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Sunday April 5, 2015 - It is Easter Day - a day of joy in the Christian
calendar as this event thousands of years ago is the basis, the very foundation of the faith is cemented in
the story and commemoration of the Risen Lord. We wish you all wherever
you may be a happy Easter season and prayers that all those who fed fat
on the funds earmarked for the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease
will get the Lord's just reward for their wickedness. 
In Kenya, it is a time of
mourning, reflection and soul searching as nearly a hundred and fifty
unarmed and innocent civilians are slaughtered. In Sierra Leone, with
more than three thousand dead that need not have died, the government of
the rat is busy trying to wish away
the audit report which firmly
implicates the uncaring and shameless cabal of the rat. They would
rather see more die as they appeal for help to fight the deadly Ebola
Virus Disease as they see the terrible impact of the disease on the
people as another money-making venture. And we know in a system where
even the head janitor at the Youyi building has to be approved by the
rat, we are not surprised that all those criminal and illegal contracts
were given the go-ahead by him.
The Kenyan President Uhuru
Kenyatta has declared three days of national mourning starting today
Easter day as the country comes to terms with the slaughter of some one
hundred and fifty people when Al-Shaabab gunmen attacked Garissa
University College. The
Daily Nation online news outlet edition in
Saturday's edition stated - "President Uhuru Kenyatta has declared three days of
national mourning in honour of the 147 people who were
killed in Garissa University College by Al Shabaab
During the three days, the national flag will fly at
half mast, the President announced yesterday in an
address to the nation after meeting the national
security team at State House, Nairobi.
“As we mourn together and pray together for the fallen
and for this our precious Republic of Kenya, I declare
three days of national mourning during which our flag
shall fly at half-mast,” he said. He also promised
government assistance to the families of the victims."
Meanwhile as investigations continue into why the security forces
were ill-prepared for the onslaught on Garissa University College, one
report says that one man has been linked to the attack - a former
teacher in that part of the country - "One of the Garissa attackers has been identified as a
Kenyan national.
Interior ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka named the
attacker as Abdirahim Abdullahi, saying he was "a
university of Nairobi law graduate and described by a
person who knows him well as a brilliant upcoming
The spokesman said Abdullahi's father, a local official
in Mandera County, had "reported to the authorities that
his son had gone missing and suspected the boy had gone
to Somalia".
Describing Abdullahi as a high-flying A-grade student,
Njoka said it was "critical that parents whose children
go missing or show tendencies of having been exposed to
violent extremism report to authorities".
Abdullahi was one of the Al-Shabaab gunmen involved in
the massacre at Garissa University College during which
non-Muslim students were lined up and executed.
The massacre, which was the deadliest attack on Kenyan
soil since the 1998 bombing of the US embassy in
Nairobi, claimed the lives of 142 students, three police
officers and three soldiers.
Friday April 3, 2015 - The death toll rises after Al-Shaabab attack on
Kenyan university. At least a hundred and fifty reported murdered during
Thursday's attack on Garissa University College. The UK and US condemn
attack and offer support to Kenya.
Daily Nation newspaper reports that
the bodies of forty eight students killed in the attack have been
brought to Chromo Mortuary in a Kenya Air Force plane from where the
task of identifying the victims would begin. Health Cabinet Secretary
James Macharia said the government has set up a National Disaster
Operations Centre to assist families and friends of victims with
information on the status of their loved ones. “The families can get the
list of victims who passed away (read were killed) during the attack and
where their kin can receive the body. Also, there is a manifest of
students who survived the attack, where they are at the moment and how
they can be linked to their families,” said Mr Macharia. At Nyayo
stadium, he said, there will be information and assistance for
processing transfer of bodies from Chiromo Mortuary, receiving and
transfer of survivors. The crisis operations centre is being run by
officials from various ministries, and it is also offering psychosocial
support and counselling services. He
said the 500 students who survived would be ferried to Nairobi using
National Youth Service buses. Further, the CS said since facilities at
Garissa Level Five Hospital have been stretched, the ministry had
dispatched a truck with medical supplies. “We have also sent a total of
six medical staff, two surgeons and four doctors and nurses, to help,”
Mr Macharia told journalists at Wilson Airport. He said the government
would pay the medical bills of all victims. “No one will be required to
pay anything for whatever services provided,” he said.
