Sunday April 5, 2015 - It is Easter Day - a day of joy in the Christian
calendar as this event thousands of years ago is the basis, the very foundation of the faith is cemented in
the story and commemoration of the Risen Lord. We wish you all wherever
you may be a happy Easter season and prayers that all those who fed fat
on the funds earmarked for the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease
will get the Lord's just reward for their wickedness. 
In Kenya, it is a time of
mourning, reflection and soul searching as nearly a hundred and fifty
unarmed and innocent civilians are slaughtered.
In Sierra Leone, with
more than three thousand dead that need not have died, the government of
the rat is busy trying to wish away
the audit report which firmly
implicates the uncaring and shameless cabal of the rat.
They would
rather see more die as they appeal for help to fight the deadly Ebola
Virus Disease as they see the terrible impact of the disease on the
people as another money-making venture.
And we know in a system where even the head janitor at the Youyi
building has to be approved by the rat, we are not surprised that all
those criminal and illegal contracts were given the go-ahead by him.
The Kenyan President Uhuru
Kenyatta has declared three days of national mourning starting today
Easter day as the country comes to terms with the slaughter of some one
hundred and fifty people when Al-Shaabab gunmen attacked Garissa
University College. The
Daily Nation online news outlet edition in
Saturday's edition stated - "President Uhuru Kenyatta has declared three days of
national mourning in honour of the 147 people who were
killed in Garissa University College by Al Shabaab
During the three days, the national flag will fly at
half mast, the President announced yesterday in an
address to the nation after meeting the national
security team at State House, Nairobi.
“As we mourn together and pray together for the fallen
and for this our precious Republic of Kenya, I declare
three days of national mourning during which our flag
shall fly at half-mast,” he said. He also promised
government assistance to the families of the victims."
Meanwhile as investigations continue into why the security forces
were ill-prepared for the onslaught on Garissa University College, one
report says that one man has been linked to the attack - a former
teacher in that part of the country -
"One of the Garissa attackers has been identified as a
Kenyan national.
Interior ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka named the
attacker as Abdirahim Abdullahi, saying he was "a
university of Nairobi law graduate and described by a
person who knows him well as a brilliant upcoming
The spokesman said Abdullahi's father, a local official
in Mandera County, had "reported to the authorities that
his son had gone missing and suspected the boy had gone
to Somalia".
Describing Abdullahi as a high-flying A-grade student,
Njoka said it was "critical that parents whose children
go missing or show tendencies of having been exposed to
violent extremism report to authorities".
Abdullahi was one of the Al-Shabaab gunmen involved in
the massacre at Garissa University College during which
non-Muslim students were lined up and executed.
The massacre, which was the deadliest attack on Kenyan
soil since the 1998 bombing of the US embassy in
Nairobi, claimed the lives of 142 students, three police
officers and three soldiers.
Reuters report on the President's speech is a pointer to what
Kenya faces in the battle against extremists who were prepared to murder
and maim in the name of a religion that means peace.
"Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta said on Saturday that those behind an attack in which al
Shabaab Islamist militants killed 148 people at a university were
"deeply embedded" in Kenya, and called on Kenyan Muslims to help prevent
radicalisation. His televised speech in response to Thursday's 15-hour
siege at the Garissa university campus came after the Interior Ministry
said five suspects in the assault had been detained, some while trying
to flee to Somalia.
Four suspects were Kenyans of Somali origin, and the
fifth was Tanzanian, the ministry said. The suspected mastermind,
Mohamed Mohamud, a former teacher at a Garissa madrasa, is still on the
run. Kenya has offered a 20 million shillings ($215,000) reward for his
"Our task of countering terrorism has been made all the more
difficult by the fact that the planners and financiers of this brutality
are deeply embedded in our communities," Kenyatta said.
that breeds terrorism is not conducted in the bush at night. It occurs
in the full glare of day, in madrasas, in homes, and in mosques with
rogue imams."
Four attackers died at Garissa, but Kenya has not named
them or announced their nationalities. The authorities put their
bullet-ridden, swollen bodies on display on Saturday, hoping that crowds
coming to view the corpses might identify them.
The interior ministry
said three suspects arrested at the border had coordinated the attack.
Two were detained at the university, including a security guard and a
Tanzanian man named as Rashid Charles Mberesero.
