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Tuesday January
1, 2013
- The first day in a new year - wishing you the best in
your personal development and ambitions while advising
that we all take a good hard look at the lessons of the
past and save Sierra Leone from the corruption, greed,
lawlessness and disrespect for the Constitution that led
to the horrors of the past. |
The Truth and
Reconciliation Commission of Sierra Leone was set up to
get at the root cause of what caused a once peaceful and
friendly nation to become synonymous with the most
horrible of mindless forms of violence - murder,
torture, rape, amputation, deprivation and plunder and
to learn from the lessons which it is hoped, would never
again be repeated. Indeed it was the leader of the
then opposition APC, now the ruling party, one
Ernest Bai Koroma who paid glowing
tribute to his party, the autocratic APC and in the
process painting that awful horror passing for a
political organisation as the panacea for the woes of
Sierra Leone inflicted by that self-same party.
was he, Ernest Bai Koroma that is, who noted in his 2003
presentation to the Commission among other issues that:
...for it is precisely
the systematic erosion of individual rights and
freedom, the inability to administer justice fairly
and biased approach to and opportunity that led to
the tragic events of the past decade...the causes of
the RUF war included bad governance, political
exclusion, and poor conduct of elections. These are
the evils that are to be avoided especially during
this crucial period of healing the social and
economic wounds that have been inflicted upon
us...we are now witnessing the same vices of bad
governance being practiced by the SLPP in a manner
approaching callousness. We do not see the efforts
at fence mending and removing, the seeds of division
that initially laid the basis for the war...the SLPP
is deliberately widening the divide between the
people...there is a feeling of siege, a culture of
fear among those holding positions in community - a
fear that they may lose their jobs if they are seen
associating with anyone who is remotely associated
with the APC...contracts of Government, NaCSA and
Parastatal are only awarded to known SLPP
supporters...the fight against corruption now needs
a new and robust approach. It must be prominent in
our agenda to move forward. Democracy, sustainable
peace, national development and reconciliation
cannot be achieved if corruption is not properly and
seriously addressed."
Ernest Bai Koroma,
among other things/allegations stated - "He (former
President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah) announced the disbanding
of the regular army thus pushing the soldiers to join
forces with the rebels."
We would be grateful
for any document, written or otherwise where the former
President announced the disbanding of the regular army -
an outfit in which some officers and men did deals with
the rebels in a wild enrichment campaign but which still
boasted of loyal troops who lost life and limb in
defence of the civilian population against the killers
and rapists of the joint RUF/AFRC enterprise.
The TRC report did
not mince words but gave it straight insisting that:
"...all the
administrations of the post-independence period
contributed to the structural and proximate contexts
that led to the conflict in 1991. The duality of the
country's administrative and judicial structures
made them vulnerable to manipulation, which the
regimes of Sir Milton Margai, Sir Albert Margai and
Dr. Siaka Stevens duly utilised to their respective
advantages. In the provincial areas, for example,
local courts and Chieftaincy structures were used to
clamp down on opposition activities and to entrench
the authority of whichever traditional ruling houses
were allied to the party in power. Meanwhile the
continual assault on the rule of law weakened the
capacities of state institutions to perform. The
judiciary was subordinated to the executive,
parliament did little more than 'rubber-stamp', the
civil service became a redundant state machine and
the Army and police force became vectors of violence
against the very people they were established to
protect. Non-state bodies that ought to ensure
accountability - like media houses or civil society
groups - were thoroughly co-opted. Opposition
political parties were suppressed and eventually
banned by President Stevens' One Party Constitution
of 1978."
Again a reminder from
the pages of the TRC report - "...for good governance to
obtain, the three branches of government - the
executive, the legislature and the judiciary - must be
separate and independent of one another, and each must
have the requisite power to fulfil its functions. The
constitutional provisions that ensure the separation of
powers must not merely exist on paper, but rather must
be developed and reaffirmed continuously in their
application...a government that permits little or no
restraint on its own powers is an authoritarian
government, which epitomises bad governance...the
central cause of the war was endemic greed, corruption
and nepotism that deprived the nation of its dignity and
reduced most people into a state of poverty...building a
lasting peace in Sierra Leone can only begin with a
comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the
country's past...as Sierra Leone strives to give meaning
to the sentiments of
'never again'."
He has now appointed
among his cronies one
Franklyn Kargbo as
his Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, never mind
the fact that in the 2007 APC Manifesto he had promised
to separate these key areas of governance and the fact
that Franklyn's law firm has been associated with
dubious land deals
involving foreign companies that deprive poor and
politically-unconnected Sierra Leoneans of millions of
acres of farming land.
