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Nearly all men can
stand adversity, but if you want to test
a man's character, give him power -
Abraham Lincoln
Thursday August
21, 2014 - The "crimes" of being a journalist is
violently thrust into our faces again as US
journalist is beheaded by masked murderer
believed to have a "British" accent. US reveals
that attempts to rescue hostages held by the
extremely violent and cruel band of killers
The world's TV
screens and other media outlets, social media
especially have been full of the disgusting and
gut-wrenching picture - the beheading of US
journalist James Foley whose only crime, it
would seem, was to be around recording events
around him and reporting on them - as a true
journalist. He was a non-combatant, unarmed and
his only "weapons" were the instruments of a
journalist, of his trade, wanting to show the world the true
face of the war that he had gone to report on so
that viewers can make their own decisions based
on what they could have seen in James Foley's
reports as well as other outlets. This is the
basis of true journalism but not so for his
killers. James was targeted because he was seen
as a soft touch, a hostage that could be killed
like any farm animal when it suited his captors
and what is so cruel about it all is that his
killers, including the beast who allowed himself
to be on video, even though masked, was there to
tell the world that more such executions would
follow if the United States military continued
the military operation, mainly air strikes, in Iraq
against "Islamic State" forces.
the BBC has
this - "A
Mr Obama
said IS
had "no
place in the
"No just god
would stand
for what
they did
yesterday or
what they do
every single
day," he
added. He said
the future
would be won
by those
such as
James Foley,
who "built
rather than
destroyed". In the IS
titled A
Message to
America, a
James Foley
is dressed
in an orange
kneeling in
beside an
armed man
dressed in
black. The
BBC's Mark Doyle
knows the risks involved in trying to tell the
world the stories of a conflict - "The murder of
James Foley by Islamist militants after his
kidnap in Syria in 2012 has focused attention on
the dangers of reporting from the country."
This brutal
murder takes us back to our troubles in our very
own Sierra Leone where rampaging AFRC and RUF
forces singly or combined wreaked havoc on the
unarmed and unprotected civilian population
using murder, torture, rape, amputations,
slavery and arson as their calling card as they
terrorised all those who stood in their way.
Journalists were also targeted as was so vividly
depicted when both forces overthrew the
democratically-elected Tejan Kabbah government
in May 1997. Our thoughts and prayers are with
the parents and relations of James Foley and
other journalists that are in the grip of the
vicious murderers of ISIS and other
similarly-minded beasts. We pray for the soul of
James Foley.
Update: A Special Church Service -
Mass of Remembrance
- in memory of the murdered journalist, James
Foley was held today Sunday August 24, 2014.
Sunday August 10,
2014 - As the sensitisation campaign intensifies
with the key districts of Kenema and Kailahun in
lockdown, we pay tribute to all those who gave
and continue to make selfless contributions in
the battle against the deadly Ebola. We look at
the work of the United Methodist Church in
Sierra Leone as well as the broader
community...and we ask - what is being done to
contain the disease in the massively
overpopulated slum called Freetown? 
We have so far,
quite rightly we believe, paid tribute to those healthcare
workers - doctors, nurses, porters, cleaners etc
who, despite knowing now about the threats to
their lives in the battle against the ogre
called Ebola, continue to give of their best to
those afflicted as well as to the community.
Many news outlets have reported on the number of
these brave health delivery officials who have
died but what has remained lacking, is to try
and put a face
to the statistics as well as others who died
battling similar deadly infections.
Take the case
of one Dr Aniru Conteh - Dr. Conteh dedicated
his life to treating patients with Lassa Fever
and became known as the world's leading
specialist on the disease. Through ten
years of war, thousands of patients
including United Nations
peacekeepers and rebel fighters were
treated at KGH. The Lassa Isolation
Ward remained open despite
instability and it is perhaps the
notoriety of the killer disease that
ensured its safety. In March 2004, Dr. Conteh
sustained a needlestick injury while
treating a patient and became
infected with the Lassa virus.
Tragically, he died 18 days later
from the disease he had dedicated
his life to eradicate."
