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Wednesday July
3, 2013
- Coup? What coup?... as Egypt's freely and first
democratically-elected President is giving his marching
orders by the army. Whatever hype given to what has
happened in the last couple of days, it is a coup by the
military that should not be condoned never mind the
arrogance of ousted President Morsi. 
Barely in office and beset
by one problem after another including the latest
demonstrations calling for him to go, Egyptian President
Mohammed Morsi has been told by the military that he is
no longer the President of Egypt with reports saying he
has been banned from travelling outside the country. The
12 months in office of President Morsi has been one of
confrontations, defiance and a general picture to appear
tough and inflexible with the inevitable arrogance
setting - a man set on a course he would not be
deflected from no matter how strident the protests of
The BBC reports
"The general
commander of Egypt's armed forces, General Abdul
Fattah al-Sisi, has declared in a televised address
that the constitution has been suspended and the
chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC)
will assume presidential powers, effectively
overthrowing President Mohammed Morsi. The Chief
Justice, Adli Mansour, would oversee an interim
period with a technocratic government until
presidential and parliamentary elections were held,
Gen Sisi said. The country's highest Islamic
authority, the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar, and the
head of the Coptic Church, as well as the leading
opposition figure Mohammed ElBaradei all spoke after
the general, giving their approval....earlier,
troops backed by armoured vehicles secured key sites
in the capital, Cairo, as hundreds of thousands of
opposition protesters and Morsi supporters took to
the streets."
The UK-based Daily Mail
in its report suggests that the ouster of President
Morsi appears to have been given a nod by at least one
top Western country -
"Sisi called
for presidential and parliamentary elections, a
panel to review the constitution and a national
reconciliation committee that would include youth
movements. He said the roadmap had been agreed by a
range of political groups. 'The people and the army
are one hand,' protestors cheered in the square,
amid the roar of horns and chanting. Two U.S.
officials have said Egyptian defence leaders, who
ousted the president, have assured the U.S. that
they are not interested in a long-term rule.
The official says the leaders, in
calls with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and General
Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, pledged to put a civilian government in place
Kenya's Daily Nation adds
Morsi, Egypt's
first freely elected president, came under
massive pressure in the run-up to Sunday's
anniversary of his maiden year in office, with
his opponents accusing him of failing the 2011
revolution by concentrating power in Islamist
hands. The embattled 62-year-old proposed a
"consensus government" as a way out of the
country's worst crisis since the 2011 uprising
ended three decades of authoritarian rule by
Hosni Mubarak. But the United States urged Morsi
to "do more" as a military deadline passed for
him to meet the demands of the people following
a week of bloody unrest during mass protests
calling for him to quit. The advice came too
late, however, as the army said the head of the
Supreme Constitutional Court, Adly al-Mansour, a
previously little known judge, would become the
new leader of the Arab world's most populous
Tuesday June 25, 2013 - Nigeria hangs four of its own
citizens after more than a decade in prison. The sword
of Damocles hanging over convicted persons gives no
comfort that countries do not intend to carry out
executions. Let it be on the statute books.
Nigeria has hanged four prisoners in
a jail in southern Edo State
with a fifth man spared the drop at the gallows at the
last minute after been dragged to meet his fate at the
hands of state executioners on Monday night.
Not that
the authorities in Edo State had had a sudden change of
mind. No it was reported that the man's life would be
snuffed out of him using another method of execution -
the firing squad as directed by a former military regime
that had condemned him to death!!! Last night's hanging
exercise is the first such since 2006 and once more
highlights what we had always stood for - that a
moratorium on carrying out the death penalty on
convicted persons is not guarantee that a government
would not get up one morning and decide to execute its
own citizens.
We witnessed this in
the Gambia where the
man with the cure-all for any known and unknown
afflictions has boasted that he had the power to effect
a cure. The execution of nine people including a
Senegalese woman in August last year evoked loud
protests from rights groups as well as from Gambians
within and outside the borders of the Gambia.
The BBC quoted the
rights group Amnesty International which stated that it
had received "credible reports" that President Yahya
Jammeh had ordered the execution of the nine by firing
squad with threats from the Gambian Head of State that
more would be executed to clear what he called the
backlog on death row of forty seven people. The last
execution is recorded to have been carried out in 1985.
On the latest execution in Nigeria, Amnesty
International has noted
that "neither the prisoners nor their families were told
of the executions in advance. Secret executions, where
prisoners, families and lawyers are not informed
beforehand, violate international standards on the use
of the death penalty. The four men hanged at Benin Prison last night
still had appeals pending in their cases. Their
executions came only hours after a federal High Court
had dismissed a lawsuit against three of the execution
warrants. Chino Obiagwu of the Nigerian national lawyers'
rights group LEPAD is reported to have told the
Associated Press news agency that a court dismissed his
organisation's appeal challenging the state government's
signing of execution warrants and a motion to stop
executions. That was around 3pm (local time). 'They
(authorities) had already started preparing for the
executions, they turned us away from the prison and by
6.15pm we heard from clients (in the prison) that they
had been executed.' He said traumatised inmates called
him to describe 'terrible sounds' like a drum rolling,
shackles scratching and the screams of those condemned
begging for mercy.
