Thursday October 11, 2012 - The first International Day
of the Girl Child is observed - a day set aside by the
United Nations to recognise the rights of the girl child
and what the world body calls the unique challenges
girls face around the world. It is a day that should be
observed and taken seriously especially in Sierra Leone
where the girl child is often seen as an object of
sexual pleasure, derision and forced into under-age
conjugal arrangements that only benefit the men to whom
they become practically enslaved. 
Today October 11,
2012 is the first observance by the United Nations of a
day dedicated to the girl child and it should not be
lost on all Sierra Leoneans that this is a day that
should be top on the agenda of any caring
government given what
the girl child was put through
during the country's troubles. And yet, we are sad to
observe, not a word from State House nor any of the
related government ministries and organisations that
should make the life of the girl child good rather than
one of misery and socio-economic unpredictability.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
has added his voice to the call for an end not only to
child marriages but pleads with all to give the girl
child a chance in life.
"For its first observance, this year’s Day will focus
on child marriage, which is a fundamental human rights
violation and impacts all aspects of a girl’s life.
Child marriage denies a girl of her childhood, disrupts
her education, limits her opportunities, increases her
risk to be a victim of violence and abuse, jeopardizes
her health and therefore constitutes an obstacle to the
achievement of nearly every Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) and the development of healthy communities.
Globally, around one in three young women aged 20-24
years were first married before they reached age 18. One
third of them entered into marriage before they turned
15. Child marriage results in early and unwanted
pregnancies, posing life-threatening risks for girls. In
developing countries, 90 per cent of births to
adolescents aged 15-19 are to married girls, and
pregnancy-related complications are the leading cause of
death for girls in this age group.
I urge Governments, community and
religious leaders, civil society, the
private sector, and families –
especially men and boys, to promote the
rights of girls, including through the
relevant Conventions, the Beijing
Declaration and Platform for Action, and
the Programme of Action of the
International Conference on Population
and Development. Let us be guided by the
theme of today’s observance – “my life,
my right, end child marriage” – and let
us do our part to let girls be girls,
not brides."
It is no secret and records are there to show this -
that the girl child in Sierra Leone was the target of
armed groups who carried out massive human rights
violations against children especially
girl children who got
gang-raped, were brutally sexually molested and made
"war-brides" attached as "wives" to armed men who seized
them from the comforts of their homes. And it is worth
noting that this year's theme - the first - "Ending Child
Marriage" - should be of concern to Sierra Leoneans and
friends of Sierra Leone where the girl child is
"married" off to men they were not keen on meeting, men
who deprived them of their sexual, physical and
psychological development and men who would want to live
in the 21st century but would want to "enjoy" the
depravity meted out to girls in the dark ages.
Karine Belair has noted in an article - "Unearthing
the customary law foundations of "forced marriage"
during Sierra Leone's civil war..." that
During the civil war that ravaged Sierra Leone from
1990 to 2001, thousands of women and girls were raped,
abducted, and taken to Revolutionary United Front (RUF),
West Side Boys, or Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC)
rebel camps. 3 They were assigned to a man
and, from that day forward, had to submit to him
sexually and perform countless domestic tasks for him.
This relationship between the rebels and their captives
was commonly known as "forced marriage," with the
captive women testifying that they were assigned to a
"husband" or "rebel husband," and the rebel men
referring to their captives as "wives" or "bush wives."
4 The type of marriage that was thought to
have disappeared with the conclusion of inter-tribal
wars and the abolition of slavery appeared to have
returned to Sierra Leone from its past, invigorated and
with new force.
One victim recalls
what happened
“The rebels took me to the provinces. Makeni [in the
north]. I was raped on the way to Makeni. I was unable
to walk [afterwards], I was bleeding. Seven men raped
me. I was a virgin. “In Makeni I was forced to become
the bush wife of CO Papa, the second commander of
Scorpion Group. “I lived with him for seven months – I
was forced to have sex, but also to collect firewood and
water. During that time CO Papa wouldn't let the other
men touch me. “I escaped. The rebels were killing too
many people. I was scared and had to escape. I was
pregnant with CO Papa's child.
As the world observed this very important day, not a
squeak from the government as a body, nor the President
as a father and human being, nor from his paid
trumpeters that today should be a central focus in the
political agenda of the ruling APC party as well as on
the agenda of all political parties in Sierra Leone. We
believe this day should be central point of action and
focus for all those wishing to enhance the life of the
girl child so that this important sector of our life
would be given the opportunity to develop to its full
Stories abound of the use of economic leverage to
tear the girl child from the protection of poor families
with offers of gifts that eventually lead to poor
families practically mortgaging the girl child to
unscrupulous sexual predators who use these girl
children as sex objects with parents and relations too
afraid to end the relationship for fear of losing the
favour of these predators.
The excuse of "our culture" to marry off girls into
sexual depravity is nothing new and despite the many
efforts of some concerned organisations to end the
unwholesome practice it is still encouraged within and
outside Sierra Leone from where sexual predators and
traffickers organise "arranged marriages".
We would urge all and sundry to
remember such acts of forced
marriage in whatever form is a crime and we would
urge the government - all governments in Sierra Leone to
put in place the necessary legislation that would outlaw
all such practices that lure girls into marriages without
their consent. The age of such consent should be set so
that the child involved is not trapped into a
relationship they would not want to be a part of. Legal
provisions must be provided that would allow such a
trapped girl child to opt out of
such arrangements of her own free will.
According to the world body -
Governments in partnership with civil society
actors and the international community are
called upon to take urgent action to end the
harmful practice of child marriage and to:
Enact and enforce appropriate
legislation to increase the minimum age of
marriage for girls to 18 and raise public
awareness about child marriage as a
violation of girls’ human rights.
Improve access to good quality primary
and secondary education, ensuring that
gender gaps in schooling are eliminated.
Mobilize girls, boys, parents, leaders,
and champions to change harmful social
norms, promote girls’ rights and create
opportunities for them.
Support girls who are already married by
providing them with options for schooling,
sexual and reproductive health services,
livelihoods skills, opportunity, and
recourse from violence in the home.
Address the root causes underlying child
marriage, including gender discrimination,
low value of girls, poverty, or religious
and cultural justifications.
Time to be a part of the
21st century, culture or no culture. We would
again remind child rights advocates within and
without the country to ask President Ernest Bai
Koroma and all those who were present about the
fate of the six year old girl, who was clad in
white and forced into
a satanic ritual at State