Sunday December 16, 2012
community in the United States, Newtown, the entire United States
and the world in mourning as twenty
six people, twenty of them children are confirmed dead, massacred
by an ogre passing himself off as a human being.
The crime of the dead? Going about their business on a Friday
December 14, by
getting to school, the Sandy Hook primary school in a
quiet community that has become the focus of the world's
media and all for the wrong reasons.
The Governor of
Connecticut Dannel Malloy put in bluntly when he told a
meeting of the peaceful Newtown community where the
massacre occurred that evil had visited the
community. US
President Barack Obama
could not hold back tears as he painted the grim picture
of the lives brought to an end by a gunman who started
off his rampage, mindless rampage by murdering his own mother
who taught at the school before driving off to
the school where he forced his way in to carry out his awful and terrible
mission before taking the coward's way out - killing
boys, twelve girls and six female adults - all dead -
murdered by an armed killer. This is a part of President
Barack Obama's first public reaction.
"The majority of those who died today
were children -- beautiful little kids between the ages
of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead
of them -- birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of
their own. Among the fallen were also teachers -- men
and women who devoted their lives to helping our
children fulfill their dreams. So our hearts are broken
today -- for the parents and grandparents, sisters and
brothers of these little children, and for the families
of the adults who were lost. Our hearts are broken for
the parents of the survivors as well, for as blessed as
they are to have their children home tonight, they know
that their children’s innocence has been torn away from
them too early, and there are no words that will ease
their pain." And all the victims were hit several
times with some 6 year-old getting hit as much as eleven
times by the mass murderer.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II
led UK and Commonwealth tributes in a message sent to
President Barack Obama expressing shock and horror at
the Friday shooting and mass murder incident.
"I have
been deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the
dreadful loss of life today in Newtown, Connecticut;
particularly the news that so many of the dead are
children. Prince Philip joins me in extending our
heartfelt sympathy to you and the American people at
this difficult time....The thoughts and prayers of
everyone in the United Kingdom and throughout the
Commonwealth are with the families and friends of those
killed and with all those who have been affected by
today's events."
A spokesman for Pope
Benedict the 16th noted
- "The Holy Father was promptly informed of the shooting
at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown and he has
asked me to convey his heartfelt grief and the assurance
of this closeness in prayer to the victims and their
families, and to all affected by the shocking event. In
the aftermath of this senseless tragedy he asks God, our
Father, to console all those who mourn and to sustain
the entire community with the spiritual strength which
triumphs over violence by the power of forgiveness, hope
and reconciling love."
Sunday December
9, 2012
- Ghana's electoral body says - the winner in Friday's
polls is incumbent President John Mahama despite
protests from the main opposition that the process was
skewed in favour of President Mahama. Ghana was using
the biometric voting system for the first time as did
Sierra Leone. 
The opposition in Ghana
say there have been many cases of rigging. The elections
observers say that despite certain flaws like delays in
getting the process off on Friday 7th December causing
voting to be extended on to Saturday 8th December in
some areas, the entire process was largely peaceful and
well conducted.
The Electoral Chairman Kwadwo Afari-Gyan
is reported to have declared "John Dramani Mahama
President-elect after securing 50.7 percent of the vote.
The main opposition candidate Nana Akufo-Addo of the New
Patriotic Party, the NPP, is reported to have got 47.7
percent. In Ghana all the leading candidate needs is to
secure 50 percent plus 1 of the total votes cast. In
Sierra Leone it has to be 55 percent and Ernest Bai
Koroma, the incumbent is also reported by Sierra Leone
Electoral Commission Head, Christiana Thorpe to have
garnered more than 58 percent effectively pushing aside
any prospects of a run-off. And like in Ghana, the
opposition in Sierra Leone has cried foul with the main
opposition candidate of the Sierra Leone Peoples Party,
the SLPP Rtd Brigadier Julius Maada Bio reportedly filing papers in court insisting the
process was rigged in favour of the incumbent.
The international news
CNN reports that - "
Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey, chairman of
the New Patriotic Party, earlier
Sunday accused Ghana's ruling
National Democratic Congress of
manipulating the count and asked
that an announcement about the
results be put off until "all the
allegations have been investigated."