The BBC reports that even as Kenya
mourns the tragic loss, questions are being asked about the preparedness
of the security forces given that rumours had been circulating about a
planned Al-Shaabab attack. "Kenyan newspapers say there was intelligence
information of an imminent attack on a school or university. Locals
question why security was not heightened, with only two guards on duty
at the time of the attack. Four more people have been found alive on the
campus, but two are suspects and have been arrested, sources say. One is
said to be a Tanzanian national with no known links to the university.
Kenya's interior minister declared the recovery operation over. Joseph
Nkaiserry identified the victims as 142 students, three police officers
and three soldiers.
March 30, 2015 - It is with great
relief and a sense of joy and victory that we have to join all those who
wished a UK medical nurse who was infected with the Ebola Virus Disease
well. Those prayers have been answered and Corporal Anna Cross has now
been discharged from hospital after a fortnight of treatment.
Corporal Anna Cross a nurse serving with the UK medical contingent in
Sierra Leone has been declared free of the Ebola Virus Disease after she
got infected while serving in Sierra Leone. According to
a BBC report the brave 25 year-old
nurse from Cambridge is the first person to be treated with the
experimental Ebola drug MIL 77. During her illness she's reported to
have lost ten kilograms/22 pounds but her remarkable discovery in just
about a fortnight of treatment at the specialist Royal Free hospital in
the UK again highlights the point we have always stressed. As soon as
somebody is confirmed as having the disease, all resources should be
made to bear that would see every available medical help being made
available to those helping the afflicted. The Ebola Virus Disease has
shown over and over again that it is a vicious, treacherous and
extremely cunning killer that would use every deceptive move to hoodwink
as it rips apart its victim's immune system thereby opening the
floodgates of attacks against life-sustaining tissues, breaking down
resistance to its attack. Again we say - time is of the essence and any
time lost in administrative and other peripheral but quite unnecessary
procedures without paying attention to the victim could well have
resulted in our losing so many health care and delivery workers
including porters, drivers, technicians, nurses and
doctors and of course patients from
the poor and unconnected section of Sierra Leone society.
Meanwhile yesterday Sunday March 29, 2015 should have seen the end of
another 3-day lockdown aimed at totally containing a virus that appears
to be on the decline as far as new infection rates are concerned. It is
hoped that revelations made in the report of the Auditor General will
help make this a success and reports that some sections of the Western
area community were being supplied food during the lock-down again
points to a lack of planning. While the last time round in September
last year a great show was made of volunteers handing out soap to a
hungry populace forced to stay at home while contracts were illegally
handed out to those favoured by the rat and his thieving cabal, this
time round there was an attempt made to feed the people. How many of the
poor got fed is quite another matter but we would not be surprised to
hear of "hundreds of thousands if not millions" fed by the lying and
thieving cabal. In some parts of Freetown, it was reported that rogue
security forces were freely discharging canisters of tear gas in a bid
to scare off hungry residents. Last time round, according to the audit
report, even though some nine hundred million leones were dished out to
the police and the same amount to the military, the report exposed
double payments to security personnel who were given a part of the
stolen funds for which they signed as health care personnel!!!
Sunday January 25, 2014
- UK nurse laid low by the Ebola Virus Disease has recovered. Fully.
Pauline Cafferkey tells the BBC that she is very happy to be alive. She
had given up hope at one point as she waited for the inevitable. Welcome
back to the world of the living Pauline.