Now here's another story that is as sad as it
is intriguing. It is the story of two women
Mballu Fonnie and Veronica Koroma who have been
involved in providing much-needed care for Ebola
patients. Both have had experience working with
people contracting Lassa fever and both had
contracted Lassa fever, but as the Good Lord
would have it, both survived and continued their
work, the very vital work of providing the
much-needed support for Lassa fever patients.
The older of the two women,
Mballu Fonnie
specialized in the delivery of babies whose
mothers are Lassa fever positive. And so for
them it was but natural, given their dedication
and experience that when Ebola reared its ugly
head, they were there to help a people who knew
nothing about Ebola fever and the ravage it can
inflict on families, communities, villages and
towns. Soon after that June interview, both
women also became Ebola patients. Fonnie died. Karoma is surviving. Since the outbreak which started in late
May, about 16 nurses at the Kenema hospital
have died, including all of the nurses at
the Ebola epicenter. The title of the
article - "Nurses,
doctors save lives but lose their own"
(We have taken the liberty of correcting nurse
Veronica Koroma's name, not Karoma as in the
August 9, 2014
The WHO has said the apparent - that the Ebola
outbreak is now an international threat, but as
one aid agency noted, words alone are not
enough. Action on the ground is what is sorely
needed in the battle to contain the beast.
Danger warnings - the aftermath of trying to
quarantine the two districts of Kailahun and
World Health Organization
on Friday August 8, 2014 declared the Ebola
epidemic ravaging Sierra Leone, Liberia and
Guinea an international health emergency and
appealed for global aid to help afflicted
countries. One report says the WHO stopped short
of calling for global travel restrictions,
urging airlines to take strict precautions but
to continue flying to the west African countries
hit by the outbreak. WHO Director-General
Margaret Chan has also called on countries
around the globe to be prepared to "detect,
investigate and manage" Ebola cases if they
should arise while appealing for greater help
for those worst hit by the "largest, most severe
and most complex outbreak in the nearly
four-decade history of this disease."
However before
delving into the ramifications of this WHO
pronouncement, we have to get to grips with the
decision of the government of the rat to
quarantine two districts - Kailahun and Kenema.
According to the pro-government
New Citizen
news outlet - "Minister of Defense, retired
Major Alfred Paolo Conteh yesterday disclosed to
journalists at the usual Government press
briefing organized by the Ministry of
Information and Communications that 1,501
military and 2,000 police personnel have been
deployed nationwide to fight against the Ebola
outbreak in the country. This raises a number of
questions that have to be addressed. Getting the
troops deployed requires quite a lot of planning
and the accompanying logistics. Having deployed
all these troops in an area that has the
contagion, what protective gear do we have for
the security forces so deployed and what about
their feeding and bunkering/housing? Are they
going to terrorise residents from their usual
places of abode so that they can behave as they
did during the war years - as occupation forces?
How were the troops/security forces for this
operation selected? What part of the country are
they from? Who is leading them and what part of
the country is the security forces commander
from who would ensure that the local inhabitants
of the districts of Kailahun and Kenema are
treated with the respect and cultural
sensitivity they truly deserve?
Now back to the
WHO decision. The BBC's
Health Editor
Helen Briggs
has commented on the WHO decision stating - "The decision by the
WHO to declare Ebola a
public health emergency
is, by its own
definition, an
"extraordinary event"
which marks "a public
health risk to other
states through the
international spread of
Bart Janssens,
the latest press statement from the rat, we are
reminded of the formation of a Presidential Task
Force but what we still have to know is just who
are the members of this body. We do know that it
is called a Presidential Task Force which, in
effect means that the rat is the head, but we
know differently and that the man who has been
given this responsibility is one of the rat's
so-called "advisers" who has no expertise when
it comes to such matters. But we'll watch, wait
and see.
Nearly all men can
stand adversity, but if you want to test
a man's character, give him power -
Abraham Lincoln
Wednesday August
6, 2014 - Time to stop the rhetoric and
concentrate minds and action on tackling the
ravages of the deadly Ebola disease. Communities
in Sierra Leone on the verge of getting wiped
out, if not already. Time to ask the
international community for help in setting up
treatment and testing centres. 
