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Sunday December
2, 2012
- First
Sunday in Advent and the preparation of Christians for
the celebration of the days leading to the birth of the
Living Christ as observed on Christmas Day. A Special
Message from the outgoing Head of the Anglican
Community, the
Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.
The spiritual leader of
the Anglican Community, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr
Rowan Williams has sent a special message to the
Primates of the Anglican Communion and Moderators of the
United Churches in which he expressed his appreciation
of the many manifestations of the Living Christ in all
within and without the Anglican Community in the midst
of differences on how Scripture is interpreted by the
Church's diverse populations.
‘Your real life is
Christ and when he appears, then you too will appear
with him and share his glory!’ (Colossians 3.4)
St Paul writes as
though the reality of Christ’s life in his people
never completely becomes visible in this life, in
this world: the deepest truth of who we are in Jesus
Christ is hidden. When we try to pretend that the
holiness of Jesus is triumphantly visible in the
Church, we are in danger of turning our minds away
from the fact that the enduring power that sustains
the Church is Christ alone, not our measures of
success or coherence. But it is still true that – as
Paul can say elsewhere, in II Corinthians, for
example – the glory of the future can be seen from
time to time in lives that are fully turned to the
face of Jesus. As we advance into Advent, we need to
keep both these insights in our minds: the treasure
of the gospel is in earthenware pots, yet the glory
of Christ can be seen in human faces. We have not
arrived at the end of all things, but we long for it
because we have seen something of its radiance and
joy in the life of the Christian community and its
worship and service. In the past ten years, these
things have become more and more clear to me in my
involvement in the Communion’s life. Our Communion
has endured much suffering and confusion, and still
lives with this in many ways; yet we are still
privileged to see the glory of God in the face of
Jesus Christ in different ways within our common
life, and so are reminded by God’s grace that it is
still Christ who lives secretly at the heart of our
fellowship, and renews it day by day.
As I leave office
at the end of the year, there will of course be some
self-questioning for me at the thought of much left
undone and unresolved; but more importantly there is
also a great sense of thanksgiving and celebration
for the many moments when the hidden Christ has
shown his face for an instant in the holiness, the
common witness, the service or the suffering of
faithful Anglicans in so many places.
Kindly read the rest of the
message here.
December 1, 2012 - World Aids Day 2012
- Gains made in the fight against the scourge but can
the world achieve zero new infections, zero
discrimination and zero AID-related deaths by 2015? UK
Prime Minister David Cameron reveals that twenty five
thousand (25,000) people living in the UK do not know
they have the virus.
That is the challenge
facing a scourge that knows no boundaries, does not
discriminate against religion, ethnicity, colour, race
or inclination as all who fail to be aware of its
potential damage to health and community easily fall
prey. This year, we have heard many messages from those
who care - spreading the word of what needs to be
done to win the battle against a scourge which some two
decades ago was so feared that it was not spoken about
openly. It took courage, it took a
determination on the part of those affected/infected to
speak out but even as the world
observes 2012 the even greater scourge of discrimination
persists with Sierra Leoneans still shy of either taking
the test or if affected/infected coming out to speak
openly. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon puts it well
when this year he stated in his message "On this World
AIDS Day, let us commit to build on and amplify the
encouraging successes of recent years to consign
HIV/AIDS to the pages of history." His message and quite
a few others can be found
Prime Minister David Cameron in a speech marking World
Aids Day 2012 revealed that figures suggest twenty five
thousand people do not know they have the virus and has called
for greater awareness.
The BBC noted -
"There is still too
much ignorance about
HIV and Aids, David
Cameron has said, as
figures suggest
25,000 people in the
UK have the virus
but do not know. The prime
minister said these
people were not
benefiting from
treatment and were
increasing the risk
of passing the virus
on to others. The Health
Protection Agency
said about 600
people were dying
needlessly from the
condition each year."
