September 27, 2014
- Channel 4 programme - Unreported World is a
must view for everyone concerned about the Ebola
scourge as this programme vividly tells the
story of the ravages of the vicious Ebola terror
that is preying on the lives of the wary, unwary
and all those who cross the path of the vicious
Last evening, Channel Four
television in one of their programmes in the
Unreported World
did a film on how the Ebola scourge snatches
unsuspecting victims and as US President Obama
observed - people just wanting to show love and
concern to loved ones get ensnared in the web of
death woven by the killer virus.
According to Channel
Four - "Unreported World provides a unique view of what
life is like for the health workers battling
Ebola in Sierra Leone and the families affected
by the virus.
As the only television crew to spend two
weeks embedded in field hospitals and quarantine
units, reporter Shaunagh Connaire and director
Wael Dabbous were in Sierra Leone at a critical
phase when there was still a chance to contain
the virus. In the time they were there though it was
clear the battle to contain it was being lost.
This Ebola outbreak has claimed nearly 2000
lives. The World Health Organization warns the
virus could ultimately infect more than 20,000
people. Without the bravery and determination of
those battling the virus, the figures would be
far higher."
This pictures/film
clips/film was done while the government was
still in denial of just how serious the outbreak
was and just before the rat finally declared it
was a situation that demanded the formal
announcement of a health emergency throughout
the country. This film should be carefully
studied because there are key lessons to be
gleaned from it which should make clear that
though the Ebola virus attack can be extremely
deadly with over fifty percent fatality, the
beast can still be controlled if suspected
cases are tested, isolated and treated in as
speedy a manner as is possible. That would ease
the pain and anxiety of those who later prove
Again we say that all is
not lost and as we learn from the hard lessons
of the past, we should be in a position to curb
the ravages of the scourge - a first step in the
battle to contain and eliminate the Ebola virus
from our land. Let us also not make the mistake
of lowering our guard should it appear that the
battle has been won. No way for we fear that
once introduced in the country and neighbouring
states like Liberia and Guinea, we would still
be at risk of contracting the disease.
This Channel Four film
is a great eye opener and we salute the brave
reporters, camera crew and everyone involved in
bringing to the world the real story of the
disease and how it affects ordinary people,
families, communities as well as the fears and
myths associated with it. We have got stills
from the film to highlight the story of a Sierra
Leonean called Fallah, his wife Kadiatu, their
four children and most poignantly, the fate of
poor seven year old Fatmata who died after her
mother and a grand parent succumb to the
The film brings you the
cries of the poor girl as she shouted - "I am
feeling cold". Now anyone who has been with
somebody afflicted with malaria or having
suffered from it yourself would know that
feeling of being cold with the body shivering
out of control. So what do relations do? They
find a blanket or proper covering so that the
body could be kept warm so as to relieve that
cold feeling. It invariably works when it is
malaria as medications are given to cure the
disease and symptoms. But this is not malaria.
It is Ebola and the covering used to bring out a
sweat on the afflicted becomes a source of
infection and so is the nasty and vicious
disease spread. Fatmata and her mother touched
the body of their dead relation. The mother died
while she was being taken to a health centre and
Fatmata was in the vehicle with her.
As one of the MSF
workers noted - it was quite hard for the poor
girl with no one around to comfort her. She was
alone and in a place she was not familiar with -
people covered in strange-looking suits. It was
too much for her. Poor girl - she died.
There was the case of
Kadiatu and her husband Fallah. It was Kadiatu
who first started complaining of fever
conditions, vomiting and frequent visits to the
toilet. Worried relations contacted health
workers who came and took Kadiatu away. She
looked in a bad way but it would seem that with
proper treatment, her own body's immune system
was encouraged to build up and fight the
invading horror. From a listless and helpless
individual, Kadiatu became a symbol of hope that
all need not be lost when one is tested positive
for the killer virus.
Husband Fallah is seen
and heard explaining to the health workers who
came to remove Kadiatu to the treatment centre
that she could have contracted Ebola from his
father who had already succumbed to the disease.
