
the huge outcry emanating from the lips of Sierra
Leoneans after a Freetown court ruled that Alieu Sesay,
a man who is alleged to have abused his office to award
contracts to his wife was a clean man in the eyes of the
law. It is heartening to note, given reports from
sections of the press, that the Anti Corruption
Commission boss himself has openly expressed disbelief
at the court's decision and so when we saw this story in
AWOKO online newspaper,
there was a collective sigh of relief on all desks at
the Sierra Herald both overseas and in the mother
country, reaffirming our belief in the Anti Corruption
boss that he would not allow his image in the legal
field to be dirtied, sullied by the politics of the
moment. We are heartened to read these comments in the
news outlet attributed to the ACC boss
“To look at the 57
counts of indictment and you let the accused go free
in all of those counts. We do not see that it is
right when we have seasoned prosecutors including
me. We want to see the legal application of that to
see that all 57 counts are let out without any
conviction passed on any one.”
The Sierra Herald would
urge the anti corruption body to appeal against the
court's decision.
We would also urge
Parliament to take a good and hard look at the judge who
passed this judgement with a recommendation that he be
put through a judicial inquiry as to how he came to such
a decision given the fact that quite a lot of the
allegations stemmed from the audit report of an
internationally-recognised firm which highlighted the
failings of the NRA boss. We are calling for Justice
Emmanuel Eku Roberts to be investigated and how he came
to this rather "historic" decision.
Wednesday June
29, 2011
- Shock
and disbelief as Freetown court rules that another Sesay
slapped with 57 charges has been absolved, paving the
way for him to go back to his job. 
The Sierra Herald was
taken aback - not because of the court's decision, we
knew all along that this would happen under AFRC MK2,
but because God-fearing Sierra Leoneans and believers in
the cause of justice were left speechless. No way for
us, because we knew and have known the tactics of the
APC ever since the formation of that ogre passing off as
a political party. Why do you think that in the past
Sierra Leoneans have been heard to comment during the
hey days of Stevens, the curse of the nation, that the
only thing the APC cannot do is "change a woman into a
man" and even now given the advances in science, do not
be surprised if you are told that yes, they have done
just that. The court has spoken and by Jove, so be
it...unless and until there's an appeal by the Anti
Corruption Commission against the decision of the court.
The great Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara's handling of the
matter is something that would for a long time be the
topic on the lips of many. With some of his critics
accusing him of being a part of the Ernest Bai Koroma
cabal and with a reward of a new fat salary, we
sincerely hope that this fine upward-looking young man
would protect his future and do things his conscience
demands. As one outlet observed after the case - that
justice is not the blindfolded lady but a lady with two
eyes open to see who gets punished, all the Sierra
Herald can do is to wish Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara well
and to kindly ask him to read about legal shenanigans of
the past...and how the perpetrators ended up long after
their actions. Lest you forget Joseph, did you notice
your initials are identical to the great US President
John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
Could the family have admired the assassinated US
President to a point of actually making sure that you,
the J F K of Sierra Leone would become as great as the
US man? It's a long and difficult road Joseph and you
do not start off under clouds of suspicion and political
patronage. All this will pass away and you will be left
alone. Take care and be very judicious in all you do.
Monday June 27, 2011 - Sierra Leone's very own MP is
now a war crimes suspect. Ernest Bai Koroma and Abel
Stronge please say something, do something. It is times
like these that determine who real friends are 
Leonean MP Libyan leader Khaddafi is in hotter waters as
the International Criminal Court, the ICC, today
endorsed the findings of the ICC's Prosecutor Ocampo
that he has indeed waged war and committed human rights
abuses against his own people. The MP, together with his
son Saif al-Islam and the head of his intelligence unit
and a key controller of the armed forces Abdullah al-Sanussi
are now war crimes suspect and face a date with the
Hague court even as NATO aircraft continue to degrade
the military capability of the Khaddafi regime.