Sierra Leone an
estimated forty eight thousand (48,000) are said to be
living with HIV of which 4,400 are children - an
indication that more needs to be done about educating
women and men of reproductive ages about the dangers of
reckless sexual activities that impact on themselves and
other vulnerable groups. According to the Sierra Leone
report -
"An estimated 48,000 Sierra
Leoneans are living with HIV out of which 4,400 are
children. Women are disproportionately affected by HIV.
HIV prevalence among women is 1.7% while that of their
male counterparts is 1.2%. This disparity is even
greater in young women aged 15-19. Girls are more
likely to become infected with HIV than boys of the same
age because of early initiation of sexual intercourse as
evidenced from high teenage pregnancy. The mean age at
which women start having sexual relations in Sierra
Leone is 16 and only 3% of young women and 7% of young
men used condoms during their first sexual encounter.
The study further estimated 69% of the teenage girls to
have had their first child before the age of 18. In
addition, the study also revealed that HIV is prevalence
is three times higher among adolescent girls (1.4%) than
boys (0.5%). HIV prevalence was highest for the 23-24
age group, while among young men was highest for the
20-22 age group. Adult HIV prevalence is greater in
urban areas (2.5%) than rural areas (1.0%) of Sierra
Time for positive action in a set-up that makes the
Head of State the Chairman of such a body, effectively
politicising who gets appointed to key posts in the
National Aids Coordinating programme.
November 22, 2012
- History is made - and all for the wrong reasons as
former First Lady of Cote d'Ivoire Simone Gbagbo heads
for the Hague on four counts relating to the massive
violence that engulfed the country in which more than
three thousand souls perished.
The International Criminal
Court, the ICC has today Thursday November 22, 2012 made
an arrest warrant
the court had issued against former First Lady Mrs
Simone Gbagbo on 29th February 2012. The arrest warrant
gave reasons as to why Mrs Gbagbo still held by the
authorities in Cote d'Ivoire has to face the ICC - among
them that she was considered to be a part and parcel of
an inner core which planned the systematic mayhem of
murder, rape and other unwholesome acts which led to the
country's troubles resulting in more than three thousand
deaths in battles and attacks between pro and anti-Gbagbo
The ICC Prosecutor, in
published statement
after the unsealing of the arrest warrant noted - "The
ICC judges decided to unseal their Arrest Warrant
against Mrs. Simone Gbagbo for her alleged individual
responsibility for crimes against humanity during Côte
d’Ivoire’s post-election crisis in 2010 - 2011...the
type of crimes committed in the aftermath of the 2010
elections did not happen by chance - they were planned
and coordinated at the highest political and military
levels and all those bearing the greatest responsibility
must be held to account. The Office of the Prosecutor is
continuing its investigations of all crimes allegedly
committed by all sides, focussing on those who bear the
greatest responsibility for these crimes. The
investigations are objective, impartial and independent,
and are conducted in strict accordance with the law.
Additional requests for Arrest Warrants will be
submitted to the judges once we have collected enough
evidence to substantiate the allegations. It will be for
the judges to decide. The Office’s investigations are
part of a broader effort to promote justice and
reconciliation in Côte d’Ivoire to prevent future
violence and commission of crimes. Leaders must
understand that the Rome Statute has established legal
limits to protect victims and prevent massive crimes.
Those who use violence to gain or maintain power should
take note: they will be held accountable for their
It seemed so far away then, but
finally the day and the hour is upon us.

Sierra Leoneans, quite an
impressive number voting for the first time, will have
the opportunity to elect whoever they so desire in an
election that actually combines four, yes four elections
in one. Quite a challenge for a country experimenting
with this for the first time and where a large
percentage of the population is literacy challenged.
Congratulations to all -
especially the one and only Christiana Thorpe the Chief
of the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone. As we have
often brought to her attention, the successful
conclusion of today's exercise and the results so
announced will make or break her, will determine whether
she is what she has always claimed to be - a woman of
integrity who cannot be cowed by external pressure.
