Monday June 24,
2013 - A new United
Nations Security Council Resolution (United
Nations S/RES/2106 (2013))
aimed at sending a strong message to perpetrators of
sexual violence in conflict and post conflict situations
has been unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council,
paving the way for governments to punish perpetrators of
violence as well as ending impunity. 
A new UN Security Council
Resolution that should send a strong signal to
perpetrators of sexual violence in conflict that their
crimes will not be tolerated and bring an end to
impunity has been adopted by the world body.
According to the United Nations
media outlet, the Security Council recognised the need
for "more timely, objective, accurate and reliable
information" as a basis for prevention and response and
requested UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the
relevant United Nations entities to speed up the
establishment of monitoring, analysis and reporting
arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence".
It is worth noting that this
time round the
net has been closed on
perpetrators not only in ongoing
conflicts but in post-conflict situations as is to be
found in countries like Sierra Leone where the UN
agencies as well as rights groups within Sierra Leone
have reported the unwillingness and
apathy of the Ernest Bai Koroma
government in bringing to justice
perpetrators of violence against children, men and
Among those who made passionate
pleas for the protection of people at risk in conflict
and post-conflict situations is the UN
Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Sexual
Violence in Conflict, our very own Zainab Hawa Bangura
who noted that
"today, it is still largely
“cost-free” to rape a woman, child or man in conflict
but for the first time in history, we can reverse this
reality. It will require leadership and political
courage, and a relentless determination to match the
cold, calculating brutality of those who would rape the
innocent for military or political gain.”
Zainab Hawa Bangura is no
stranger to impunity in conflict and post-conflict
situations and had seen and met victims in her own
country Sierra Leone where the vulnerable were targeted
in an orgy of rape, murder, plunder, enslavement and
forced marriages by armed groups during the country's
decade-long war from 1991 to 2002 when then President
Ahmad Tejan Kabbah declared that the war was over.
Zainab Hawa Bangura must be
aware too that despite the many reports of sexual
violence against children and other vulnerable groups,
victims have not received the support and compensation
so badly needed in a country where politicians are more
concerned with the acquisition of personal wealth by
whatever means rather than taking the fight in the
defence of victims. What is even more alarming is that
the Ernest Bai Koroma government has refused to condemn
in no uncertain terms the ongoing sexual violence
against the vulnerable including perceived political
opponents especially by the security forces including
the armed wing of his APC party wearing the colours of
the police OSD, (former ISU and SSD as the renaming
deception continues).
A number of reports by the
International Rescue Committee (IRC) puts the spotlight
on rape in post-conflict Sierra Leone with one noting -
"Social workers in Sierra Leone
worry that rape has become even more pervasive in
peacetime than during the country’s decade-long civil
war. Most of the victims come from areas with a high
concentration of former soldiers. Although it has been
nearly a decade since the war ended, some activists
theorize that the widespread use of sexual violence as a
weapon of war has resulted in rape being ingrained into
the social conscience and even normalized. The head of
the International Rescue Committee, Alan Glasgow, says
that rape is now “something that is understood and even
accepted...Some of the perpetrators were children during
the war and were exposed to rape and sexual violence
then and just carried on doing it,” says Hannah Kargbo,
a nurse for the IRC.
reports that there were 1,176 recorded attacks on women
last year, but this number is likely only a fraction of
the total number of incidences that occurred. Due to
Sierra Leone’s increasing stigmatization of rape and a
blame-the-victim mentality, few victims are willing to
come forward. And the younger the victim, the stronger
the fear of being stigmatized—a sobering fact
considering that 65 percent of the
IRC’s patients are under the age of fifteen.
The head of the Rainbo Centre in
Freetown, Eunice Whenzle, says, “The young ones refuse
to go back to school after the attack because they think
other children will tease them about it. Some of the
girls completely retract from society, refusing to eat
or engage with anyone.” In the case that victims do
speak out about the crimes, they have to deal with an
exceedingly slow legal system and administrative
obstacles such as medical exams and certificates.

In the end, many simply cannot
afford to go through with the prosecution. The
unfortunate result is that the majority of rapists avoid
punishment and often go on to claim more victims—even
raping the same women and girls again. And of the 896
men charged with rape by the IRC
in 2007, only thirteen were convicted. In addition to
the stigma placed on victims, there is disagreement
among Sierra Leoneans on what actually constitutes rape.
For example, marital rape is still not punishable by
law. Many people also believe that rape is avoidable,
and only occurs at the fault of the victim for her
clothing or behavior."
Speaking from her experience as a lawyer and activist
working to bring justice to victims of sexual violence
in conflict, Jane Adong Anywar of the Women’s
Initiatives for Gender Justice said that leadership on
accountability for conflict-related crimes, including
sexual violence, must be provided at the national level,
with priority given to resourcing; adequate legislation
prohibiting acts of sexual violence; and capacity
building for police, investigators, lawyers and judges
regarding the adjudication of these crimes. Sierra
Leone, it must be noted has legislation that could be
used in the detection, investigation and brining to
justice such perpetrators but must be noted also that
the government remains unmoved in dealing with such
terrible crimes.
The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
did not mince his words on the matter as he noted that
"Sexual violence, whenever and
wherever it occurs, is a vile crime. It must be exposed
and met with the anger and action that it deserves"
The Human Rights Commission of
Sierra Leone (HRCSL) has noted in its report after
investigating the violence in
Bumbuna in which
the armed wing of the APC party, the OSD of the Sierra
Leone police rained violence reminiscent of the brutal
war years on unarmed and vulnerable civilians -
"When the tension was at fever
pitch, the women decided to perform a traditional
ceremony with great cultural significance to calm down
the situation by showcasing and parading behind a Women
Secret Society masked “devil” called ‘’Shekereh’’. The
practice is that whenever the “Shekereh’’ is showcased
accompanied by traditional songs and dance by all
members, all male residents should stay indoors until
they complete the traditional rituals. In this context,
according to the women, it was used as a conflict
resolution method to calm the situation because by
staying indoors the men would be prevented from
aggressing on the police and vice versa. The women were
peacefully dancing carrying green twigs. Unfortunately,
instead of calming the situation down, things became
worse. The police marched behind the women and
physically and emotionally intimidated them thereby
disrespecting the women’s secret society. According to
them, the police were raining the worst forms of verbal
insults saying they will ‘’fire gunshot into the sexual
organs of the women’’ and “vaginate” their new weapons.
The women reported that they were traumatized because
the police operation reminded them of the rebel war. “It
was like any rebel attack”, the women repeatedly said.
“Due to this incident, our memories of the nineties were
recalled when the rebels attacked here in 1994. All what
we saw on that day [of the police operation in Bumbuna]
can be compared to what we went through during the war.
We were worried to imagine we were going to lose all we
have worked for a second time. We even thought it was
another war.” |