The BBC news site has noted
The statement,
read out by
presiding judge
Sanji Monageng,
said there were
grounds to
believe" that
the three men
were "criminally
responsible" for
the murder and
persecution of
civilians. As the
"recognised and
leader of
Libya", said the
court, Col
Gaddafi had
ultimate and
control" over
the state.
The Sierra Herald hopes
that the overlords in Sierra Leone, the civilian version
of the AFRC/RUF junta aka AFRC MK2 are aware of this and
that Ernest Bai Koroma and his chief operatives who
believe that they will always get away with violence
rape will not be held to account.. Their politics of
intolerance, divisiveness and lack of accountability and
transparency are the foundations for trial as an
anti-people cabal bent on taking the country down the
road that led to our troubles and a rebel war ignited by
the creation of a system that brooked no opposition. For
more than two decades, the anti-people APC
used the security forces to keep itself in power
until, thankfully, the very boys
they had approved of as fit in the eyes of the APC party
to join the national army kicked them out of power on that April 29, 1992
historic day.
June 27, 2011 - The Nazis are at it again - condemning
all those not deemed to be APC party card bearers as
AFRC Mk2 mouthpiece refers to fellow Sierra Leoneans as
The politics of intolerance on the increase.
Sierra Leone's Nazi (read
AFRC MK2) envoy to Brussels and accredited to a number
of Western countries, one Christian Kargbo has been in
the news again displaying once more the same AFRC
intolerance for any Sierra Leonean deemed to be singing
from another hymn sheet not authorised by State House in
Freetown. Christian Kargbo, for those with a penchant
for selective amnesia, was the same AFRC functionary who
took upon himself the role of governor of the country's
central bank during which all monies, more especially
foreign exchange earnings they could lay hands on, were
handed out to his masters in the AFRC/RUF coalition of
evil, otherwise known as the beasts. It was during his
tenure that he, one
Victor Foh, a
well-known state thief and vouchergate exponent and
other like-minded junta operatives hatched a plan that
would have seen huge swathes of Sierra Leone territory
mortgaged to dubious set-ups in a desperate bid to make
as much money as they could to fund the killing, rape
and looting machinery of the junta. True to form, he too
has been rewarded by a President who believes that the
AFRC/RUF junta was the best thing that could have
happened to Sierra Leone. Probably acting on orders from
his master/handler in Freetown, the former junta banker
has now thought it fit to weed out people he refers to
as "moles". What is even more worrying is the
statement issued from the mission which
in effect was making it known that he was acting on
"complaints" from Information minister I B Goebbels
Kargbo in Freetown and OGI Director, one Khadija Sesay
whose fingers appear to be in every rotten pie. This
statement was taken up by the Kangura version of the
AFRC gbatolite brigade which as the Hutus did in Rwanda
calling Tutsis cockroaches, has been busy describing
fellow Sierra Leoneans as
Thursday June 9,
- Selling
the country for peanuts - a desperate cabal headed by a
desperate get rich quick President forces ordinary
Sierra Leoneans off ancestral lands in shady anti-people
A think tank group,
the Oakland
Institute has come out with a
report highlighting just how institutions and businesses
in the West have been stealing land from poor and
uneducated communities in Africa. The recent report
names a number of African countries where murky and
crooked land deals orchestrated by equally crooked and
anti-people governments have connived with these
industrial concerns to steal land from the people for
the propagation of bio-fuel plantations. Among the
countries mentioned in the report is our very own Sierra
Leone - a beautiful land being ripped apart by a band of
savage and unprincipled rogues who would go to all
lengths to enrich self and associates at the expense of
the masses. Thanks to the BBC report by Umaru Fofana on
Thursday morning (Network Africa) and the institute, we
now know that a company known as Addax has been busy
reaping where they never sowed, dispossessing people of
their lands in deals manipulated by a desperate
government trying to fill up a yawning chasm of
unbridled lust for money, money and more money. State
robbers unleashed upon an unsuspecting population, we
would add. Freedom of Information Act for Sierra Leone?