"We suspect the Tanzanian, who was hiding in the ceiling, was one of the
combatants. He had ammunition with him when he was arrested on Thursday
night," ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka told Reuters. "We suspect the
guard facilitated the entry (into the university). The Kenya Red Cross
said it had found a woman survivor on Saturday in the university, two
days after the siege ended."
Meanwhile the head of the world Catholic
Pope Francis in a message from the
Vatican has pleaded for the protection of all who are persecuted because
of their faith.
"From the risen Lord we ask the grace not to succumb to the
pride which fuels violence and war, but to have the humble courage of
pardon and peace.
We ask Jesus, the Victor over death, to lighten the
sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are persecuted for his
name, and of all those who suffer injustice as a result of ongoing
conflicts and violence.
We ask for peace, above all, for Syria and Iraq,
that the roar of arms may cease and that peaceful relations may be
restored among the various groups which make up those beloved countries.
May the international community not stand by before the immense
humanitarian tragedy unfolding in these countries and the drama of the
numerous refugees. At the same time, in hope we entrust to the merciful
Lord the framework recently agreed to in Lausanne, that it may be a
definitive step toward a more secure and fraternal world.
We ask the
risen Lord for the gift of peace for Nigeria, South Sudan and for the
various areas of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
constant prayer rise up from all people of goodwill for those who lost
their lives – I think in particular of the young people who were killed
last Thursday at Garissa University College in Kenya –, for all who have
been kidnapped, and for those forced to abandon their homes and their
dear ones."
In his Easter Day sermon today, the
Archbishop of
Canterbury Justin Welby focuses on persecution and described
the murdered Garissa victims as martyrs who were targeted because of
their faith.
The BBC's Carolyn Wyatt reports - "It is an Easter of suffering for
many Christians around the world, a
fact highlighted by the Pope and the
Archbishop of Canterbury, as well as
the Archbishop of York, in their
Easter homilies.
Much of the news in the months
leading up to Easter 2015 has been
dominated by the killing of
Christians, most recently the
students in Kenya - many explicitly
because they were Christian - and
earlier in Libya, Syria and Iraq by
Islamic State (IS) militants, who
appear determined to drive those of
other faiths from the areas they
control, including other Muslims who
do not subscribe to their extreme
interpretation of Islam.
There is growing concern among
Christian leaders over the murder of
Christians by Islamist militants in
many parts of the world, as the
ideology of IS, Boko Haram and al
Shabab and others spreads its
message of death and hatred. While the Pope and the archbishop
have called on Christians to listen
to the Easter message of the risen
Christ today and forgive their
persecutors, Pope Francis has made
it clear for some time that he
believes military force is justified.
three main UK party leaders also
the persecution of Christians abroad
as they took a break from election
campaigning to mark Easter.
Minister David Cameron, who attended
a church service in Oxfordshire,
said it was "shocking" to know
people abroad were still being
"threatened, tortured - even killed"
because of their faith.
leader Ed Miliband said Christians
were the victims of religious
discrimination in the world, saying
"our hearts go out to those who face
difficult times both overseas and
closer to home".
In a message
on Twitter, Liberal
Democrat leader Nick Clegg wrote of
the "cruel and barbaric killings
that took place in Kenya".
UK-based Guardian newspaper has been
reporting on the ordeal of a
Christian student survivor who was
found safe and well after hiding for
two days in a cupboard.
The attack
at the Garissa University College
left 148 people dead, with the death
toll expected to rise. But student
Cynthia Cheroitich, 19, escaped the
massacre after finding refuge as
gunmen strapped with explosives
stalked classrooms and corridors.
She told the Associated Press that
as the attack by four heavily armed
members of al-Shabaab began, she
climbed into a clothing storage
cupboard and covered herself in
She remained hidden there
while other classmates came out from
similar hiding places as the gunmen
continued the attack.
She was
rescued 48 hours later, according to
Kenyan officials, after a teacher
was brought in by security forces to
persuade her it was safe to come
Cheroitich said she originally
did not believe her rescuers had
come to help her, suspecting they
were militants. “How do I know that
you are the Kenyan police?” she said
she asked them.
“I was just praying
to my God,” Cheroitich, a Christian,
said of her ordeal.
The Press
Association added she was tired and
thirsty, but was otherwise in good