Sierra Leone - where speaking your
mind is now a in the days of the AFRC so are the apologists,
sewer rats, vermin to the core, coming out again in support of draconian
measures against journalists... We
have been watching, reading and noting just how APC party officials
especially those directly dependent on handouts from the peoples'
resources through the paws of the corrupt at State House have been doing
their best to support and justify the draconian measures on the menu of
the ruling APC party, the government and the law enforcement agencies.
It was the same scenario in 1997 during the
terror reign of the AFRC/RUF coalition of evil, otherwise known as the
beasts when "journalists and paid writers" with strong links to the
junta towed the line of Johnny Paul Koroma and his band of rapists,
killers and looters. Some of these so-called journalists, now known as
"pay as you go journalists" are showing their colours again - backing a
crackdown on free speech and the harassment of those who believe that
the truth must be told to power, never mind the cost.
History is bound to judge us, our children and
great grand children would be asked the question - when this repression
and suppression of free speech and expression were being perpetrated
against colleagues - what did your parents, relations and friends do to
tell the powers that what they were doing was wrong and
Below are excerpts from an interview given by
government spokesman Alpha Kanu to the international broadcaster, the
BBC. The more we listened to it, the more we saw the face and intentions
of one Alieu Kamara another spokesman for the AFRC/RUF coalition of evil
during those dark days.
Just as Alieu used words which he felt would
please his masters, so has Alpha Kanu and the way he tried to link the
events in Rwanda to the article complained about clearly shows a band of
terror advocates who would stop at nothing to justify their action
against free speech and journalism.
For those who were not around then, imagine what
could have happened to those now incarcerated journalists had the world
remained divided between the East and West blocs and imagine what could
have happened in a world where the internet was non-existent.
That was how perceived enemies of the APC were
roped into drummed up treason charges and that was how the innocent were
deprived of their liberty and life. The relations of Paramount Chief
Bai Makarie N'Silk as well as one SLPP candidate
for Freetown East Three, the Kissy Area, one Mr George Thompson who was
judicially murdered by the Stevens administration because he dared
oppose the APC candidate one F B Turay will bear witness to these
judicial murders.
We have in the past raised the flag over the
manipulations of the Rat (Gronpig) to execute those he believes keep
standing in his way. The first time we got a hint of this was after the
attack on the headquarters of the main opposition SLPP in Freetown. It
was alleged that women were brutalised and raped, SLPP male supporters
were brutalised, manhandled and bundled off to detention in prison with
the Rat-controlled judiciary actually charging the victims to court!!!
At one APC meeting, one of them from the Siaka
Stevens era advocated that the SLPP men be charged with treason, their
main target at the time was John Benjamin and that would have also given
them the opportunity to rope in one Julius Maada Bio, who was later to
become the flag bearer of the opposition SLPP in the 2012 elections.
They again attempted it after the Bo attack on
Maada Bio, but thanks to modern day communications, this did not work
out and fearing a backlash from Sierra Leoneans within and outside the
country decided instead on detaining and trying the SLPP victims!!!!
Investigations were ordered by the Rat in these
and other acts of violence since he went to State House and despite
reports submitted on which he promised to act, the Rat has still not
lifted a claw against his operatives who were named as perpetrators of
violence against fellow Sierra Leoneans.
Quite recently, they have now come out with what
they call an "intelligence-led" operation to detain a number of soldiers
with plans to try them on still to be revealed charges.
We are watching...watching....watching....
(The two pictures are from the pages of
Sierra Leone 365)
The weird and very strange rant
of the rat's equally vile spokesman Alhaji Alpha Kanu on
the BBC justifying the arrests, detention and harassment
of journalists.
BBC Presenter - Focus on Africa:
The heavy hand of the law has been landing on the heads
of newspaper journalists in Sierra Leone these past few
days and its all to do with an article which was first
published in a Freetown newspaper about alleged tensions
between President Koroma and Vice President Sam Sumana.
For allegedly writing that President Koroma was behaving
like a rat, the newspaper's editor Jonathan Leigh and
another journalist...are currently been
held for questioning by the police Criminal
Investigations Department. But minister for Information Alhaji Alpha Kanu told me there's much more to it than
just a comparison to a rat.
Alpha Kanu: Well that's actually
taking the focus from the actual import of the article.
The import of the article is not on the relationship -
the import of the article is an insult to the President.
It was actually describing the President in all sorts of
unprintable names and all that and the family......
BBC: So why the raid on the
media houses and.....?
Alpha Kanu: We're lucky that
President Koroma is a very popular President. Normally
this would be looked upon as incitement - don't forget
we still have not forgotten what happened in Rwanda when
people conspired (yes, in his words) the leaders there to cockroaches and
people went out and killed them. So when you start
talking about Presidents like vermin and a rat is a
vermin, if he's not a popular one, you immediately
expose him to extreme danger. (Extreme danger? - yes
that's the spokesman for the Rat)
BBC: So if you say President Koroma is popular why this rather heavy handed reaction
to what's been said about him - after all like you say
he's a popular President, this would make no impact on
his popularity?
Alpha Kanu: It will make up an
impact because he was insulted as a person and it is
that personal attack on himself and his family that the
law is taking into consideration/concentration because
we have laws in this country which protects the rights
of individuals and it covers everybody.