Forget about that as there's so much dirty water flowing
under the rotten bridges of the Ernest Bai Koroma tiff-tiffdom
that IB Goebbels and his President would be exposed for
what they truly represent if all is revealed. Fifteen
years out of power, its payback time for the beasts that
almost brought the country to her knees - and not
ashamed about it!!!!
Wednesday May
25, 2011
- Lest we forget - 14 years ago today in 1997...the
beasts were unleashed upon an unsuspecting, unarmed and
defenceless civilian population...today, 14 years
on...the perpetrators and their supporters get rewarded
by Ernest Bai Koroma
14 years ago even as
Saturday night tuned into Sunday morning, mayhem and
murder were unleashed upon Sierra Leoneans as
a band of disgruntled sobels (soldiers
masquerading as rebel forces when it suited them)
spurred on by certain elements within the APC party
overthrew the barely one year old democratically-elected
government of President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. Even as
Sierra Leoneans clearly demonstrated at the polls and in
the Bintumani 1 and 2 talks that they no longer wanted
to be ruled by the army, after the NPRC experience,
these soldiers, goaded on by their masters in the APC
unleashed untold suffering, murder, rape, arson and
waves of unprecedented looting forages on the bewildered
people. And for the first time, unarmed civilians defied
the gun-toting and machete-wielding beasts of no nation
damning the AFRC of Johnny Paul Koroma and refusing to
go to work, school, college or indeed any place of
learning. Confused and bewildered at the determination
of civilians the AFRC called in the brutal and human
rights abusing RUF of Foday Sankoh to swell its ranks -
not only to make the country ungovernable, but to lend a
hand in an atmosphere of extreme violence and terror
tactics aimed at subduing a hostage population. The
unarmed civilians were unimpressed and even more
determined to resist their new enslavers as many fled
the country. Their newly-formed People's Army led by
Johnny Paul Koroma
Sam Bockarie (maskita),
both war criminals, in a desperate bid to further
enslave the people turned on the
ECOMOG peace keepers led by
- for they were convinced that if they succeeded in
removing ECOMOG from their bases in Freetown and the
Lungi airport, the defiant civilians would be at their
mercy and thus punished - to be murdered, maimed, raped
and tortured at will. Thus was the Maballya massacre
executed and when that failed January 6, 1999 became a
reality as more than six thousand unarmed and innocent
civilians were slaughtered. And today, the key elements
in the human rights-abusing AFRC/RUF enjoy the
protection of Ernest Bai Koroma as he dishes out to the
supporters of the AFRC/RUF coalition of evil otherwise
known as the beasts key positions in his administration
as ministers, "diplomats" and "press attaches". The
Sierra Herald mourns with and remembers those who
perished, their surviving relations and all those so
affected, praying that the Good Lord in His mercy will
one day deliver the justice only He knows best how to
Friday May 20,
- The Newton Fruit Factory...are we getting it right?
There has been quite a
flurry of praise-singing sheets on another "achievement"
of the Ernest Bai Koroma government aka as AFRC Mk2
a new fruit factory
situated in the Newton area just outside the capital
Freetown. According to promoters, this is the first such
endeavour in Sierra Leone and has been welcomed,
according to reports,
the US ambassador based in Freetown. In fact one AFP
report has noted
The United States
launched its first Special Economic Zone in Africa
on Thursday, with the opening of a mango and
pineapple juice concentrate factory in Sierra Leone.
The US has invested $5 million in the 50-acre zone
-- a special area with more liberal economic laws
than in the rest of the country set up to attract
foreign direct investment.