The BBC reports a
statement by the opposition indicating that the process
had been hijacked by the governing party led by the
incumbent President Mahama -
"To accept this
result is to
discredit democracy
in Ghana and, in the
process, distort the
process of
democratisation in
Africa. Therefore,
the New Patriotic
Party cannot accept
the results of the
election as declared
by the EC (election
commission) this
In both the Sierra
Leone and Ghana cases, the opposition accuse, among
others, operatives of the National Electoral Commission
raising the question - is the biometric system of voting
flawed or is it a matter of how the process is conducted
that makes a mockery of a biometric system which gets
pushed into the corner of convenience as elections
officials issue ballot papers without the need for a
biometric verification?
Why should the
opposition cry foul in both cases if those verified to
vote have the necessary documentation? Is there a
desperation on both incumbents in Ghana and Sierra Leone
to win at whatever cost given that a new-found wealth
(curse) oil is now on the cards with a very shameless
former Nigerian President Obasanjo campaigning openly on
behalf of Ernest Bai Koroma?
A good study for
students of democratic processes and loopholes in such
(PS - We noticed that the website of the
Ghana Election Commission is down. Now up
Friday November
23, 2012
hours of anxious wait Dr Christiana Thorpe Head of the
National Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone announces
the winner of the 2012 Presidential Vote
At last we have the
long-awaited result. According to the head of the
country's body that is responsible for the conduct of
all serious elections in Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma
the Presidential candidate of the ruling All Peoples
Congress party, the APC has been re-elected after he
got, according to Dr Christiana Thorpe, 58.7 percent
of the votes. This meant that there was no need for a
runoff contest between the top two scorers as he reached
not only the required 55 percent but went above it by a
couple of notches. The nearest runner-up was the
Presidential candidate of the main opposition Sierra
Leone Peoples Party, the SLPP, Rtd Brigadier Julius
Maada Bio who got 37.4 percent of the votes for
State House. 
Stated Dr Christiana
Thorpe on Friday -
"In exercise of the
powers conferred on the Returning Officer by section 52
of the Public Elections Act, 2012, I hereby certify that
1,314,881 valid
votes were cast in favour of the candidate
at that election:
therefore received 58.7% of valid votes cast in the
has been duly elected president of the Republic of
Sierra Leone at the Presidential election of 2012.
Any citizen of Sierra
Leone may challenge the validity of the election of the
president by petition to the Supreme Court of Sierra
Leone, within seven days after the declaration of the
presidential results"
Click this link to view
details of the Statement from the NEC Chairperson on the
conduct and result of the Presidential Elections held on
17th November 2012
November 10, 2012
- Today Saturday November 10, 2012 is Malala Day. Any
idea what we are talking about? Yes this day is
dedicated to the Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai who
a month ago was shot in the head by the Taliban. Her
crime? Advocating for the rights of the girl child to be
given the opportunity to get an education, formal
education as we all know it.
The world, led by the
United Nations has today Saturday November 10, 2012
dedicated this day to the struggles of a Pakistani
teenager who dared to advocate for the rights of the
girl child to education. Malala Yousafzai was shot in
the head, a month ago, by the Taliban who see her high
profile advocating for the rights of the child to
education as enough reason for her to die. Thankfully,
by God's grace whatever you perceive Him to be, she is
still alive and recovering from her terrible injuries in
a UK hospital. We join the millions all over the world
who wish her well and would like to see the girl child
the world over including Sierra Leone given an
opportunity to education.
Former UK Prime
Minister Gordon Brown who is also the UN Special Envoy
for Global Education on his and wife Sarah's
webpages has noted
October 10th, the brave
Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai
was shot having spoken up for her
right to education. Since then, the
world has rallied in support, and
November 10th – a month
following her attempted
assassination – has been declared
Malala Day – in support of Malala,
and the 32 million girls like her
around the globe who are denied
their right to school. People the
world over will be taking action –
and you too can play your part. The
first and most important thing you
can do is add your name to the
petition which will be presented to
President Zardari by Gordon, as well
as to the UN. Add your voice at
www.iammalala.org –
and then ask your friends to sign
The UN
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is
urging people around the world on 10
November to speak out for Malala
Yousafzai and on behalf of the 61
million children worldwide still not
in school.
We are also pleased to be a part of
the world advocating that the brave
teenager be
nominated for
the Nobel Peace Prize.
Monday October
15, 2012
- Malala Yousafzai, the 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot
in the head
by the Taliban on her way to the United Kingdom for
further medical attention. Her crime? Advocating for the
rights of the girl child to be educated, to be allowed
to go to school.
