Supply of Life Jackets Procurement Number: SLMA/015/010/lj The Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following (in various lots): 12,000 life jackets. Bidders may quote for one or more lots. Lot(s) quotation should include all items listed under the lot(s). Partial quotation shall be declared non responsive. Bidding is open to all suppliers who can produce: · The bid security amount required and in a form provided in the bidding documents · A valid Business
Licence; · A Valid Business Registration Certificate · NRA Tax Clearance · NASSIT Clearance Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the address below between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday. Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Five Hundred Thousand Leones (Le 500,000). Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before the 25th February,2010 at 12 Noon. All Bids must be accompanied by the appropriate Bid Security. Bids will be opened on 25th February,2010 at 12 Noon, in the Board Room of the Sierra Leone Maritime Administration (SLMA), in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. The Executive Editor's note - Who got the contract? State House? Has any been delivered? How much has it cost the tax payer?