Friday December
9, 2016
- United Nations
Anti-Corruption Day and once more not a whimper from the
rat's lair as he and his feckless praise singers try to
deflect public attention from the mafia of corruption
and lawlessness.  The United
Nations' (UN) International Anti-Corruption Day is
annually observed on December 9 to raise public
awareness of corruption and ways to fight it and this
year's theme - "United against corruption for
development, peace and security" should send a message
to the rat and those feeding fat from his droppings that
they are not only nation wreckers, but are enemies of
the people especially the poor and unconnected.
In a
message commemorating the day, the watchdog
Transparency International
has observed - "People are dying because money meant for
health care is stolen. The proceeds of large-scale
corruption laundered in luxury property. Women and girls
subjected to sexual demands in return for passing exams.
Democracy undermined by money in politics.
workers losing their lives when unsafe buildings
certified by unscrupulous inspectors collapse.
earned tax payer money misappropriated.
Directly or
indirectly, rich or poor, male or female, all of us are
affected by corruption. But it does not have to be this
way. All of us also have the power to fight corruption."
Tell that to the APC Majority Leader
in Parliament, one RASSin Bundu who would not want
anyone to ask them to account unless they are registered
in Sierra Leone!!!
Given what obtains on the ground in
Sierra Leone, one would think that the above
observations are clearly a spotlight on corrupt
practices in Sierra Leone where the nation wreckers use
ill-gotten gains to wreck the homes of poor families,
entice the daughters and wives in
economically-challenged families to gratify sexual and
other desires as the poor are held hostage by the
vultures of corruption whose power of deceit and the
impoverishment of the masses are derived directly from
the rat at State House in Freetown.
"People are dying
because money meant for health care is stolen" is a
direct reflection on and reference to the dastardly act
of the nation wreckers who saw nothing wrong in stealing
funds meant for the fight against the Ebola Virus
Disease, Cholera and other diseases that need not have
claimed the lives of so many Sierra Leoneans.
reports of the Auditor-General and the rat himself
cursing all those who profited from the suffering and
deaths of the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak and calling
the funds stolen as blood money, no one has been held to
account and no one will be as all the fake contracts
unearthed are reported to have had the paws of the rat
in nearly, if not all of them.
Indeed the
UN has noted -
"Every year $1 trillion is paid in bribes while an
estimated $2.6 trillion are stolen annually through
corruption – a sum equivalent to more than 5 per cent of
the global GDP.
In developing countries, according to
the United Nations Development Programme, funds lost to
corruption are estimated at 10 times the amount of
official development assistance.
Corruption is a serious
crime that can undermine social and economic development
in all societies. No country, region or community is
immune. This year UNODC and UNDP have developed a joint
global campaign, focusing on how corruption affects
education, health, justice, democracy, prosperity and
development. The 2016 joint international campaign
focuses on corruption as one of the biggest impediments
to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)."
UN Secretary General
Ban ki Moon in his
message on the day stated -
"The 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development is the world’s inspiring new
manifesto for transforming our world and building a
better future for all. But as we undertake this crucial
journey of implementation, a broad barrier stands in our
path: corruption.
No country is immune, and every
country bears a responsibility to end it.
strangles people, communities and nations.
It weakens
education and health, undermines electoral processes and
reinforces injustices by perverting criminal justice
systems and the rule of law.
By diverting domestic and
foreign funds, corruption wrecks economic and social
development and increases poverty.
It harms everyone,
but the poor and vulnerable suffer most. The theme of
this year’s observance is “Corruption: An impediment to
the Sustainable Development Goals”.
Goal 16 urges
substantial reductions in corruption and bribery and the
development of effective, accountable and transparent
institutions at all levels.
The UN Convention against
Corruption, buttressed by its peer review mechanism, is
mobilizing action for honest, transparent, accountable
governance, but far more is needed. On International
Anti-corruption Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to
ending the deceit and dishonesty that threaten the 2030
Agenda and our efforts to achieve peace and prosperity
for all on a healthy planet."
The Executive Director of the UN
office on Drugs and Crime (UNODOC)
Yury Fedotov, noted
"The G20 estimates that 90 trillion US dollars in
infrastructure investment is required between 2015 and
2030 to support global growth and development. To
protect this investment corruption’s destructive impact
should not be ignored.
There needs to be a wholehearted
and determined contribution to global anti-corruption
efforts from the world’s public and private sectors.
Corruption is a direct threat to infrastructure
investment. It does not discriminate and impacts rich
and poor countries alike; but it is the vulnerable and
the weak who suffer most.
If we do not unite to
successfully eliminate corruption, we risk economic
growth being slowed and prosperity muzzled.

also corrodes much needed credibility and trust in the
rule of law and criminal justice systems and wastes
valuable resources.
Goal 16 of the 2030 Sustainable
Development Agenda on peaceful and inclusive societies
seeks substantial reductions in corruption and bribery.
To achieve this, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
has created a comprehensive approach that includes the
UN Convention Against Corruption and its cutting edge
peer review mechanism.
Thanks to the 2030 Agenda, there
is now a growing recognition that crimes such as
corruption no longer haunt the periphery of the world’s
sustainable development activities. Efforts against
crime and corruption are now at the centre of this work.
At the local level, UNODC works with countries to offer
technical advice on invaluable legislative reform and to
help build capacities in the area of law enforcement and
successful prosecutions. But change cannot come without
the active engagement of the private sector to create a
zero tolerance culture, especially in supply chains.
Policies should promote private sector competition, and
fees for services should be reasonable and affordable.
