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Monday July 6, 2015 - Srebrenica remembered. 20 years ago, in 1995 and in 20th century Europe, the world witnessed a mass murder that came to be known as the Srebrenica Massacre as some eight thousand Muslim men and boys were rounded up and murdered in cold blood.
According to the BBC some two thousand people attended a special service today in Westminster Abbey to remember those killed by Bosnian Serb forces twenty years ago. "About 2,000 people have attended a service in Westminster Abbey to remember thousands of Muslim men and boys from Srebrenica killed by Bosnian Serb forces 20 years ago. David Cameron led tributes ahead of the service, saying people "must never, ever forget what happened". The massacre in 1995 was the worst in Europe since World War Two.
A mother, who lost several members of her family, said she hoped the perpetrators would face justice. The genocide came amid the bloody break-up of Yugoslavia into independent states. Serbia backed the Bosnian Serb forces fighting the Muslim-led Bosnian government during the conflict. In July 1995, in what was supposed to have been a UN safe haven, Bosnian Serb forces took control of Srebrenica. They rounded up and killed the men and boys and buried them in mass graves.
Sadly in our own God-given country, those who carried out, those who gave the orders as well as those who supported and condoned the mass murderers and rapists of January 6, 1999 as well as the Mabaylla massacre of early September 1997 continue to lord it over their surviving victims. The beast who threatened to raze Freetown to the ground in 1997 and who could have known of the AFRC/RUF plans to carry out this raze policy still wears the colours of our national army. To twist the knife into the wounds of survivors, the rat has created a new military position of Lt General - this at a time of peace - and filled it with the man who made that threat in 1997 and which was duly carried out by retreating junta forces when they were kicked out in 1998.
Friday July 3, 2015 - Flags fly at half mast and a minute's silence for the thirty UK citizens who were murdered by a gunman in Tunisia. A state of emergency is declared as Tunisians step up security to avert any further blow to its tourism industry.
The United Kingdom government has held ceremonies to honour the memory of thirty UK citizens who were murdered by a gunman on Monday of this week in what has been described as a random, mindless and brutal killing of unarmed and unprotected civilians in the tourist resort of Sousse. The international broadcaster, the BBC reports - "A minute's silence has been held across the UK to remember the 38 people - including 30 Britons - killed in the Tunisia beach attack a week ago. The Queen and Prime Minister David Cameron joined the silence, along with the families of the dead. Tourists and Tunisians gathered at the scene of the attack in Sousse, where they linked arms to observe the pause.
Inquests into the deaths of the Britons are under way, while the bodies of more victims have arrived in the UK. At noon the nation fell silent, with businesses, sporting events and places of worship pausing to mark the moment the killings took place. Tears were shed as hundreds of employees observed the silence at the head office of the travel company whose customers made up the toll of British dead, while flags were flown at half mast on many official buildings.
In Tunisia itself, a ceremony held at the beach-side scene of the killings was attended by Tunisians, tourists and dignitaries - including Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid. Mr Essid has told the BBC the slow response of police to the attack was a major problem. He also said he was deeply sorry for the killings.
Thursday July 2, 2015 - UK military personnel honoured for their fight against the Ebola Virus Disease scourge in Sierra Leone. OBE for military nurse Lt Col Alison McCourt, Commanding Officer of the Kerry Town Treatment Unit.
A nurse who ran an Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone will be awarded an OBE for her contribution to the fight against the deadly disease. According to a statement on the website of the UK Ministry of Defence - "A female British Army officer, whose leadership of the Kerry Town Treatment Unit in Sierra Leone has been described as ‘masterful’, is to be recognised with an OBE in the latest Operational Honours and Awards list, it has been announced.
Lieutenant Colonel Alison McCourt, of 22 Field Hospital, based in Aldershot, was Commanding Officer of the Kerry Town Treatment Unit between October 2014 and May 2015. Her contribution to the fight against Ebola was one of the most significant amongst the many thousands of people who came forward to help the people of Sierra Leone. Deployed at the beginning of the Ebola crisis, Lt Col McCourt, who is a nurse in QARANC*, prepared the unit for opening whilst looking forward to preparing the next tranche of clinical staff to take on the mantle of care delivery, simultaneously increasing capacity by 40 per cent.
Sadly in the country where these brave men and women contributed in halting the murderous march of the Ebola Virus Disease, the government of the rat exposed by the report of the Audit Report on the Management of the Ebola Funds on the massive thieving campaign as over three thousand Sierra Leoneans including health workers and eleven experienced doctors perished is now busy trying to woo the international community for more funds.
