January 20, 2015
- The Lord is good and should be praised in all
that we do. The true story of a real Ebola Virus
Disease survivor is revealed in the AWOKO
newspaper. The story of Juniette Ayodele
Macauley is a story of faith, coping with
tragedy and a revelation of the wily and
dangerous nature of the disease. It's a warning
that we all must be on guard and not take things
for granted. 
The story of Mrs Junietta
Ayodele Macauley, carried on the pages of
the AWOKO newspaper
is a must read for all who care about our
country and its people. It is a story that
clearly highlights the wily, slippery and
treacherous nature of the disease as it destroys
the immune systems of victims, renders them
helpless before clawing them from the land of
the living as we know it. It is indeed a story
that should be read over and over again - a
tragic story with an outcome that says quite a
lot about perception of the Ebola Virus Disease
and how it deceives the stricken to the point of
no return.
We join her as she
mourns the loss of two great people in her life
- her husband and son whose precious lives were
taken away by the sinister and odious disease
that continues to raise its deadly head like a
venomous snake to strike and kill the unwary. We
pray that the Good Lord in His mercy will
comfort Mrs Macauley and give rest, perfect rest
to the souls of her husband and son. What a loss
and what a brave woman!!!
Here's an excerpt from
the AWOKO pages -
Speaking to Awoko in an
exclusive interview, Junietta sent a message of
hope to all Ebola patients and survivors; “Keep
the faith; be determined to get well; and
finally stick to the treatments as provided or
prescribed,” she advised. Junietta Ayodele
Macauley is no stranger to corpses and caskets,
for donkey years now; she has been the
proprietress of ‘Columbia Davies funeral parlor’
a lucrative business in Sierra Leone. However,
the business recently experienced a financial
nosedive as a result of the Ebola outbreak; and
this was just a prelude as to the storm that was
about to follow the Macauleys."
And here we are again
reminded of what US President Obama stated of
the disease - that it thrives on human love and
care. "Like most, she contracted the virus from
a loved one, her late husband. “It all started
with my late husband- Aki Macauley, who got
infected and us not knowing it was Ebola,” she
said. Junietta narrated, “On Tuesday 25th of
November last year, my late husband and I had an
appointment to go somewhere; he cancelled the
appointment because he wasn’t feeling too well
and decided to go home and have a rest instead.
When I came home that day, I found him lying
half covered and he had already taken malaria
medication. “He told me that he had a bit of
malaria,” she said.
The reaction of the late
man is all too easily understood in a country
where a slight increase in body temperature from
the usual 98.4F is taken as a sign of a malaria
attack - an endemic affliction in our country.
Many would have done the same. But please
continue reading.
“I was a bit puzzled
when I observed that the housemaid had not
served him his lunch,” she explained. When I
asked him, “Why hadn’t he eaten his lunch, he
replied, he lost his appetite and his mouth
seems tasteless.” “This was a bit surprising
because he was okay on Tuesday morning. In fact
he went jogging that morning as usual, because
that’s his routine- he is very particular about
his health. After jogging, he usually eats
fruits before having his shower and then get
ready for the day’s work,” Junietta revealed.
Kindly read and watch
how the treacherous killer goes about its work
of deceiving the victim - and kindly note that
in all this, the household would not be aware
that the poor man was in the grips of the beast
which at that time could have been extremely
busy destroying the poor man's natural
resistance to such infections - destroying his
immune system.
“When my husband told me
he was feeling a bit ill, I thought it was
nothing serious probably he’d over-jogged that
morning, that’s why he was feeling ill.” She
further said, “throughout Tuesday, he refused
eating; even the light soup that was prepared
for him, remained untouched.” However, Junietta
noted that on that same Tuesday, she used her
hand to check her husband’s body temperature. “I
touched his forehead I observed his temperature
was slightly higher than usual “but it wasn’t a
fever I should write home about,” she
ascertained. I thought it was a fever that would
pass off after taking malaria medication.