The World Health
Organisation has begun a two-day
emergency meeting in Geneva to decide, among
others, whether the Ebola scourge has spread
wide and far enough to be declared an
international emergency requiring international
response. What further evidence the world body
is looking for we do not know given the fact
that the number of deaths in the three main
affected countries of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone has gone over the eight hundred mark with
airlines like British Airways, BA, and Emirates suspending
operations to and from the affected countries. Even
though BA says its a temporary suspension that
is to last until the end of this month, it is
not lost on us that having taken out all its
international staff from the countries
concerned, this is a warning sign to the various
governments that the outbreak could well be
getting out of control.
One CNN report
quotes a health worker in Sierra Leone as saying
that - 'Sierra Leone is not able to deal with
this outbreak', adding - "Anja Wolz, emergency
coordinator for Doctors
Without Borders, spoke to
CNN on Tuesday from an Ebola
facility in Kailahun, Sierra
Leone. "I think that the
government and the ministry
of health here in Sierra
Leone is not able to deal
with this outbreak. We need
much more help from
international organizations
-- as WHO, as CDC, as other
organizations -- to come to
support the government,"
Wolz said. "Still we have
unsafe burials; people who
are doing the burial without
disinfection of the body;
still we have patients who
are hiding themselves; still
we have patients or contacts
of patients who are running
away because they are
This Day
has this story - "A former government minister in
Sierra Leone said on Tuesday that he has lost
nine members of his family to the Ebola epidemic
raging in West Africa. Lansana Nyallah told
state television the dead included his brothers
and sisters in the eastern village of Daru, at
the epicentre of the outbreak. "To those who
still believe that Ebola does not exist, please
take heed," the former youth and education
minister told the Sierra Leone Broadcasting
Corporation. "Nine members of my family
including my brothers and sisters are now dead
from the virus," said Nyallah, who was replaced
in a cabinet reshuffle last year after several
years in President Ernest Bai Koroma's
government. "One of them was an imam who was
also a radio journalist working for a community
radio station in Daru," he said. "Our house is
now empty as no one lives there," he added."
However all is not lost,
according to the report -
"This is the biggest and
most complex Ebola outbreak
in history," Dr. Tom Frieden,
director of the Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention, said
in a statement.
"It will
and it
won't be
can be
he said.
"We know
needs to
The United States is
planning to send 50 health
experts to West Africa to
help contain the outbreak,
which President Barack Obama
addressed in remarks
Tuesday, saying the citizens
of the affected countries
are in Americans' thoughts
and prayers. Frieden said
the 50 experts from the CDC
will work to combat the
outbreak and help implement
stronger systems to fight
the disease."
Reuters news agency report
from Liberia paints a very
disturbing picture - of
relations dumping in the
streets, the bodies of those
who had succumbed to the
Ebola web of death.
"Relatives of Ebola victims
in Liberia defied government
orders and dumped infected
bodies in the streets as
West African governments
struggled to enforce tough
measures to curb an outbreak
of the virus that has killed
887 people. In Liberia's ramshackle
ocean-front capital
Monrovia, still scarred by a
1989-2003 civil war,
relatives of Ebola victims
were dragging bodies onto
the dirt streets rather than
face quarantine, officials
Now Nigeria's Health minister
Onyebuchi Chukwu has declared a state of
national health emergency in the face of the
disease beginning to spread its tentacles in the
country with a start in the commercial capital
Lagos. The WHO's
latest update
states the number of persons dying from the
outbreak has gone above the 900 mark.
August 4, 2014
As first White House meeting between the US
administration and African Heads of State, a
very reluctant rat of a President is forced to
stay at home to attend to pressing issues of
national importance - the Ebola outbreak that is
killing Sierra Leoneans in an atmosphere of
panic, distrust and exhibitions of incompetence
in the health delivery system. 
In a rare moment
of exhibition of care for the people of Sierra
Leone, the smoke and mirrors occupant of State
House in Freetown (read the rat) has with a
heavy heart we suspect, decided to forego a
planned jamboree to the United States,
ostensibly to honour
the invitation of US
President Barack Obama, but in
reality to create an opportunity for further
draining the coffers of state in what would
definitely have been an over-sized delegation.
