Monday February
4, 2013
- We are not impressed. Too much smoke, too many
mirrors. Corruption, financial indiscipline and lack of
transparency in Sierra Leone's financial affairs
watered, bred and encouraged from the innermost recesses
of State House from where the puppet master Ernest Bai
Koroma operates. 
We have been watching with interest
the various messages sent out by His Excellency, the
President Dr... (multiplied by n where n can be any
positive number greater than 1) Ernest Bai Koroma Phd;
ZQX etc etc on the latest corruption case slammed
against operatives of his administration in the health
Here's a President who, to his government's
credit ushered in a strong anti-corruption
Act of 2008 that
should have got the crooked in all walks of government
life trembling all the way to court if he had allowed
the Anti Corruption Commission, the ACC, that came in
the wake of the new Act to be truly independent. That
would have earned him and his government a very positive
mark in the fight against corruption not only in the
country, but the entire continent and we daresay the
And as the former head of the ACC one
Abdul Tejan Cole
observed while attending an international meeting on
corruption, the one big flaw in the Anti Corruption Act
of 2008, strong though it appears on paper, was to have
a politician, the Head of State given the luxury of
appointing the head of the Commission. That was the
greatest flaw which has opened the Commission to
accusations of protecting the interests of the
President, be they his ministers, relations or whatever
associates he had or acquired during his occupancy of
the top seat in the country.
It all started when
GAVI, the Global Alliance for
Vaccinations and Immunizations stated in
a leaked letter that it was holding back some six
million US dollars in payment to Sierra Leone because an
in-depth report had revealed "serious concerns of misuse
of GAVI funds totalling over a million US dollars" and
this is what, it seems has suddenly galvanised both the
Anti Corruption Commission and State House in what
appears to be another stage trick from the magician, the
smoke and mirrors President at State House. In all the
reports of the Auditor General in which massive thieving
and financial indiscipline are clearly highlighted,
neither State House nor the Anti Corruption Commission
thought it fit to take any meaningful stand to stop the
massive bleeding of state coffers. It took the GAVI
action to galvanise both institutions into action. A
disgrace we say.
And so it was quite a surprise
to read statements from State House (read Ernest Bai
Koroma) stating that he has suspended some civil
servants, ten in all including the Chief Medical Officer
over allegations that they could well have had a hand
and or knowledge in the disgraceful thieving of funds
meant for the delivery of health care in Sierra Leone.
It is not lost on us that no political head was queried
by State House. Very interesting.
As far as Joseph Fitzgerald
Kamara's ACC is concerned, only he knows best why he had
never taken any action on all the thieving and general
stealing of the peoples' money that have been channelled
into private pockets - money meant to be used for the
good of the ordinary politically-unconnected masses in
Sierra Leone. It is interesting to read statements on
the ACC website that it would not only be investigating
officials over the GAVI affair, but is now taking
a closer look at
the recent 2011 Audit Report. Now this is what we call
talking tough when he states
consonance with the powers vested in the Commission
under Section 7(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008,
it is hereby directed that all persons and entities
subject to make repayments and/or explanations
submit their responses to the ACC within 30 days of
the issuance of this Notice. Pursuant to the
memorandum signed between the Audit Service Sierra
Leone (AASL) and the ACC, the Commission will
collaborate with the Audit Service in taking
appropriate action as may be deemed necessary."
The Section
quoted has been there all along waiting to be
implemented but not done making the case that the role
of the Anti Corruption Commission has been compromised
because of the direct links with State House. The Head
is in post at the pleasure of the President so he dares
not make any move that would displease His Excellency Dr
Dr Dr...etc. It states in part -
Functions of Commission
7. (1) The objects for which the Commission is established are - a) to take all
steps as may be necessary for the prevention, eradication or suppression of
corruption and corrupt practices; c) to investigate any matter that, in the
opinion of the Commission, raises suspicion that any of the following has
occurred or is about to occur-
(d) to prosecute all offences committed under this Act.
Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara was
indeed blind to all the financial malpractices in those
Audit Reports posted on the
website of the Auditor General.
Disgraceful, me Lord, very disgraceful but if we know
you well, like the others in Koroma's kitchen cabinet,
you will not resign even if you are pushed.
May we remind State House about
GAVI and the organisation's
goal and scope of the policy of
accountability to which Sierra Leone a
recipient country is a signatory. GAVI has clearly
written that it's Transparency and Accountability policy
is to ensure that all GAVI support provided in the form
of cash transfers is used according to programme
objectives as outlined in individual country proposals,
and in accordance with best practice for financial
management. The organisation further adds that "...Funds
must be managed in a transparent manner, and provide
accurate and verifiable financial reports on a regular
basis as specified by individual funding arrangements; Funds must be managed within accounts that meet
national legal requirements for auditing, accounting and procurement...funds must be managed within accounts that meet
national legal requirements for auditing, accounting and procurement."
In simple terms, the use of
funds received must be transparent and in line with
proposals approved by GAVI and the government of Sierra
Leone. What they are telling the government and the
operatives in again very obvious and simple terms is -
if you receive money for the purchase of brand new
vehicles, use that money for such a purchase and not for
a moped or in some cases nothing bought but forged
papers presented as evidence of purchase.
Why State House has waded into
the quagmire of corruption is still a puzzle. A puzzle
because ever since we drew the attention of the
authorities to the rampant thieving evidenced in the
reports of the Auditor General, His Excellency the Dr of
Drs President Ernest Bai Koroma has done nothing to
address the serious financial irregularities highlighted
in the various reports with massive thieving from all
areas where government operatives leave their paw
And leading the Brigade of the Financial
Plunderers are elements from the seat of power at State
House. Ernest Bai Koroma's very own Financial Secretary,
Edmond Koroma got to that post after a disastrous
performance that cost the country millions of dollars
and billions of leones. Appointing him to that post says
it all - that State House just adores looters of the
country's finances. And in all this Ernest Bai Koroma
did not lift a finger against those mentioned in the
Auditor General's reports, against people who fail to
account for funds received from government coffers for
purposes that were never fulfilled.
So why those civil
servants in the Ministry of Health? Is it because GAVI
put its foot down and demanded accountability for more
than a million dollars shared between operatives of the
government? Is the GAVI action an eye opener to other
donor countries and organisations - that they should
demand transparency in how funds are used by the
government of Sierra Leone? That would be a good one
needed very badly and urgently in Sierra Leone to keep
thieving and sticky fingers out of the government purse.
We are very much interested in
what sections of the 1991 Constitution amended or
otherwise which empowered State House to take such an
action against the Ministry of Health officials more so
as they are all civil servants subjected to disciplinary
procedures as outlined in the Civil Service Code. This
requires a certain procedure which would involve Human
Resources/Establishment Secretary's Office and the Head
of the Civil Service. Sierra Leone is no longer a
one-party state where the President can get up one
morning and order the arrest and execution of a
perceived enemy at Pademba Road prison as was witnessed
by a little publicised execution that was carried out by
Siaka Steven' reliable and most-favoured Pademba Road
prison executioner.