All well and good for
Africa Felix Juice
the company at the heart of the operations and we hope
for the people of Sierra Leone. The big questions we
have, among others, are why Newton because once those
machines are switched on do we have enough raw materials
(fruits) to keep it running for at least six months in
the year and who stands to benefit from it all? We have
to raise these questions because in the past and under
another APC regime, the Mabole fruit factory was
situated in an area not well known for fruit production,
and sadly, that venture collapsed. And then there was
the clay factory at Wellington with the raw clay
material having to be transported by road from somewhere
in the north to Freetown. Those on the ground then saw
the the damage caused by the lorries breaking down,
over-turning and all the hazards of unplanned factory
location. In a country noted for rain-fed and seasonal
fruit availability, do we have the resources to provide
a constant supply of raw materials?
Thursday May 19,
2011 - IMF chief
falls on his sword over rape allegations 
The embattled Managing
Director of the International Monetary Fund, the IMF,
Dominique Strauss-Kahn has resigned in the wake of
allegations of rape and other sexual impropriety against
him involving a 32-year old New York hotel chamber maid.
Reports say that in his
letter of resignation,
Straus-Khan while maintaining his innocence stated that
he was quitting with "infinite" sadness and said that
this will also give him time to devote his time to the
allegations against him adding "To all, I want to say I
deny with the greatest possible firmness all the
allegations that have been made against me" The IMF
chief's resignation comes in the wake of mounting
pressure that he should go with US Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geitner reportedly saying that he was not in a
position to run the IMF and that an interim replacement
should be named. That could have sealed his fate and
triggered his resignation. The 62-year-old French
citizen, a strong contender for France's Presidency is
reported to have stated that he would devote "all my
strength, all my time, and all my energy" to proving his
innocence. Meanwhile one of the IMF client/member
countries, Sierra Leone continues to treat allegations
of rape with contempt even after a Commission set up by
the Ernest Bai Koroma government had made
recommendations in the wake of rape allegations against
supporters of the ruling APC after they attacked the
headquarters of the opposition SLPP. His then Press
Officer, and now Deputy Information Minister gained
further notoriety when he came out with an official
statement from State House with the headline -
SLPP rape claims were a big
hoax, says Bankole Thompson Commission
....a far cry from what the legal mind of Justice
Bankole Thompson had stated in his findings.
Sunday August 7,
- Yet another Sunday for true Christians and real and
ordained men of the cloth to lead them, continue to give
thanks and praises to the Almighty for His mercies.
Why has one of the high priest's "sermons"
gone missing?
Yes indeed with another
holy day upon the Christian community and with our
brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith in fasting one
would think and believe that this day should be spent by
true Christians in repentance and prayers. Prayers that
the Good Lord in His mercy will grant us that which is
good and repentance for not doing that which we ought to
have done. Even as we pray that all will be well for
each and every one of us and as a nation, we have just
noticed that one of the "sermons" from the high priest
at the altar of the shrine to Ernest Bai Koroma has gone
missing. We hope that by the end of the day that sermon
on "violently grabbing" that which is not yours will be
back where it rightly belongs so that the high priest
can be further exposed for what he really is as he
muddies the waters of medical terms and terminology. Some good Samaritan must
have advised the high priest that he had gone overboard
and so removed the "sermon" which we demand that he puts
back. After all the high priest has not yet published,
among his many "qualifications" that he is a
cardiologist even though we have noticed that among his
numerous papers are postgraduate degrees obtained in
London to wit (i) London School of Journalism - School
year 1980, (ii) postgraduate University of London -
Education - school year 1984 and of course not
forgetting the (iii) University of London Law degree in
1997. Have we forgotten the Masters Special Education
from the University of Phoenix? No - we dare not. We
would humbly suggest a theme for the next "sermon" -
"Gluttony is a sin"
and waiting to see how this would be woven to fit into
the praise-singing mantra at the altar of the demi-god,
giver of jobs and appointments, controller of the
nation's purse and contributor to the Haiti Appeal of
a hundred thousand US dollars
even as Sierra Leoneans in the mother country try to
survive the challenges of daily living.
Update - We have noticed
today 8th August 2011 that the "disappeared sermon"
appears to be back. We shall now remove the link to that
as we are not a part of the Ernest Bai Koroma altar
choir. However we shall link to what we saw on that page
before we raised the alarm. So here goes - this was the
page when it disappeared on Friday August 5, 2011 -
"» 404
Apologies, but
the page you
requested could
not be found."