Sunday June 14, 2015 - Queen's honour for UK nurse who risked life and limb in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease scourge in Sierra Leone. Will Pooley is now MBE for his remarkable bravery and care for the people of Sierra Leone.
The man who risked everything including dear life to battle the Ebola Virus Disease scourge has been honoured by the Queen on her birthday list in which tributes are paid for outstanding men and women for their contribution in various fields of human endeavour. This was a part of the brief on the BBC website - "A British nurse who contracted Ebola last year during his work in Sierra Leone, has been recognised in the Queen's birthday honours list. Will Pooley, 30, has been made an MBE for his services in combating the disease outbreak in west Africa. He told the BBC afterwards how scared he had been.
Kindly recall that we closely followed this brave nurse who dared to go back to Sierra Leone after he recovered from a disease that could have killed him. On Sunday August 24, 2014 we had this story when news broke that he had been infected. A UK male nurse working with Ebola-infected patients in Kenema and who got infected with the deadly virus is back in the United Kingdom after being flown on board a specially-equipped Royal Air Force (RAF) C-17 plane. The plane carrying him is reported to have touched down at about 8pm gmt at an RAF facility from where, escorted by police cars and motor bikes for ease of movement on the road was taken to a special isolation unit at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead Heath in London. According to the UK-based Daily Mail, 29 year-old male nurse William Pooley, though not attached to any recognised charity took upon himself the task of getting to Sierra Leone to help out after he'd seen and heard reports of just how bad the situation was in Sierra Leone where the health delivery system appeared to be overwhelmed by the vicious and treacherous attacks of the disease.
We join the many true Sierra Leoneans and friends of the country in congratulating William Pooley for the recognition of his work by Her Majesty the Queen.
Tuesday May 26, 2015 - He has done it again. Our very own Sorious Samura, once dubbed "enemy of the state" by those feeding on droppings from the rat is a joint recipient of an award for their work on the Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia.
We are pleased to receive this good news from Al Jazeera - "Al Jazeera's Liberia: Living With Ebola was named Best Documentary at the inaugural Mohamed Amin Media Awards (MAMA) in Nairobi, Kenya last week. Launched by Africa24 Media and Mo Sound, MAMA honours "the best quality, most innovative content and rising platforms that are changing the face of Africa.
"In Liberia: Living with Ebola, Sierra Leone's Emmy, BAFTA and Peabody winner Sorious Samura teamed up withLiberian investigative journalist Mae Azango, a winner of International Press Freedom Awards from both The Committee to Protect Journalists and Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. Working together at extraordinary personal risk, the pair explored the harsh reality of living through the world's deadliest Ebola epidemic. The documentary was produced and directed by Clive Patterson of Insight TWI. Liberia: Living With Ebola premiered in November on Al Jazeera's award-winning Africa Investigates series, which empowers Africa's best journalists to pursue high-level investigative targets across the continent.
We congratulate the entire team with special kudos to our very own brother, the one and only Sorious Samura who was once dubbed "enemy of the state" by one of those feeding on the droppings from the rat at State House.
Sunday May 10, 2015 - Liberia is now Ebola-free and President Sirleaf and the people celebrate. It has been a good fight, a fight that often witnessed strained relations between the Liberian leader and the people. In the end they won and we join the international community in congratulating the people of Liberia for a job well done.
These opening lines on the website of the World Health Organisation, the WHO, said it all. The hopes and aspirations of the people of Liberia in the battle against the deadly, vicious and treacherous killer diseases appears to have been won. The headline stated and we quote with a sense of pride that would be running through the people - "The Ebola outbreak in Liberia is over"
"Today, 9 May 2015, WHO declares Liberia free of Ebola virus transmission. Forty-two days have passed since the last laboratory-confirmed case was buried on 28 March 2015. The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Liberia is over. Interruption of transmission is a monumental achievement for a country that reported the highest number of deaths in the largest, longest, and most complex outbreak since Ebola first emerged in 1976. At the peak of transmission, which occurred during August and September 2014, the country was reporting from 300 to 400 new cases every week.
However being declared Ebola-free though welcomed is not a time for complacency as the WHO noted. "The government is fully aware of the need to remain on high alert and has the experience, capacity, and support from international partners to do so. WHO will maintain an enhanced staff presence in Liberia until the end of the year as the response transitions from outbreak control, to vigilance for imported cases, to the recovery of essential health services."
Sunday May 10, 2015 - World Press Freedom Day was marked a week ago on May 3, 2015 and the theme this year sends a clear message to those doing their utmost to suppress press freedom, freedom of expression and association as found in Sierra Leone. 