It took quite a good whipping from the
independent press and like-minded true Sierra
Leoneans to get the rat to change his mind. We
can state a claim that the rat finally decided
to succumb to common sense and his
constitutional mandate to stay at home and
grapple with the Ebola problem after
President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf announced to the
Liberian people, her people, that she would not
be attending the meeting and would stay in
Liberia to oversee the epidemic that is
destroying lives and the country's way of life.
One news outlet had a report that
included this bit -
A local
Non-Governmental Organisation in Sierra Leone, Health for All
Coalition, has called on President Ernest Bai Koroma “to waste no
more time in declaring the Ebola outbreak a public health
emergency”. The organisation’s director, Charles Mambu said at a meeting with
the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone that within one month,
over 10 nurses had died of Ebola and that the transmission rate in
Kenema was due in part to the interaction between health workers and
unsuspecting Ebola patients. He said the situating of the Ebola wards at the Kenema Government
hospital where non-Ebola patients were also admitted was risking the
latter patients. He briefed the commission on the closure of schools
and banks in Kailahun district. Mambu said that when the outbreak was first announced in Sierra
Leone in May, the country was ill-prepared because “it was
completely strange even to some health workers”. He backed the
request of the health workers for the Ebola treatment centre in
Kenema to be relocated outside the hospital.
In his
address to the nation
on this on July 30, 2014, the rat stated, among
others the new moves that would be adopted.
"Consequently, and
in line with the Constitution of Sierra
Leone Act Number 6 of 1991, I hereby
proclaim a State of Public Emergency to
enable us take a more robust approach to
deal with the Ebola outbreak.
He could have been
hanging on, wanting to sweat it out so that he
would not be deprived of another opportunity to
ride on the gravy train to the US and back,
accompanied of course by his cohort of state and
non-state officials given a free ride not only
on his orders, but with a few chucked into the
wagons by State House officials who are often
seen as using such an opportunity to have the
names of persons that would only serve the
personal needs of the rat, but would disappear
in the US of A with a view to seeking the
protection of the United States government in
requesting a stay in that country. President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, on the other hand, being
a more result-oriented and serious about her
plans put these practical measures into place
when she declared -
"Friday, August 1, is
declared a non-working day and is to be used for
the disinfection and chlorination of all public
facilities. All borders that are to remain
opened are to be directly supervised and
controlled by the Bureau of Immigration and
Naturalization whose duties it shall be, working
with the assigned health authorities, to ensure
strict adherence to announced preventive
measures including preliminary testing for
fever. Without exceptions, all schools are
ordered closed pending further directive from
the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of
Commerce is directed to enforce this order. All
such commodities including chlorine, soap,
sanitizers, fliers and buckets are to be
imported duty free."
Among the
stringent measures, the Liberian leader
announced that though she was expected to
have attended the ensuing U.S. - Africa
Leaders Summit in Washington, D. C., U.S.A.
next week, the Vice President instead will
lead the delegation that will include a few
cabinet ministers whose presence are
absolutely necessary.
She also
announced that henceforth, Government
travels will be seriously restricted and
limited to only those that are determined to
be absolutely necessary and critical.
Liberian leader also directed that all
non-essential staff, to be determined by the
Minister or Head of Agency are to be placed
on a 30-day compulsory leave and that
Friday, August 1, is declared a non-working
day and is to be used for the disinfection
and chlorination of all public facilities.
borders that are to remain opened are to be
directly supervised and controlled by the
Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization
whose duties it shall be, working with the
assigned health authorities, to ensure
strict adherence to announced preventive
measures including preliminary testing for
fever,” President Sirleaf directed.
measures without exceptions are that “all
schools are ordered closed pending further
directive from the Ministry of Education.
markets at border areas including Foya, Bo
Waterside, and Ganta are hereby ordered
closed until further notice.
previously directed, video clubs and
entertainment centers must have improved
sanitation including facilities for the
washing of hands prior to entering and
exiting as well as to restrict opening
hours, and the number of individuals
permitted to enter those facilities,” she
emphasized, adding that “all citizens are
seriously advised to avoid public amusement
and entertainment centers.”