Monday June 24,
2013 - A new United
Nations Security Council Resolution (United
Nations S/RES/2106 (2013))
aimed at sending a strong message to perpetrators of
sexual violence in conflict and post conflict situations
has been unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council,
paving the way for governments to punish perpetrators of
violence as well as ending impunity. 
A new UN Security Council
Resolution that should send a strong signal to
perpetrators of sexual violence in conflict that their
crimes will not be tolerated and bring an end to
impunity has been adopted by the world body. According to the United
Nations media outlet, the Security Council recognised
the need for "more timely, objective, accurate and
reliable information" as a basis for prevention and
response and requested UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
and the relevant United Nations entities to speed up the
establishment of monitoring, analysis and reporting
arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence". It is
worth noting that this time round the net has been
closed on perpetrators not only in ongoing conflicts but
in post-conflict situations as is to be found in
countries like Sierra Leone where the UN agencies as
well as rights groups within Sierra Leone have reported
the unwillingness and
apathy of the Ernest Bai Koroma
government in bringing to justice
perpetrators of violence against children, men and
women. Among those who made passionate pleas for the
protection of people at risk in conflict and
post-conflict situations is the UN Secretary-General’s
Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict,
our very own Zainab Hawa Bangura who noted that today,
it is still largely “cost-free” to rape a woman, child
or man in conflict. “But for the first time in history,
we can reverse this reality. Speaking from her
experience as a lawyer and activist working to bring
justice to victims of sexual violence in conflict, Jane
Adong Anywar of the Women’s Initiatives for Gender
Justice said that leadership on accountability for
conflict-related crimes, including sexual violence, must
be provided at the national level, with priority given
to resourcing; adequate legislation prohibiting acts of
sexual violence; and capacity building for police,
investigators, lawyers and judges regarding the
adjudication of these crimes. Sierra Leone, it must be
noted has legislation that could be used in the
detection, investigation and brining to justice such
perpetrators but must be noted also that the government
remains unmoved in dealing with such terrible crimes.
The UN Secretary General did not mince his words on the
matter as he noted that "Sexual violence, whenever and
wherever it occurs, is a vile crime. It must be exposed
and met with the anger and action that it deserves".
Meanwhile in Sierra Leone the Ernest Bai Koroma setup
continues to ignore the pleas of victims crying for
justice especially if such violence acts are carried out
by his security forces.
Sunday June 2,
- Sixteen years ago today, a master stroke was delivered
by the AFRC Mk1 propaganda machine as international news
agencies and "experts on conflicts and crisis
management" swallowed hook, line and sinker the great
lie that Freetown had been bombed by Nigerian forces
trying to oust the illegal and murderous AFRC forces
that had seized power from the democratically-elected
government of President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah. It was a
master stroke in deception, murder and chicanery.
Residents of Freetown who
were around after the May 25, 1997 APC-inspired coup can
still recall the sounds of heavy weapons which seemed to
be coming directly from the waters surrounding Sierra
Leone's capital. The sounds were characteristic of the
heavy and dull thud residents in the capital were now
getting used to as the coup makers tried to justify
their hold on power, using any and every excuse that
some of their sometimes drunken mouth pieces could
manage on the SLBS, the national radio broadcaster.
There was the voice of one Gborie, followed by another
called Paul Thomas and soon followed by others claiming
to speak on behalf of Sierra Leone's "new liberators".
On June 2, 1997 a
combined force of murderous, heavily-armed and
machete-wielding and out of control renegade soldiers of
the Johnny Paul-led Armed Forces Revolutionary Council,
the AFRC and their dreaded allies of the Revolutionary
United Front launched a sustained and withering attack
on the seaside Mammy Yoko Hotel with the aim of
dislodging Nigerian and other ECOMOG forces that had
taken up defensive positions around and within the
hotel, protecting civilians and other such foreign
nationals that were trapped there.
One time ECOWAS Chief
Scribe and Foreign Minister one
Abass Bundu of Sierra
Leone came out later with what he believed was a
document aimed at convincing the international community
that Nigeria was up to no good in Sierra Leone.
Friday March 8, 2013
- Today is International Women's Day - a day dedicated
to the celebration of women. This year's theme "A
promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence
against women" should serve as a reminder, nay warning,
to the Ernest Bai Koroma set up that what is
put on paper and documents safe-guarding the lives and
rights of women must be put into practice. Ernest Bai
Koroma has taken his smoke and mirrors antics to new high as he
declares today, International Women's Day a national holiday!!! 
Today March 8 is
International Women's Day and all governments,
organisations and like minded people all over the world
interested in the welfare of women would today once more
galvanise all the resources at their command to
highlight the failures of the past and what is now
needed to protect the integrity and dignity of women.