This year's Theme: "Let Journalism Thrive! Towards better reporting, gender equality and media safety in the digital age" should be a wake-up call to all those who care about press freedom and expression in Sierra Leone that the days of "careless talk" should have been confined to the annals of despotic rule in Sierra Leone.
The message this year is telling despotic governments that journalism must be allowed to thrive, that the freedom to say what is affecting the welfare of any citizen must be allowed. This message should be heeded by the rat and his gang at State House who believe that they should not be criticised, that they should be allowed to trample on the basic rights of Sierra Leoneans who refuse to sing from their sheets of massive corruption, uncaring attitude and tampering with the Constitution to achieve personal gains.
A day after this, on 4th May 2015, the President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, (SLAJ) Kelvin Lewis in a message, no doubt on behalf of the organisation and all decent and professional journalists as well as those who are in it for the money and kudos from the rat noted -
"We recall that even though a State of Emergency was imposed to deal with the Ebola outbreak yet the exceptional powers granted the President under that regulation was first used to jail journalist David Tam Baryoh. Clearly journalism cannot thrive under such draconian constraints. As devastating as the Ebola outbreak is some good things however emerged out of it. For once all media practitioners became unified, putting aside political and commercial interests to fight the common enemy - Ebola." The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists has also called for the removal of the current state of emergency which was introduced as a means of dealing with the Ebola scourge. This call is quite in place as the rat is now abusing this to harass and terrorise anyone thought to be critical of the rat's actions.
Friday April 3, 2015 -Good Friday in the Christian calendar - a day Jesus was crucified and all because He stood for justice, truth and the integrity of the human creation. And today in the corridors of power, greed and moral decadence in Sierra Leone, men and women led by the rat would be doing their utmost to show just how religious they are quite oblivious of the fact that more than a month after audit report reveals massive corruption by the rat and his band of thieves, the culprits have yet to be brought to book. 
It's more than a month and half now since the report of the Auditor General "Report on the Audit of the Management of the Ebola Funds" into the massive theft of funds meant for the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease was presented to Parliament and made public. It was a report that revealed the depths to which the thieving sewer rats brigade was willing to sink in their ever-desperate bid to make money from whatever source that came through their bloody maws and paws. It was a report that put the spotlight on the band of uncaring, heartless, low-life and thieving operatives in a system that pats the backs of thieves and by extension murderers who would watch people die needlessly while siphoning funds meant for their treatment and comfort into private bank accounts, filthy pockets and hiding places in homes, offices and wherever would be convenient for concealing such stolen funds. Part of the report clearly showed a tendency and trail of money laundering as accounts in foreign banks get oiled even though such accounts were never a part of the even more illegal and criminal contracts signed as witnessed in the Dubai ambulance scandal.
Funds and resources that could have been used to save the lives of the afflicted get diverted into the private coffers of those with the right connection to the lair of the rat. More than a month and half, despite the initial noise and fury from Parliament and the Anti Corruption Commission, we have been proved right again. Both bodies remain compromised and determined to protect the rat and his band of heartless, uncaring and unrepentant nation wreckers with no one taken before the courts to answer for their role in the massive plundering of resources. This is the story of evil, pure evil unmasked.
Monday March 16, 2015 - As investigations hone in on the real culprits - those who gave the orders for the illegal contracts, smoke and mirrors rat of a President tries to divert public attention from their plundering by attempting to remove Sierra Leone's Vice President. The accusations were as childish and petty as could only be drummed up by a sick, very sick mind. How dare the APC talk about academic qualifications when quite a good number of its own operatives carry invented titles.
We would want to remind all those directly linked to the massive looting of funds meant for the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease that they were given seven days, by the Auditor General to come up with supporting documents that saw a massive looting of the funds meant for the fight against the scourge. We have just refreshed the pages of the report and came across this - 3.2.4 PROCUREMENT FOR THE SUPPLY OF TWENTY (20) AMBULANCES VALUED AT US$ 1,050,000. Review of the records for the above contract revealed that the contract was awarded to Kingdom Security Logistics. Analysis of the contract in line with the NPPA rules regarding Sole-Source Procurement for Emergency Needs revealed significant audit observations on the lapses in the procurement process.
It must be noted that the arrangement for making direct payments to Uni-world was not factored in the contract agreement and there was no evidence to show that Uniworld was a party to the contract. Uniworld General Trading Llc is based in Dubai a recent place of interest of the rat whom we suspected had joined the ranks of corrupt African operatives who use this new channel to launder ill-gotten gains. We have noted with interest that the Dubai-based UNIWORLD GENERAL TRADING LLC states on its website that it is involved in Procurement, Trading business activities - and there's a contact person on one of the sites - one Alhaji Maju Bah.