Sunday July 31,
- Another Sunday, another day for true Christians to
worship the true God, the Living and Almighty God and
not mortals, creations of the Most High. The Sierra
Herald hopes that by the time this is published the high
priest of the tin god would not have put up another of
his "sermons".

We were hoping that we
could suggest a theme for the high priest at the shrine
of Ernest Bai Koroma, giver of jobs, money, awards and
appointments to those who unceasingly, sing his praises
as well as glorify him for keeping them in their jobs -
never mind the "jobs" not having any of the usual job
descriptions you find in serious government
institutions. Going through some so-called "sermons"
dedicated to Ernest Bai Koroma the god that does no
wrong, we came across a rather interesting piece that
goes to demonstrate the level of prostration before the
idol carved out in the image of Ernest Bai Koroma.
On November 28, 2010
- the high priest at the shrine of Ernest Bai Koroma
came out with this "sermon". I know it is quite a bitter
pill, but please take your time to read it. On that same
day, this "sermon" was "modified" because, we presume
the first did not contain the name of Ernest Bai Koroma.
And true to form, the modified version did contain the
name of
the god Ernest Bai Koroma.
We tried to put the new additions in red. Maybe there
could be more. Such is the enterprise of the high
priest. We found the topic quite interesting, very
interesting more so when it came to the postgraduate
qualifications of the high priest to wit the University
of Phoenix from where he claims to have obtained a
Masters Special Education degree in 2006....but that is
another story, never mind the postgraduate Law degree
from - yes - the University of London. He claims to have
got this Law degree in 1997. We did not invent this. The
high priest himself published this piece of
Sunday July 31,
- Creating rice merchants in the armed forces. Why would
the Ernest Bai Koroma government spend more than a
quarter of the military's budget allocation on rice
knowing the havoc rice in the army caused in the past.
Is this a part of a ploy to have the armed forces on the
side of government so that we can get another
"bald-headed man scenario?
The government of Ernest
Bai Koroma appears to have forgotten the lessons of the
past - or has it? The Sierra Herald would like to remind
Dr etc etc Ernest Bai Koroma that having studied the
implications for the economy and the effectiveness of
the armed forces, the previous government of Ahmad Tejan
Kabbah acting on advice from many a quarter including,
we suspect, the donor community decided that allocating
bags of rice to soldiers was a huge economic burden that
could not be sustained and that it made sense to
increase the wages of soldiers so that they could be in
a position to buy rice, the staple. It was left with
them to decide how to balance their own budget to take
care of their needs - this in the face of overwhelming
evidence that rice in the army created rice merchants
with the commodity finding its way into the warehouses
and sales outlets with strong connections. Of the total
allocated to the Ministry of Defence, (56.7 billion
leones) more than a quarter (25.57 percent) (Le14.5
billion leones) is to be spent on rice. Yes rice for the
military. And you can guess who gets the contract for
the supply of such rice and given the lessons of the
past, the scene is set for military officers with the
right political connections to become rice merchants
once again in peace-time Sierra Leone. Here's an excerpt
from an interview former
UK High Commissioner Peter Penfold gave
to a UK broadcaster on the May 1997 coup of Johnny Paul
Koroma et al.
was clearly signs of unrest within the army partly led
by the corruption that was going on in the army. Indeed
one of the projects in which the British government was
involved when I arrived was the training of a new army.
It was through that project we discovered that instead
of the fifteen thousand strong army which is what the
army claimed it had and therefore was drawing fifteen
thousand salaries and rice rations, it effectively only
had eight thousand people and therefore the rice ration
ended up with senior officers being rice traders and
only part time soldiers".
Friday July 22,
- 18 officially confirmed dead as Malawians wake up to
review the action of an intolerant government that sends
the army and police to kill unarmed protesters.