The BBC, in this
morning's news broadcasts has revealed that the
Pakistani army has said the girl has been flown to the
UK where she is expected to undergo intensive medical
care and supervision - the sort that cannot be provided
in her home country. According to the BBC. Malala
Yousafzai was campaigning for the rights of the girl
child to education, the right of the girl child to be
allowed to attend school like all young people should.
And she was nearly killed when she was made a target for
death by the Taliban who had already claimed
responsibility for the attack.
"The 14-year-old Pakistani girl
shot in the head by Taliban gunmen last week is being
flown to the UK for medical treatment, the Pakistani
army has said. Malala Yousafzai has until now been at a
military hospital in Rawalpindi, with doctors saying her
progress over the next few days would be "critical". The
girl wrote a diary about suffering under the Taliban and
was accused by them of "promoting secularism".
The UK said Malala's transfer
followed London's offer to help her in any way. The
Pakistani army said Ms Yousafzai's trip was being
sponsored by the United Arab Emirates. A team of medics
are accompanying the girl. The plane carrying Malala
Yousafzai has already left Pakistan. It is not clear
where in the UK she is to be taken. The Pakistan
military statement said Malala's medical team were
"pleased with her present condition which has been
described as optimal."
The UK-based Daily Mail
adds this update -
The Pakistani schoolgirl targeted by the
Taliban is ‘responding well’ to treatment in Britain for
her gunshot wounds, doctors said last night. Malala Yousafzai, 15, who was shot in the
head and neck at point-blank range, is in a ‘stable and
comfortable’ condition at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital
in Birmingham. She was gunned down as she returned home
from school in the Swat Valley. The teenager was struck
just above the back of her left eye, with the bullet
travelling down the side of her jaw and damaging the
skull. It went through her neck and lodged in the tissue
above her shoulder blade on the left. She was in a
medically induced coma on arrival in Britain on Monday,
but has regained consciousness.
Malala is unable to talk as she is still
breathing through a hole in her neck following a
tracheostomy and has been communicating in writing.
We do wish Malala a speedy
Thursday October 11, 2012 - The first International Day
of the Girl Child is observed - a day set aside by the
United Nations to recognise the rights of the girl child
and what the world body calls the unique challenges
girls face around the world. It is a day that should be
observed and taken seriously especially in Sierra Leone
where the girl child is often seen as an object of
sexual pleasure, derision and forced into under-age
conjugal arrangements that only benefit the men to whom
they become practically enslaved. 
Today October 11,
2012 is the first observance by the United Nations of a
day dedicated to the girl child and it should not be
lost on all Sierra Leoneans that this is a day that
should be top on the agenda of any caring
government given what
the girl child was put through
during the country's troubles. And yet, we are sad to
observe, not a word from State House nor any of the
related government ministries and organisations that
should make the life of the girl child good rather than
one of misery and socio-economic unpredictability.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
has added his voice to the call for an end not only to
child marriages but pleads with all to give the girl
child a chance in life.
"For its first observance, this year’s Day will focus
on child marriage, which is a fundamental human rights
violation and impacts all aspects of a girl’s life.
Child marriage denies a girl of her childhood, disrupts
her education, limits her opportunities, increases her
risk to be a victim of violence and abuse, jeopardizes
her health and therefore constitutes an obstacle to the
achievement of nearly every Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) and the development of healthy communities.
Globally, around one in three young women aged 20-24
years were first married before they reached age 18. One
third of them entered into marriage before they turned
15. Child marriage results in early and unwanted
pregnancies, posing life-threatening risks for girls. In
developing countries, 90 per cent of births to
adolescents aged 15-19 are to married girls, and
pregnancy-related complications are the leading cause of
death for girls in this age group.
It is no secret and records are there to show this -
that the girl child in Sierra Leone was the target of
armed groups who carried out massive human rights
violations against children especially
girl children who got
gang-raped, were brutally sexually molested and made
"war-brides" attached as "wives" to armed men who seized
them from the comforts of their homes. And it is worth
noting that this year's theme - the first - "Ending Child
Marriage" - should be of concern to Sierra Leoneans and
friends of Sierra Leone where the girl child is
"married" off to men they were not keen on meeting, men
who deprived them of their sexual, physical and
psychological development and men who would want to live
in the 21st century but would want to "enjoy" the
depravity meted out to girls in the dark ages.
Stories abound of the use of economic leverage to
tear the girl child from the protection of poor families
with offers of gifts that eventually lead to poor
families practically mortgaging the girl child to
unscrupulous sexual predators who use these girl
children as sex objects with parents and relations too
afraid to end the relationship for fear of losing the
favour of these predators.