This year's theme - "A promise is a promise: Time for
action to end violence against women" is an apt reminder
to the government in Sierra Leone that all those words
from government functionaries about how they care for
the women of Sierra Leone must now pass the lips of
lying politicians, must go beyond files and dossiers of
promised action that was never meant to be implemented
but was designed for the eyes and ears of the
international community. We would therefore now
call on the Ernest Bai Koroma administration to put a stop
to all the smoke and mirrors act of
protecting the rights
of women and take action that would send a clear message
that it cares about the rights of the women of Sierra
Leone, we mean all women within the borders of the country.
Remember Musu Conteh,
the woman who was murdered by the armed wing of the APC
known as the OSD? We would urge President Koroma to
provide justice for the victims of those brutalised and
murdered by elements under his direct or indirect
command. We still have the case
of one Abdul Mustapha who, together with a female friend got
murdered and the house in which they were killed set alight in an attack that
has baffled many in Sierra Leone.
There's the case of the
women who were in the offices of the main opposition SLPP and were attacked
and allegedly raped in broad daylight by ruling APC
party operatives as well as elements of the armed wing
of the APC, the paramilitary OSD. We say to
Cherie Blair and others of the
high-level UN team led by UNIDO Chief,
Sierra Leonean Dr Kandeh Yumkellah visiting Sierra Leone - your host
Ernest Bai Koroma does not care about
the rights, integrity and safety of women within the
borders of Sierra Leone. All the women he cares about
are those with APC party connections or those with whom
he has one sort of connection/relationship or the other. It seems strange, very
odd that the national holiday declaration has not been
carried by the usual Ernest Bai Koroma gbatolite
brigade, nor have the outlets thought it fit to write a
thing or two about the delegation which had arrived in
Sierra Leone since 6th March and which includes
Cherie Blair, the
wife of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Strange and
odd, very odd.
This is sickening!!!!
October 12, 2011
- The truth is finally out. Now we know why the high
priest at the altar of falsehood, profanities and
indecency dedicated to the smoke and mirrors President
expunged those articles from his web site reaffirming
once more that for a few dollars more he would be
willing to lie on oath in order to earn his supper. And
this from a so-called man of the cloth who has been
caught out more often than not - lying to his face and
feeling good about it.
We now know why those articles were
expunged from the web site of the high priest who thinks
nothing of lying through his teeth to please his masters
at State House in Freetown. Remember what he wrote about
the Bo incident in which one man was reported killed by
the police, some structures belonging to the APC ruling
party torched and the flag bearer of the main opposition
SLPP Brigadier (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio got hurt? The pro-APC,
pro_Ernest Bai Koroma publications had a field day with
each tabloid trying to outdo the other in presenting a
feel-good article that would be pleasing to their
paymaster/s at State House. It was a time to write
articles pleasing to their handlers at State House. And
please recall too that when the President ordered an
investigation, we pleaded that no comment be made that
would somehow appear to blame anyone? This piece of
advice given in good faith was ignored and just to
please his master, his mammon at State House the high
priest at the altar of lies, falsehood and profanities
dedicated to his god ernest bai koroma published
articles blaming people left, right and centre as well
as here, there and everywhere and even going as far as
to suggest that there was no one at the APC party office
in Bo on that day? Well we now have a copy of that
report and we can state here that the reason why those
articles were expunged was because the report showed
that what had been published, as usual was a big and
deliberate lie aimed at keeping his master happy. And
pleasing his master we doubt very much because we know
that there are good and honest people at State House,
real professional journalists and civil servants who
would always frown on anyone who on one hand gloats
about a diplomatic appointment while on the other
becoming the chief fabricator and purveyor of lies, more
lies and damned lies.
Below are some of the headlines, the
articles of which were expunged and for which action we
demanded an explanation. None was forthcoming, none was
expected. That is what happens when you, as we say
"broke congosah" on the gossiping liar's head.
: SLPP rally in Bo was unlawful and unauthorized and was recipe for chaos
orchestrated by Maada Bio, John Benjamin and Abbass Bundu
Journalist says the chaos in Bo was well-planned by the SLPP
is the blood ? The biggest hoax since ‘Janet Bundle’ ?
Exclusive : How Maada Bio got hurt in Bo
EXCLUSIVE : More ringleaders of the Bo disturbances named, as SLPP forms
clandestine organization to drive out all APC supporters
Among the key findings
of the report after investigating the Bo incident was
1. The SLPP thank
you rally was legal.
2. That Rtd
Brigadier Julius Maada Bio was indeed wounded during the
3. That the APC
Office was occupied by APC supporters on the day of the
attack and that even before then preparations had been
made to attack the Maada Bio march in Bo with
instructions given to women allied to the APC to collect
4. Stoning was
started by APC supporters from their party office.
5. The SLPP
supporters attacked and torched structures of the APC.
6. One bike rider
was shot and killed by a named policeman who still
remains free.
We will now bring you
most of the expunged articles so that you can see
further proof of the devious methods of a compulsive
liar and we daresay the typical "kongosah bench"