President Bingu bans news outlets reporting events as
they unfold...going down the road to perdition?
Malawians will today bury
at least eighteen unarmed civilians killed by security
forces (police and army) during protests against the
government of President Bingu wa Mutharika. The figure
of eighteen was released by the Malawian Health ministry
with speculations that more could have been killed with
at least scores of other protesters nursing wounds, some
of a life-threatening nature. Health ministry spokesman
Henry Chimbali is quoted by the international news
agency Reuters as saying
"These figures are
based on those casualties that are coming through to
the hospitals. Some died in hospital while some were
brought by police already dead," Chimbali told
Reuters. A further 41 people were injured, six
critically, he added.
BBC reports that
last week,
the UK government cut aid to
Malawi after accusing the government of
handling the economy badly. Other donors have also
reduced aid even as a defiant President Bingu brushed
aside suggestions that he patches things up with the
British government or risks facing economic slap down by
that country and other donor countries. President Bingu
wa Mutharika has rejected calls that he steps down.
Thursday July
21, 2011
- Counting the human toll in Malawi as protesters
against President Bingu wa Mutharika come under live
fire from the state. Seven reported dead this
morning...and mounting while many are left with wounds
fired from bullets and guns paid for by the Malawi tax
payer. A warning to the Ernest Bai Koroma government
that when a people are forced into the corner, they will
always come out to demand their rights.
Malawians from all
walks of life were out in the streets and alleys
yesterday to protest against the high cost of living
even though a late night Tuesday government statement
had described the Wednesday action as illegal. This
attempt at preventing the protests going ahead was later
withdrawn paving the way for the protests to go ahead.
clearly desperate government machinery got party
supporters out in the streets armed with machetes and
other weapons threatening those who had dared to
did not work as protesters determined to press on their
message went ahead with their action. Police fired
volleys of tear gas into civilian protesters before
opening up with live rounds on unarmed civilian
protesters. An eyewitness on the BBC's Network Africa
programme this morning reported that at least seven
people have been confirmed dead and many are suffering
from bullet wounds. The government banned all live
coverage of the protests on radio and television leaving
Malawians to settle for the government version of events
on state broadcasters. The Sierra Herald hopes that the
authorities in Sierra Leone are studying events in
Malawi and that there's a limit to the patience of the
suffering masses. President Ernest Bai Koroma is
particularly reminded that politicising the armed forces
and surrounding himself with key operatives of the human
rights-abusing junta of Johnny Paul Koroma just cannot
intimidate Sierra Leoneans. He is also reminded to
reflect on what happened after the
May 1997 coup when
the population brought the murderous and rapist junta to its knees.
Saturday July
16, 2011
Amnesty International Annual
Report 2011 - A time for reflection for those
who have put Sierra Leoneans under the yoke of massive
and unbridled corruption while the thing which passes
for a government operates in secrecy to pervert the
rights of "unconnected" Sierra Leoneans
The Sierra Herald has been
watching with keen interest attempts being made by the
internet flying toilets of Ernest Bai Koroma that all is
well under the guidance and instructions of their
paymaster, the smoke and mirrors President of an Ernest
Bai Koroma. We have observed and noted all the facade to
give the impression that the mother country had never
had it so good with Ernest Bai Koroma at the helm -
never mind the corruption aimed at dispossessing Sierra
Leoneans of their lands and resources. We are sure,
quite sure that the purveyors of lies, more lies and
damned lies could have seen the rights group
International's 2011 report - a report which has
this preface -
International's 2011 report reveals a world in which
people continue to challenge oppression despite the
powerful array of repressive measures used against
them. It shows that the communities most affected by
human rights abuses are the real driving force
behind the
human rights struggle. "
No - we are not
surprised that they would have feigned ignorance of such
a report for it highlights the failings of a government
that has got itself all wrapped up in massive
corruption, violations of human rights and whose head
has never publicly apologised when allegations of rape
are made against his operatives which include his
buddies of the human rights abusing AFRC junta. We are
not surprised because when Amnesty International raised
concerns about
human rights abuses during junta
rule in October 1997, one of the
defenders of the junta,
the Expo Times newspaper
published an editorial condemning Amnesty International
as well as calling for extra judicial executions of all
those perceived as opponents of the AFRC/RUF junta - a
part of which stated
"Now that Amnesty has designed its own warfare on the AFRC, it
is good for the AFRC to give Steve Cathy Bio and others a speedy trial, and
verdict passed on their treason case. Those found guilty must be executed and those sued for
misprison of treason given their various jail terms."