Dr Christiana Thorpe and team -
we wish you well. Don't let the country and the
international community down. The eyes of the world and
of course all eyes Sierra Leonean are on you to see how
you conduct your good selves and the polls. We know it
is not going to be easy, but do not let your past
mistakes get in the way. Good luck.
To all voting Sierra Leoneans we
say - go out there and exercise your right. Never allow
anyone to intimidate you. It is your right to vote for
the candidate of your choice. Make the wrong choice and
for the next five years - you will live with it and it
will be on your head.
We wish you all
well, go for it.
Wednesday November 7, 2012
- Obama, we mean President Barack Obama retains the White House
in a deeply divided United States of America after a
contest that has been the most expensive and most
interesting as far as the many facets of politicking that
decides who occupies the White House go.
Four more years in the White House.
Incumbent President of the
United States of America, the US of A, the one and only
Barack Obama of the
Democrats has
won the 2012 elections after a hard fought campaign that
witnessed his main rival
Mitt Romney of the
Republicans campaigning in the closing hours just to
make sure his prepared victory speech is not
dust-binned. We are not so savvy when it comes to US
elections and all those terms that come
from the lips of those who know, but looking at the TV
screen right now at 05.41 am gmt, all we can see is that
Obama has 290 and Romney 203 and since 270 was the magic
number for victory, common sense advises us to safely
say that President Barack Obama remains in the White
Even as we await Mr
Romney to make his eagerly-awaited speech throwing in
the towel and accepting victory, we have to congratulate
both men for a campaign well fought, a campaign that saw
money splashed all over aimed at getting the votes of
the US public. It was a campaign well fought with bitter
words exchanged and claims made......and now with the
time at 05.45am gmt...speculations mounting that soon and
very soon Governor Romney would soon appear at his
campaign headquarters to tell the world that he has
It is....and the
world's press is waiting...waiting....waiting....we are
still watching
the BBC television output...it
is 05.50...still watching...somebody has just put a
folder on the...waiting...waiting it's
05.51....waiting....the BBC states Obama - 303 and Romney
203...just been told Governor Romney has called
President Obama to concede that he has lost. It is
05.53...still waiting for Governor Romney to appear. It
is 05.54...still waiting....finally he appears at 05.55
am. Informs the audience he has just called President
Obama to congratulate him. 0600am end of speech
conceding that he has lost. A gracious speech, says the
BBC anchor man.
06.35 - Obama appears
on stage with wife and children - all four of them
waving to the crowd.....06.37 - "signed sealed
delivered...i'm yours"...music in the background...06.38
Winner Obama begins speech after waiting for
applause...first words... thank you, thank you, thank
you so much...and some key words "we rise and fall
together as one nation and as one people..."for the
United States of America the best is yet to come"...."we
must seize this opportunity..."
President Barack Obama...Congratulations to the winning
campaign team and Congratulations to the voters in the
United States and outside whose decision decided this
morning's outcome.
Monday October
22, 2012
- The
Africa debate this month focuses on the question - will
Africa ever benefit from its natural resources? This is
one topic that should not only be of interest to African
leaders and policy makers but should be on the minds of
those in authority in Sierra Leone who continue to make
a rich country poorer through the reckless and
unprincipled exploitation of the country's resources.
Looting the country's resources for personal gains. 
In this month's Africa
Debate the programme
asks whether Africa will
ever benefit from its natural riches. According to a
press statement from the renowned international
broadcaster, the Friday October 26th edition of this
popular, incisive, participatory and discerning
programme is being organised in partnership with the
Coalition for Dialogue on Africa
(CoDA) and will feature its Chairman
former Botswana President Festus Mogae as key speaker.
Presented by the BBC’s Audrey Brown and Justin Rowlatt
from Addis Ababa, the programme will set the agenda for
other BBC Africa flagship programmes – such as Focus
on Africa on radio and TV, and Newsday –
which will explore the subject as well. BBC Swahili will
also debate the subject in Addis Ababa. Africa is
endowed with natural wealth, and the past year has seen
major new discoveries of resources in several African
countries: coal, oil and gas in, among others, Kenya,
Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda.