Kadiatu was the one who was trying to make the
poor man comfortable before he passed on to the
great beyond and it was she who touched the body
of the man before and after death wiping off
fluids that were pouring from his body. Kadiatu
and the rest of the family did not know just how
much risk they were taking because of a lack of
knowledge of the ravages of Ebola - a new killer
that was unknown in that part of the country.
They knew about the
deadly Lassa fever, knew of typhoid fever as did
the health delivery workers who, unfortunately
did not know about the Ebola virus until too
late after the beast had cut large swathes of
territory in its path. This was spurred on by
travellers who did not know they were carrying
the virus, who actually believed that the
feverish feelings would soon pass off after
consumption of herbs and other medications that
had worked in the past!!!
This Channel Four story
highlights what we have been calling for all the
time. The need for immediate and rapid response
to the crisis as seen from the viewpoint of the
victim. When a person gets inflicted, the first
thing he/she wants would be an atmosphere of
assurances, speedy treatment with fluids given
to replace those lost by victims who could not
hold on to whatever liquid they take through the
mouth. This requires IV treatment and for this
to be done we need to have trained health
delivery workers, properly staffed holding
centres and most of all food and nutrients
supervised by nutritionists who would know what
amount the victim would need to have as the
process of recovery gets into top gear.
We often hear, quite
sadly of health delivery workers getting
attacked as they try to help suspected victims
and more often than not would come the avalanche
of criticisms that attacking health workers is
barbaric. While all would agree that such
attacks are uncalled for - please spare a
thought for those who carry out such attacks.
They could have been set up by so-called opinion
leaders who are always in the background. These
instigators would not dare put their names or
faces forward as there could be some hidden
agenda for getting people to attack these health
centres. Politicians have been known in the past
to instigate such moves as we witnessed when
family planning was first formally introduced in
Sierra Leone. There were politicians who, in the
security of their constituencies, would tell
ordinary folks that the whole exercise was aimed
at decimating the population!!!
We have just seen a
Voice of America report
which paints a sad picture of the Ebola
situation in another area of the north - Makeni
where "Dozens of very sick people sat on the
floor in an empty university building in central
Sierra Leone. They waited in filthy conditions.
With the nearest treatment center a 16-hour
drive away in Kailahun, there is no way to treat
the sick, despite the likelihood they are
infected with Ebola. According to Osman Bah, the
Makeni government hospital director, Ebola cases
have spiked in recent weeks. “More than 100, 150
cases, because we have sent 56 patients to
Kailahun,” he said. “This morning we have had
more than 100-110 patients.”
This university complex
is being used as a makeshift holding facility
because the sick people have nowhere else to go.
Highly contagious patients lie in the open. One
woman sat on the floor, too sick to stand. Other
victims huddled together on beds. One young
child was laying alone. Medical staff at the
containment center have little training or
experience dealing with Ebola. Protective
equipment is inadequate. One makeshift ward was
empty. Beds were filthy. Twenty-five confirmed
Ebola patients left for Borders treatment center
in Kailahun one recent night. Four died during
the 16-hour journey."
Conditions at this
holding centre in Makeni show that there's a
need for all such holding centres to have
testing components as well as treatment centres
for those who are positive. Kailahun is quite a
long way off and we hope that the medical teams
from the UK, the US, Cuba, China and other
countries would help in setting up such centres
in each district that would ease the pressure on
Kailahun and Kenema as we had, in the past,
Let us continue to pray
that we succeed in this fight against Ebola but
as we continue to stress - prayers should go
hand in hand with practical solutions as to how
the scourge is to be contained. Prayers should
go hand in hand with positive and common sense
in a country where the road to Kailhaun is a
death sentence for patients. Victims must be
given the first available emergency care where
they are proved positive for the deadly scourge
with the necessary measures put in place. Please
do not subject victims to long road journeys
that can last anything from six to ten hours. It
is like a death sentence aimed at prolonging
their agony before death. Let us pray and do
something positive.