Saturday July 9, 2011 - A new
nation is born. Welcome to the African continent South
Sudan and to the community of nations of the world. 
Africa has a new nation,
the newest in the world - thanks to South Sudan becoming
an independent nation today July 9, 2011. It took
millions of lives in a war which lasted for more than
twenty years before today's celebrations could become a
reality and the rather uneasy peace that led to the
cessation of hostilities between the mainly Muslim north
and the animist and Christian south in that historic
Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the CPA. The President of
the north of the country Omar Bashir attended to witness
the signing-in of South Sudan's first President Salva
The BBC reports
that South Sudan was born at midnight local South
Sudanese time (9pm GMT Friday) and that ceremonies were
held at the mausoleum of the late rebel leader
John Garang. The
Daily Nation of Kenya reported that the
independence declaration was read out in front of dozens
of Heads of State adding
"South Sudan's
national flag was then raised, to wild applause,
tears and song.
"We shall never,
never surrender," the crowd chanted, as people
whistled and wiped tears from their eyes.
"I should cry for
the recognition of this flag among the flags of
the world," shouted one tearful man.
"We have been
denied our rights. Today, no more shall that
happen," he added.
Kenya's President
Mwai Kibaki, the first foreign dignitary to
speak, declared that his country "fully
recognises" South Sudan. Egypt, another key
regional power, also officially recognised the
Republic of South Sudan, Foreign Minister
Mohammed al-Oraby said on his arrival in Juba
for the celebrations, the official MENA news
agency reported"
The Sierra Herald joins
all good wishers in praying for the best for the new
Floreat South
March 17, 2011
- OGI - The Open Government Initiative - what's going on as
Director Khadija Sesay keeps dodging questions? How open is OGI?
The Sierra Herald has spent quite
a few weeks if not a month or so trying to understand just what
the OGI, a sub-station at State House has been doing since
Director Khadija Sesay was appointed by no less a person than
His Excellency Dr (etc etc) Ernest Bai Koroma. The website of
this all-important organisation leaves much to be desired
because of the lack of information on the activities of OGI save
for the spurious reports from the flying toilets about Khadija
Sesay holding "Town Hall" meetings with Sierra Leoneans here,
there and everywhere outside Sierra Leone...and coincidentally
whenever the President plans to go abroad. As soon as President
Koroma announces that he will be visiting the United States or
Europe, the internet flying toilets will tell those who care to
read that Director Khadija Sesay will be/is/was there well
before the President for her meetings leaving befuddled and
bewildered Sierra Leoneans more confused as to what the role of
this non-political body is in reality, all about. Several emails
to Khadija Sesay and her deputy as stated on that wretched
website of an OGI (RI?) have failed to elicit any response.
Director Khadija Sesay - the Sierra Herald awaits accounting
from you on how state resources are being spent by the OGI. The
Sierra Herald is even more puzzled that the internet flying
toilets could report on the travels of OGI Director Khadija
Sesay, yet not use their web editor WordPress (Ahmed Kamara
should know what we are stating here) to make the
website more respectable as well as
user-friendly where questions asked would be answered. The
Sierra Herald would still want to know what the OGI budget is,
how much of this is spent on the travels of Khadija Sesay, who
authorises her travels and how that office is run with details
of monies spent. Or do we have to ask the Anti Corruption
Commission to investigate? Over to you Mr Joseph Kamara.