This year has seen violent
clashes between Sudan and South Sudan over oil, and
Malawi and Tanzania have yet to resolve their dispute
over who owns the oil and gas in Lake Malawi. From
Algeria to Angola and from petroleum to platinum,
the scramble for Africa’s resources has often caused
problems rather than created prosperity.
Audrey Brown says: ‘African
resources were largely unacknowledged as wealth
but treated as just raw material and used to build
wealth elsewhere. I think it’s only when we connect the
wellbeing of African people to the extraction of their
countries’ resources that we start asking the right
questions – and perhaps start finding the right
solutions. So for me the question at the heart of this
is: why is it that Africa is so rich yet so many
Africans are so poor? Will Africans ever benefit from
their natural riches?’
Sunday October
7, 2012
- OSD policeman killed in Guinea. No statement from the
government on the violent death of member of the
security forces in a neighbouring country Sierra Leone
is not at war with. Who killed the OSD policeman? Under
what circumstances was he killed? What is the role of
the President and that of one of his top kingpins, Alpha
Reports have been
circulating in Sierra Leone over the mysterious
circumstances which led to the death of a member of the
Sierra Leone Police in a neighbouring and friendly
country, Guinea. The murdered officer is not only a
Sierra Leonean but a member of the security services who
is reported to have been on a mission still to be made
public by the government. The matter is even more
worrying due to the fact that an attack on the person of
one of Sierra Leone's security agents in a foreign
country has not been explained by the government as
rumours flow wide and afar over the circumstances that
could have led to the death of a serving member of the
security forces in another country.
The public still awaits
a statement from State House (read the President
himself) on the events/circumstances that have led to
the death of yet to be named policeman who is reported
to have been on a mission on behalf of the government
represented by President Koroma's personal kitchen
cabinet Alpha Kanu, the Minister of Political and Public
Affairs and who works directly under the supervision of
the President himself. The public still awaits a
statement from the Gestapo Police Chief Francis Munu.
The public still awaits a statement from Defence
minister Pallo Conteh on the overseas mission a member
of the country's security forces could have been engaged
in outside of the country.
And we would quote part
of the rambling, evasive and opaque outburst of the
President when ending the last session of Parliament. He
stated this while addressing Parliamentarians - "As a
parliamentarian myself...Speak the truth; that is the
honourable thing to do, and that is why you are called
It is in this vein
therefore that we call on all the key actors to speak
the truth and tell the people just what led to the death
of a serving member of the security forces of Sierra
Leone in neighbouring Guinea even though Sierra Leone is
not engaged in a UN peacekeeping mission in Guinea. Even
so - such a death would be the subject of a public
announcement and an inquiry into the death of a Sierra
Leonean policeman under what is becoming a very murky
and sinister circumstances.
Friday September
14, 2012
- A new report launched by former UN Chief Scribe Kofi
Annan looks at elections and why the integrity of such
procedures must be on the agenda of all democracies -
fledgling, established or otherwise.