On the International Anti-Corruption Day, I invite all
countries, inter-governmental organizations, and civil
society to join the UNODC/UNDP campaign titled,
“Corruption: An impediment to the Sustainable
Development Goals.” We must end corruption now."
This observation from Yury Fedotov is
being played out in Sierra Leone where it would seem, to
get an appointment from the rat at State House you need
to show just how adept you are at stealing the peoples'
resources. Put simply - you become a part of the kitchen
cabinet of the rat if you are perceived by him as a crook, dishonest and can
invent any smoke and mirrors situation to deceive the
public or could feel comfortable in the den of thieves,
pretending that you don't understand until the fan gets
Parliament, the law-making body that
should be guarding the interests of ordinary Sierra
Leoneans is as compromised as the other arms of
governance making it a duty to give a free hand to all
those engaged in perceived corrupt practices.

When a rights group requested that all
members of Parliament account for the funds received to
develop their constituencies, there arose a huge uproar
with the so-called majority Leader of the All Peoples
Congress, APC insisting that he had searched all over
the country and that the rights group was not a
registered body.
There is no word, no line, no sentence
in the laws of Sierra Leone which says that you have to
be registered to call out for public office holders to
account. And yet this leech RASSin Bundu had the
gumption to tell the people of Sierra Leone that he and
his gang in Parliament should not be held to account.
Here is a law-making body, who should
be an arm of the check and balances of the Executive and
the Judiciary and of itself accepting fake or
unsubstantiated statements and documents presented to it
by those appointed by the rat.
If this is not a contempt of
Parliament for which the appointees should have been
taken to task and denied the job with a possibility of a
criminal case against the offenders, then one wonders
what else these law makers will get to in their
desperate bid to please the rat at State House.
The Public Service Commission, the PSC,
the main recruiting body into the civil service has a
rule which makes it an offence should anyone take
documents that could not be verified to an interview by
a board. The Criminal Investigations Department, the CID
could still have records of people they charged to court
for presenting fake documents before the PSC. In a
number of cases, those suspected of presenting forged
papers are arrested at the PSC after the police had been
notified. And here we have a law-making body accepting
dodgy documents and confirming the people they are meant
to examine before confirmation of an appointment. If
corruption rules the waves even in the law-making body,
then what hope for the people of Sierra Leone in terms
of transparency, justice and the rule of law?
Indeed in Sierra Leone it is corruption and the
practice encouraged from State House that has seen the
rule of law subverted with the judiciary no longer fit
for purpose and parliament becoming a rubber stamp for
enhancing the rogue policies of the rat. The so-called
Majority Leader of Parliament is so enmeshed in
corruption that he saw nothing wrong in using tax payers
money to fly him and his kind out to the fringes of the
last UN General Assembly to make a spectacle of himself
as he and the urchin of an Information minister tried to
outdo each other in a dance macabre in the alleyways of
New York City.
Last year we reminded our reader of
the heartless thieving at the heart of the
rat's administration
or what passes for it. Sierra Leone under the rat is now
a country where corruption is celebrated and where the
honest are ridiculed for not making money at the expense
of the poor.
In August this year, the Auditor
General presented to Parliament, (yes the same oddball
of an institution that encourages lawlessness) a report
on the corruption regimen that exists in the government
procurement system that sees the rat and his cabal
enriching themselves with no regard to probity and the
rule of law. The letter was headlined
SECTOR ENTITIES which looked at how
corruption had now become the norm rather than the rare
This bit from the report says quite a
lot about how corruption is made to fester with the rat
and cabal bleeding the country to death.
Procurement of “G1098” stores items
– overpricing
As a guiding principle for the
evaluation of bids, market surveys are normally carried
out to enable a reserve price to be set, which then
serves as a benchmark to compare with bid prices
submitted by potential suppliers.
The International Security Advisory
Team (ISAT) and the MOD Military Adviser provided an
estimated cost of $3,584,460 and $3,906,473,
respectively. Both including a profit margin of 20%, and
intended to serve as benchmark prices.
Based on the procurement committee
minutes, the advice given by both advisors was ignored
and the Ministry selected Sentano General Supplies at
$16,442,822 which resulted in an overpricing of
The procurement process was skewed to
deliberately allow for incurring additional costs,
thereby preventing transparent, competitive, economical
and cost effective procurement. In short, Ministry
officials cost the public purse an unnecessary $12.5
million at a time when the government is desperately
seeking cash to meet its basic obligations to the
citizens of Sierra Leone.
Residence rehabilitation and guest
house construction - irregularities
Included in the total contract sums
for the rehabilitation of Hill Cut military residence
and the construction of a guest house were contingencies
of Le94,114,630 and Le272,866,820 respectively. The
contracts were fixed price and the procurement documents
contained no clause defining which events might give
rise to a ‘contingency’. It would appear that the
‘contingencies’ were included merely to increase the
government’s cost in delivering such projects.
An award letter, dated 30th September
2015, was issued to Franko General Merchandise for this
rehabilitation work.
However, the contract bid security
expired on 17th November 2015, before the contract was
signed and in force.
The procurement document criteria for
the construction of the guest house required the
submission of a Freetown City Council certificate. This
requirement unfairly deterred international firms
submitting bids as the document could only be provided
by national companies.
A bid criterion for the guest house
contract was inconsistently applied to bidders.
The lowest competitive bidder, Yorma
Enterprises, was disqualified for failure to submit the
Freetown City Council Certificate.
However, the contract was awarded to
Samgus Investment who also did not submit the
certificate. The Yorma Enterprise’s bid price was
Le2,882,086,375 lower than that of Samgus by
Le122,110,617 and ‘contingencies’ of Le272,866,820 were
included in the contract price.