The first person to be confirmed as an
Ebola patient in the United Kingdom has fully recovered. UK nurse
Pauline Cafferkey admitted in
her first broadcast interview with the BBC
that she had felt like giving up the fight after her defence system was
ravaged and savaged by the unrelenting beast known as the Ebola Virus
Disease that wanted to claim her life. We give thanks to the Good Lord
that the medical team that was with her never gave up and continued the
fight as she hung on doggedly to dear life. Indeed many who had been
following her case as she lay in the UK treatment facility had quite
some nervous moments when after reports that she was doing well and
coping things appeared to have been turned on its head with fresh
reports saying that she was critical. Many have heard that ominous
statement before; many were led to believe that it was another lost
battle as had been the case for many whose condition had been described
as critical while receiving treatment, be it abroad or in Sierra Leone.
As the BBC reminds us, Pauline is the
second UK citizen to recover from the ravages of the vicious killer
disease, the first being William Pooley who after his recovery and the
hours of pain and anxiety before coming out safely gave an impression of
not wanting to ever get near anywhere the disease was present,
especially Sierra Leone. But that was not to be for as he himself had
stated, he had seen people succumb to the disease and knew what it was
like after his ordeal - and indeed went back to Sierra Leone where he's
now helping in the battle against the devious and vicious killer
disease. The BBC has this on Pauline - Speaking after being discharged
from the Royal Free Hospital, in London, Ms Cafferkey, from Cambuslang,
in South Lanarkshire, thanked staff who she said had saved her life. "I
am just happy to be alive. I still don't feel 100%, I feel quite weak,
but I'm looking forward to going home," she added. Recent figures put
out by the authorities in Sierra Leone appear to indicate a slowing down
of the rate of infection and while this may be good news, we would urge
that true figures be published so that those engaged in the fight would
gear themselves up for what appears to be a lull in the battle against
the disease. This is the time where contact tracing, testing and
treatment should be our priority and reports made as transparently as
possible for we fear that political considerations by some ill-disposed
persons would witness the concealment of the afflicted and with that the
rise of secret burials too.
Tuesday January 20, 2015
- The Lord is good and should be praised in all that we do. The true
story of a real Ebola Virus Disease survivor is revealed in the AWOKO
newspaper. The story of Juniette Ayodele Macauley is a story of faith,
coping with tragedy and a revelation of the wily and dangerous nature of
the disease. It's a warning that we all must be on guard and not take
things for granted. 
The story of Mrs Junietta Ayodele Macauley,
carried on the pages of
the AWOKO newspaper is a must read
for all who care about our country and its people. It is a story that
clearly highlights the wily, slippery and treacherous nature of the
disease as it destroys the immune systems of victims, renders them
helpless and hopeless before clawing them from the land of the living as
we know it. It is indeed a story that should be read over and over again
- a tragic story with an outcome that says quite a lot about our
perception of the Ebola Virus Disease and how it deceives the stricken
to the point of no return.
We join her as she mourns the loss of
two great people in her life - her husband Akie and eldest son Otto
whose precious lives were taken away by the sinister and odious disease
that continues to raise its deadly head like a venomous snake to strike
and kill the unwary. We pray that the Good Lord in His mercy will
comfort Mrs Macauley and give rest, perfect rest to the souls of her
husband and son. What a loss and what a brave woman!!! Here's an excerpt
from the AWOKO pages - "Speaking to Awoko in an exclusive interview,
Junietta sent a message of hope to all Ebola patients and survivors;
“Keep the faith; be determined to get well; and finally stick to the
treatments as provided or prescribed,” she advised. Junietta Ayodele
Macauley is no stranger to corpses and caskets, for donkey years now;
she has been the proprietress of ‘Columbia Davies funeral parlor’ a
lucrative business in Sierra Leone. However, the business recently
experienced a financial nosedive as a result of the Ebola outbreak; and
this was just a prelude as to the storm that was about to follow the
Macauley family."
We say let the people of God in a loud
voice say - AMEN and continue praising the Good Lord for His enduring
mercies. From the jaws of death, He has delivered a sister, mother,
grand mother and above all a Sierra Leonean from the jaws of death.
Praise the Lord.