Former UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan today launched a report
Deepening Democracy:
A Strategy for Improving the
Integrity of Elections Worldwide
This must-read
report takes a global view at the electoral process and
how situations, most of them ugly, are created when
democratic principles are thrown into the furnace as the
desperate try to seize power or hold on to power using
what can only be described as a lip service to democracy
and the integrity of elections. It also highlights the
benefits of conducting free, fair and participatory
elections by an independent electoral body free from the
corrupt influences of the Executive, Legislative and
indeed the Judiciary. Indeed as he points out in the
"Forward" of the
report -
"In country after
country, people have risked their lives to call for
free elections, democratic accountability, the rule
of law and respect for human rights. Elections are
the indispensable root of democracy. They are now
almost universal. Since 2000, all but 11 countries
have held national elections. But to be credible, we
need to see high standards before, during and after
votes are cast. Opposition organizations must be
free to organize and campaign without fear. There
must be a level playing field among candidates. On
polling day, voters must feel safe and trust the
secrecy and integrity of the ballot. And when the
votes have been counted the result must be accepted
no matter how disappointed the defeated candidates
This report should be
carefully read by all political parties, all civil
society groups, all stake holders in Sierra Leone's
democracy with a view to taking the right decisions,
making the right and legal moves that would ensure that
no Sierra Leonean is deprived of his/her right of
freedom of political expression, participation and
ownership. Long gone should be those times when
nominations days were declarations of war against the
opposition and equally, we hope would be long gone the
days when election petitions are never decided by the
courts no matter how many petitions were brought by
losing candidates who were of the considered opinion
that illegal methods were used to deprive them and their
supporters of a free vote. We welcome the news that the
government of the magician at State House, the man who
loves to have a string of Ph.Ds attached after his name,
has set up a court that would deal with such petitions
swiftly and we hope that such decisions would not be
weighted in favour of the ruling party. Indeed as noted
in the new report
The integrity of
elections hinges on the strict observance of the
rule of law—the capacity and norms that ensure that
governments are accountable by law, that citizens
are equal under the law, that lawmaking and
enforcing are not arbitrary, and that laws respect
human rights. When applied to elections, this means
that action must be taken against incumbents or
entrenched political interests seeking to manipulate
the electoral process. Strong independent courts are
needed to protect the rights of all voters,
political parties and candidates, to enforce free
and fair electoral procedures, and to prosecute
violations of the electoral process. For elections
to have integrity, electoral justice must be done,
and citizens must see that it is done.
September 11, 2012 -
Warning bells are ringing as UN Security Council focuses
on the November 17, 2012 elections, justice, democracy
and the rule of law under the smoke and mirrors
President. Why the Security Council would be visiting
Sierra Leone again next month.
Christiana Thorpe - careful there, be careful
lest it be upon your head that you and your masters at
State House are busy manipulating things to get them
back in office. Heed our words of advice and do not
become the Sierra Leone version of one Mr Kivuitu. 
The United Nations
Security Council has been briefed on the situation in
Sierra Leone at a special session convened by the body
to take a look, a hard look at the situation on the
ground as the country gets ready for elections that
should help consolidate the peace and re-affirm the
country's march towards democracy, the rule of law,
justice and the tenets of all that is needed in a country is
trying to rebuild attitudes and structures after a
ten-year bloody, vicious, brutal and satan-inspired-war
that no true Sierra Leonean would ever wish would
revisit the land that we all love - our very own Sierra
Leone. We suspect that much could have been written by
the paid and shameless truth benders of the smoke and
mirrors brigade of the internet flying toilets, but we
ask that you
please take time to listen to the
session with speeches by those who matter
including the APC's representative to the United
Nations, quite forgetting that he is there to represent
a nation of Sierra Leone at the United Nations.
One more thing - kindly
take note of the UN Secretary General's Special
Representative on the ground, residing in the capital
Freetown and who knows almost all that is happening.
This is his observation in that speech on the media as
it relates to Sierra Leone
69. The media in Sierra Leone should
play a constructive role to ensure the success of the
elections by disseminating accurate information,
educating the public and promoting dialogue. The media
should refrain from spreading messages of hate, division
and national discord...
as well as the use of the APC police
extermination squad known as the OSD to kill all those
perceived as in opposition to the government
24. In the reporting
period, the Government appointed coroners to investigate
the circumstances that had resulted in the death of six
persons in separate incidents involving the use of live
ammunition by the Sierra Leone Police. On 16
April, during a strike by workers in Bumbuna, Tonkolili
one woman was killed and several
other persons were injured during
attempts by the police to contain the ensuing
disturbances. Two youths were shot dead by the police in
Freetown on 5 June. A bike rider died on 15 June after
an encounter with the police in the Goderich area of
Freetown. Four youths suffered gunshot wounds in central
Freetown on 9 July while the police were making
Ninth report of the
Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone
here on our pages)