Journalist says the chaos in Bo was well-planned by the SLPPSeptember 10, 2011 Journalist Dauda Bangura was in Bo Town yesterday when chaos broke out between supporters of the ruling All People’s Congress (APC ) and the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ). The journalist gave COCORIOKO his own version of the chaos : “I was present in Bo during the fight and on my way to Kenema. ” “The whole process was well planned by the SLPP, because Police had earlier told them not to use the route where the APC party office is located at Mahei Boima road. The permit that the Police issued was for them to use Tinkoko Road unto the Bo Coronation Field where maada Bio was supposed to speak to his supporter. But maada ordered his supporters to use the Bo- Kenema highway to Shell Mingo junction and from there take the left root of Sewa road and Mahei Boma road where APC party office is located. There was first an attack with stones on one unfinished house opposite the PMDC house far from APC party office by SLPP Supporters before the vehicle of Maada approached the scene. Immediately, there was a return of stones from the same direction, one of which happened to hit the vehicle of Maada Bio. ”
During the Course of the Investigation the following Key Issues were identified a. Legality of the Procession It has been established that on the 29th August 2011 the SLPP District Secretary Bo Mr. Mohammed E.K Alie wrote a letter to the Paramount Chief Kakua Chiefdom Bo PC Prince Lappia Boima the fourth and the LUC Bo Police Division Mr. Theophilus Senesie requesting for clearance and Police coverage for a procession, Pouring of libation at the Party office and a public meeting at the coronation field in Bo; in respect of the visit of the flag bearer elect of the SLPP Rtd. Brig Julius Maada Bio on Friday 9th September 2011. In response to that request, the Local Unit Commander for Bo District Mr. Theophilus Senesie who was in a workshop in Freetown instructed his chief clerk to issue security clearance and to provide security for the visit of Rtd. Brigadier Julius Maada Bio, whose letter was dated 9th September 2011. It has also been observed that on the 9th September 2011 the SLPP presented the route for the procession to the Police. This Panel has established that the Procession was legal and authorized. b. Wounding of the SLPP Flagbearer Brigadier Rtd. Julius Maada Bio It has been established that during the course of the investigation the SLPP Procession arrived at the vicinity of the PMDC and APC offices along Mahei Boima Road Bo at about 1500hours on the 9th September 2011. It has also been established that when the Procession arrived at the PMDC office, the flag bearer was standing through the sun roof of the vehicle where he waved to the people who were standing in the compound of the PMDC office. It has also been confirmed that the procession was peaceful up to the point when they arrived at the vicinity of the APC office. It was at that point that the first sets of stones were pelted at the procession from the direction of the APC office. It has been confirmed that the following people Mohamed Conteh Alias Bomb Blast, Alias Bobby APC and Lamin Alias Shakur were among the people throwing stones. The investigation has confirmed that the SLPP flag bearer Brigadier Rtd. Julius Maada Bio was hit on the head by a stone released by a catapult by Mohamed Conteh Alias Bomb Blast. This stone that hit the SLPP flag bearer’s head resulted in wounding and oozing of blood from his head. Additionally, this wounding has been confirmed from three source Eyewitnesses, Video clip of the procession, medical reports from Dr. M.B Yilla of Kindoya Hospital No.1 Prince Williams Street Bo, Dr. Patrick Bankah (Ghana) and Dr. Rashida Kamara . It has also been confirmed that after the SLPP flag bearer was hit and wounded on his head stones started coming from the SLPP Procession towards the APC office. Damage on the rear screen of the vehicle the flag bearer was also confirmed. Evidence adduced so far has confirmed that on Friday 9th September 2011 about thirteen (13) people were found behaving in a riotous manner and throwing stones within the vicinity of the APC office in Bo along Mahei Boima Road Bo. The thirteen (13) suspects are as follows:
Riotous conduct
5. CONCLUSION Based on the findings through statement taking, interviews and onsite visits to the crime scene the Panel concludes;