- See more at:
August 4, 2014
- Fifty years ago today in 1964, Sierra Leone
launched the first Central Bank - the banker of
all banks in the country - the Bank of Sierra
Leone. Fifty years on, the ideals of the bank
remain largely unattained with political
machinations making a mockery of the dream of
the founding fathers. 
Without any
fanfare, without any of the usual state media
haw-hawing, Central Bank Governor Sheku
Sambadeen Sesay was shown the red card by the
government of the rat with some in the know
insisting that he was not given the sack, but
that his five-year contract had ended and that
the government was not in the mood to renew it.
Not so surprising was the fact that not a squeak
was heard from the rat on why he thought it
prudent and wise to have the man replaced and
one news outlet told us that the former head of
the central bank was becoming quite an
embarrassment -implementing policies that were
inimical to the free market as well as not
consulting enough with his handlers at State
We believe that
the former bank governor's attempt to control
what he sees as the extraordinary and bizarre
use of foreign currency in transactions within
the borders of Sierra Leone must have touched a
very raw nerve - causing unease in the corridors
of State House and other institutions. It is no
secret that rents for certain buildings, be they
for accommodation or business are set in foreign
currency taking such areas out of reach of the
ordinary Sierra Leonean who depends on the
country's national legal tender, the leone.
Indeed feathers at State House must have been
ruffled a bit with the open secret that the rat
has quite a handsome cache of foreign currency
that he uses to bribe political opponents as
well as to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for
more and more acquisitions. In an address to
Parliament the former Governor made a speech in
which he did his best to justify just why
foreign currencies must not hold sway above the
leone in transactions within the country's
borders. The address to the law makers could be
found on
the bank's website
- part of which reads in part - The main purpose
of my address is to explain the rationale for
the Bank of Sierra Leone’s intervention in the
foreign exchange market. In order to make the
policy more effective, BSL will undertake
further measures such as: Enforce the
regulation requiring the use of the Leone as the
Legal tender for all domestic transactions. This
requires collaboration of the legal and law
enforcement agencies; ....It does not require
the brains of a genius to know that implementing
this regimen would have greatly and negatively
affected the foreign exchange accounts of the
rich and corrupt and would have put the dollar
boys out of business, not to talk of the legal
and constitutional implications of having a rat
at State House who relies on the use of foreign
currency within Sierra Leone to carry out his
many nebulous activities. It is a good move and
something we had always advocated to be
implemented in the country of the leone.
Now you know
why former Central Bank Governor Sheku Sambadeen
Sesay was given the red card - the colour of the
party that employed him in the first place.
Kindly recall that four years ago we brought you
insight into the chequered
history of the central bank -
this should give an indication of just how
rotten the system has become and why politicians
who are also businessmen and women would want
things to remain unchanged.
July 26, 2014
- The Ebola outbreak spreads death, chaos and
confusion exposing the chaotic and rudderless
ship that is Sierra Leone's health delivery
system. Lead doctor in the fight against the
scourge succumbs to the ravages of the
pestilence as beasts of no nation try to make
politics out of a terrible situation. 
Reports from
Nigeria that a man from Liberia had died from a
disease that is largely suspected to be the
deadly ebola has got alarm bells ringing, not
only in Lagos where the man died but in the
whole of Nigeria and indeed the sub-region. It
is a stark reminder about the warning from the
World Health Organisation that until and unless
the proper emergency health procedures are in
place and quickly too, we are in for great
trouble - a trouble that strikes even the most
careful if our guard is down in the fight
against the deadly ebola disease. On the same
day that the death of the Liberian was reported
from Liberia, we also heard that the relations,
community members and friends of one affected
woman stormed a health facility in the capital
Freetown and have had the suspected victim
removed from the care of the health personnel
who had been taking the necessary measures at
isolating the suspected case.
