December 1, 2014
- Sierra Leone fails World Health Organisation
(WHO) December 1, 2014 goal to have at least 70
percent burial and treatment for those afflicted
with the deadly Ebola Virus Disease. And rather
than concentrate on getting things right, the
clueless and rudderless rat of a President is
busy traversing the country threatening
traditional rulers.
Of the three most
affected countries of West Africa, only Sierra
Leone has failed in meeting the World Health
Organisation's deadline of "70% of all
those infected by the disease must be under
treatment and 70% of the victims safely buried
if the outbreak is to be successfully arrested"
by today December 1, 2014.
What we are noticing
is that more people are dying every day as well
as more people getting infected.
And what do we
get from the clueless rat at State House? He
goes on a tour of the regions where people are
forced to come and listen to his rant quite
oblivious of the dangers of getting crowds
together in an Ebola-infested country that is
still grappling to get it right. While Guinea
and Liberia appear to be getting their acts
together figures released by Sierra Leone's
Health and Sanitation ministry show that more
people are dying and getting infected in the
North as well as the Western area where the
capital Freetown is located.
When the mayor
of Freetown, a member of the ruling party tried
to put in place a policy that would reduce
overcrowding in market places, the rat is
reported to have ruled against this for fear of
getting unpopular with the traders who make up a
large percentage of votes for his party. The rat
believes that those who survive the Ebola Virus
Disease would shake off the dust of death from
themselves, would stand up in queues to vote him
into power again - never mind the illegality of
trying to extend his stay in office.
The online
outlet Sierra Leone Telegraph in a headline -
State House frustrating efforts of the Mayor of
Freetown to curb Ebola - stated -
"On Wednesday 26
November, a family of
eight living in one
house was wiped out by
the Ebola virus in Tengbeh Town – one of
the most densely
populated western
districts of the capital
Freetown, amid calls for
a tougher approach to
curb the transmission of
the virus in the capital
But a senior government
official told the Sierra
Leone Telegraph this
week that, State House
is using party political
expediency to block
measures that the Mayor
of Freetown – Sam
Franklyn Gibson is
putting forward to help
reduce the spread of the
virus in the city.
 Early this year, Mayor
Gibson threatened to
close down all market
stalls operating on the
sidewalks of major
streets in the capital.
But after protests by
street traders, senior
ruling APC party
grandees – including the
president, refused to
support the mayor’s
By undermining the mayor
and usurping his
authority, street
traders were placated
and so continued the
cycle of lawlessness in
the capital Freetown.
But with the worsening
Ebola crisis in the
capital, few had
expected political
interference and
gerrymandering to get in
the way of common sense."
As we had
stated before, it is the refusal to report true
infection figures as well as the real number of
people that are dying of the Ebola Virus Disease
in Freetown and key parts of the north that has
exposed the antics of the rat. Again as we
predicted when one of the cabal members,
one Alpha Sahid Bubakar
Kanu (read Information minister
of the rat) boasted of the number of the people
who had been engaged to carry out checks during
the infamous 3-day lock down details are now
emerging of so-called "ghost" names appearing on
payment sheets with the latest figures of money
diverted into the pockets of party operatives
going up to the ten thousand mark.
Most of the
fake names could well have been supplied by
ruling party MPs as well as their relations,
friends and associates who see the woes of the
people as an avenue for enriching themselves.
When members of
the high-risk burial teams in Kenema protested
against the non-payment of their risk
allowances, the so-called head of the
government's new anti-Ebola agency, NERC, flew
into uncontrolled rage and reportedly ordered
the sacking of all those who took part in the
We still do not know if those sacked
workers have been paid their dues for the kind
of risk the job entails or whether they have
been replaced. Up to the time of writing this -
we still do not know what salary and emoluments Palor Conteh is getting.
Is he still getting a
salary as Defence minister while getting paid
extra for heading NERC?
Meanwhile Sierra Leoneans
and good friends of the country who heard about
the UK deployment of assets in Sierra Leone in
the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease
were elated in the hope that finally some form
of order and discipline would be instilled in a
system that lacked direction as well as
practical strategies to detect, isolate and
treat those suspected and confirmed of having
contracted the disease.
Many have been
disappointed to learn that despite having an
eighty-bed facility, only fourteen beds were
occupied by patients - this in the midst of
rising infection rates as well as deaths.
Andrew Harding's report
of 30th November 2014 highlighted what many knew
but were afraid of telling their UK benefactors
- that there's a problem, an acute problem that
needed a solution now and it is good to hear one
of the Save the Children people one Michael von
Bertele admitting the organisation's lack of
experience in such a task.

They went into
it because, according to him, no one was willing
to undertake the task!!! This we find
extremely preposterous given the British
penchant for always trying to do things the
right way and aiming for the top in terms of
We know that we are a desperate
people wanting to garner in as much help as we
can in the fight against the terrible disease;
we know that as a nation of beggars there's a
tendency to believe that we had no choice, but
at least the UK government should have done
better by getting military doctors to get the
ball rolling and then training other personnel,
mainly non-military to take over so that at the
beginning we would have seen British efficiency
at work and not the kind of hackneyed excuses
being bandied about by Save the Children in that
This calls for a change of strategy. The
Sierra Leone government cannot be relied upon to
lead the fight given the fact from recent
reports that government functionaries are in for
the money and what can be siphoned off into
pockets and private warehouses.
Kindly take a
good look at Andrew Harding's report as it
reflects on the fate of one Mariatu Kamara - a
Sierra Leonean whose only crime is that she
belongs to the majority of Sierra Leoneans -
poor and unconnected.
has been feeling unwell for a number of days but
refused to seek medical help because she had
three children to take care of. She could not
even afford to call the helpline that has been
hyped as being the most efficient because she
has no phone. Even when helped by a good
Samaritan to phone that number, action was not
taken and this is what is hampering control of
the disease which one outlet has described,
quite rightly we think, as the
disease of the poor.
"Mariatu Kamara had been hiding her illness for
several days. When we found her outside her home
in Rogbangba village only a few people knew she
was sick - a headache, sore bones and boils on
her head and legs.

Perhaps it was not Ebola. But
if it was, her three young children - one tied
to her back - were at grave risk.
I don't have a
phone," Ms Kamara explained at first, when I
asked her why she had not contacted the Ebola
telephone hotline. But she became visibly
alarmed when I suggested we could help.
"I can't
leave my children here on their own," she said.
Her nine-year-old daughter, Aisatu, began to
cry. The village headman, Abdul Karama, arrived
and promptly called 117 to report a possible
Ebola case. He was worried that it would not
make a difference. "We call, but sometimes
nobody comes," he said, citing other instances."
Harding's piece headlined -
'Ebola outbreak: 'Death on
an almost industrial scale' says
it all as the burial squads try to keep up with
the task of efficiently getting rid of the
remains of the departed in sometimes disrespectful
Figures are yet to emerge of
those who really died of Ebola and those who
succumbed to other illnesses in a
health-delivery system that was gripped in
massive corruption and incompetence even before
the Ebola scourge struck.