Time to be a part of
the 21st century, culture or no culture. We would again
remind child rights advocates within and without the
country to ask President Ernest Bai Koroma and all those
who were present about the fate of the six year old
girl, who was clad in white and forced into
satanic ritual at State House.
Friday September
21, 2012
A gentle
reminder to the ruling party, the All peoples Congress (APC)
of what it published in the APC 2007 elections manifesto
- the core principles of the Agenda for Change. Has the
smoke and mirrors President delivered using these five
core principles?
CORE PRINCIPLES - (As outlined in the
APC 2007 Manifesto).
Faced with the tragic state of despair
and desperation in the nation, as a result of
corruption, nepotism and mismanagement of our human and
material resources, the All Peoples Congress Party is
committed to reverse this trend and move the country
forward to its rightful position in the community of
nations. In this regard the APC establishes the
following core principles as its guidelines in this
noble endeavour.
Democracy and Good Governance
2. Freedom,
Human Rights and
Human Dignity 3.
Justice, Equality
and the
Rule of Law
Accountability in
conduct of Public Affairs
5. Long term sustainable development
through dependable and affordable regular power supply,
sound education,
basic health-care,
abundant food production, appropriate housing, increased
youth employment, improved infrastructure, efficient
transport and
basic services.
Sunday May 13, 2012 - Sierra Leonean lives become cheap
and expendable. Smoke and mirrors President Ernest Bai
Koroma defies the United Nations warning against the use
of disproportionate force as the military wing of the
APC kills at least one in Bumbuna protest against
conditions meted out to workers by one of his financiers and
benefactors in the ongoing rip-off in the mining sector.
Press statement from State House refuses to recognise
the death of Musu Conteh as President Koroma continues to protect
human rights violators
Sierra Leonean woman Musu
Conteh is no more - killed by members of the armed wing
of the APC known as the OSD a unit that has been greatly
expanded in numbers and equipped with millions of dollars of
weapons recently purchased by the government. Sierra
Leonean woman Musu Conteh is said to have died in a hail
of bullets that were indiscriminately fired by Ernest
Bai Koroma's armed protectors paid out of the sweat,
tears and resources of the ordinary
Sierra Leonean.
Musu Conteh, it would now appear had to die as well
as others made to suffer gunshot wounds because as far
as the government is concerned - all must be done to
protect the property of Ernest Bai Koroma's "investors"
who could well be implicated in being a part of the
machinery that has seen the President in a country with
a national currency called the "leone" spraying those he
would want to impress and buy over in the political
circus - with foreign currencies - mainly
United States dollars. Where he's getting these monies
from we had asked about before and will continue to ask
until all is made plain - never mind the fact that
the Anti Corruption Commission appears to be turning a
blind eye.
We now know that live
rounds were deliberately fired into the crowds of
Sierra Leoneans protesting against their conditions
of service and that, given what happened during the
days of the protest, that the police could well have
been given their orders direct from State House. We
would not be surprised if an independent inquiry
into the matter is ordered and that evidence so
deduced point the finger at State House - "all must
be done to put down the protest so as to save the
interests of rip-off "investors", no matter how many
get killed or wounded."
Sierra Leoneans and
friends of Sierra Leone would indeed be watching events
and would give a shrug and outright dismissal to this
part of that State House statement on the Bumbuna
protesters and the use of indiscriminate force by the
police promising that the matter
- "will be thoroughly investigated,
and Government will allow the law to take its course
Sierra Leoneans and
friends of Sierra Leone would be very concerned after
reading an article by the country's Deputy Information
Minister, one
Sheka Tarawallie,
who also doubles as the Deputy Government Spokesman in
which he blames "SLPP snipers" for the wounding and
killing incident at Bumbuna.
"Independent investigations
carried out by this press on
the recent fracas at Bumbuna
are pointing fingers at the
political machinations of
the opposition Sierra Leone
People’s Party (SLPP) as not
only having instigated the
violence, but that they
actually planted a gun man
to cause mayhem, resulting
in the death of Musu Conteh.
It is believed that someone other than the police
used live rounds to fire at the crowds...It was a
well-orchestrated plan,” a Bumbuna Town elder, who is
slowly coming to grasp with
the true story, told The
Torchlight. SLPP party sources say Maada
Bio was in a jubilant mood,
as he reportedly retorted
‘Yes, this is a big
opportunity for us to make
in-roads in the north’."