The BBC's Tomi Oladipo
has this report, part of which reads - "A hunt
has been launched in Sierra Leone's capital,
Freetown, for a woman with Ebola who was
forcibly removed from hospital by her relatives.
Radio stations around the country are appealing
for help to find the 32-year-old who is being
described as a "risk to all". She is the first
Freetown resident to have tested positive for
the virus. Meanwhile, Nigeria's health minister
has confirmed that a Liberian man has died of
Ebola in Lagos. According to the Reuters news
agency, he collapsed on arrival in Lagos on
Sunday and was taken from the airport and put in
quarantine at a hospital in the Nigerian city.
In the centre of all this confusion and lack of
direction has been the news that the lead doctor
in this fight Dr Shek Umar Kahn has also been
laid low after he contracted ebola while caring
for the hundreds of our unfortunate colleagues.
Latest reports
say he appears to be pulling through as he would
no doubt be trying to work out where he could
have got it wrong. Reports that he was infected
while working at the government-equipped and run
Kenema hospital has not come as a surprise to
many who have been watching the unfolding deadly
drama in the country. Indeed health workers
engaged in the fight went on strike at the
Kenema hospital when at least three of their
colleagues died from ebola and the fact that Dr
Kahn was removed from the Kenema centre to the
MSF-run Kailahun centre speaks volumes of the
government health delivery system.
Our thoughts
are with the relations of those who have died
not knowing what ebola is all about as well as
those battling the symptoms in the hope that
they will be among the lucky ones to recover
from the incurable affliction. We salute the
frontline health workers who put their lives at
risk every day, every hour, every minute, every
second and every moment. They mourn colleagues
who have died but still continue their work in
the hope that they would be able to contain the
We salute you
all and wish you well.
July 2, 2014
- As Ebola threatens to get out of control,
crisis talks begin in Ghanaian capital Accra.
The World Health Organisation believes the West
African sub-region is now under dire threat and
that there's a need for real coordination if the
death and infection tolls are to be reduced, if
not halted completely. 
Health ministers
and administrators are now assembled in the
Ghanaian capital Accra to find ways of tackling
the region's first outbreak of the deadly Ebola
disease which has so far claimed at least four
hundred lives in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone. The first reported outbreak of the
disease was in Guinea where it took a number of
deaths before it was actually confirmed that it
was as a result of the Ebola virus. The Guinean
health authorities were so baffled by the
outbreak that among the first set of victims
were medical personnel who had gone to the areas
affected with a view to helping victims. These
medical personnel died after being infected by
the highly contagious disease that was making
its first appearance in this part of Africa.
Ebola spreads
so much fear and trepidation that two countries
- Sierra Leone and Liberia had to dust their law
books to warn residents that it would be a
criminal offence for anyone to hide suspected
Ebola infections as well as the secret burial of
those who had succumbed to the disease.
Liberia's President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf told
the BBC Focus on Africa programme that her
government was committed to providing for the
healthcare needs of every Liberian and that the
practice of taking the sick to prayer meetings
in churches and other areas must stop. She urged
everyone in Liberia to report such cases to the
authorities so that health officials can make
the necessary intervention to not only help the
victims and relations, but the community. She
said that Liberia now has a massive education
campaign in place that should ease the fear and
worries of many who do not know about the
disease and the risks involved.
In Sierra Leone
not a squeak from the rat. For him and his gang of
looters of state resources, including timber
even when a ban is in force, it's business as
usual as more Sierra Leoneans succumb to the
ravages of Ebola.
We have just been informed that
the rat has finally
squeaked - using an address to
wish all believers at the beginning of Ramadan
well. However we cannot help notice what looks
like an order - "We commend the volunteer nurses
and health workers in Kailahun who are making
the personal and professional sacrifice to
identify, diagnose and treat Ebola patients. I
hereby instruct the immediate absorption of
these brave volunteer nurses and health workers
in Kailahun and Kenema into the civil service."
Brave words but we're just wondering when this
will be effected and how soon these brave
volunteers will receive their first salary and
at what grade.
We wish the
Accra meeting on Ebola well.
Nearly all men can
stand adversity, but if you want to test
a man's character, give him power -
Abraham Lincoln