So from what presented
like a slight fever and wanting to reassure her
husband, she actually touched her husband's
sweaty and feverish forehead - something that we
all do when a loved one complains of a fever. We
check temperatures by feeling the body using the
back of our hands as a natural thermometer. Oh
yes - this is common practice. And then we have
the loss of appetite. This is common with
suspected malaria attacks and how many a time
have we not asked for the good old and reliable
"hot peppeh soup"? It always works as we recover
from a suspected bout of malaria. But alas this
was not malaria but the beast in deceptive mode
desperate to claim the life of a victim and by
extension all those who dared touch body fluids
like sweat.
She went on, “the next
day we went to see our family doctor, the late
Dr. Willoughby. After his examination, my late
husband was diagnosed with a slight increase in
his blood sugar and pressure. His body
temperature was 38.3, but we were not advised to
test for Ebola. We never suspected it was Ebola
because he had no diarrhea or nausea,” she
explained. “So, Dr. Willoughby referred us to
Choithrams Hospital for the normal routine
examination blood, stool and urine,” she said.
That temperature of
38.3C is almost 101F and really something not
that alarming if we have the usual fever
associated with malaria. Quite a lot of Sierra
Leoneans could have experienced temperatures
higher that this while in the grip of a malaria
attack. But then read what happens next and here
we suspect that the scourge could have roped in
poor Dr Victor Willoughby who could have come
into contact with his patient's body fluids and
all it took would be an examination that would
see a sweaty body touched as well as the
reassuring handshake that all would be well.
That had could have been touching a sweaty hand
and had the potential of transmitting the virus.

On Thursday, my
husband's health condition deteriorated, his
temperature was fluctuating “he did not have a
permanent high temperature; nausea or diarrhea.
He only lost his appetite,” she revealed.
“On Friday, we went to Dr. Willoughby, where my
husband was diagnosed with kidney infection. My
mind was put to rest because I was thinking
about doing Ebola test,” she explained. “My
husband who was diabetic and hypertensive was
put on a 6 hourly injection after being
diagnosed with kidney infection. This was his
routine on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On
Sunday, Dr. Willoughby came to examine him at
home, his comment was that ‘the infection was
serious but it will pass off,’ she narrated. She
went on, “on Monday my husband health condition
deteriorated to a point we had to physically
carry him to God’s Grace hospital, at Circular
Road.” “On Tuesday, we took him to Len
Gordon-Harris for scanning and his result shows
that his liver and kidney had gone and we were
advised to do Ebola test.
Kindly note the time
lapse. The time it took for the family and
doctor Willoughby to test for Ebola - a whole
week, if not more - during which the treacherous
beast could have been busy destroying the vital
organs of the poor man - the kidney and liver.
"That same Tuesday we
did the Ebola test and on Wednesday we got the
result- Positive!” Junietta explained. The same
Wednesday 3rd December, he was taken to 34
Military Hospital at Wilberforce and on Friday
5th December, he passed away, she said.
We are no medical
experts but it would seem from this real time
frame narrative, the good Dr Victor Willoughby
could well have been stricken and like his
patient delayed testing for the Ebola Virus
Disease. Both were on the trail of the
destruction being caused but not really knowing
what was responsible for Mr Aki Macauley's
deteriorating state of health!!!
Junietta went on - that
after the death of her husband their house was
quarantined with six of them in it. She
“On Saturday and Sunday
health workers were sent to monitor us,” adding
that on Tuesday, technicians at 34 hospital came
to monitor them, they took their body
temperature, and for one of her grandsons (Aki)
body temperature was 38.5 “but the other kids
said it because he was playing with the TV, so
we didn’t take it serious,” she said. However,
Aki was picked up the next day, Wednesday 10th
December, and taken to 34 Hospital. She added,
On Thursday, my younger son Oliver, Aki’s father
started feeling ill, he went to 34 Military
Hospital for an Ebola test. On Friday, the
result came out positive. So, he too was
admitted at the 34 Hospital. On Friday, my
eldest son Otto and I were tested. On Saturday,
our result came out we were both diagnosed
Imagine if you will -
the horror visited upon the family!!!
She explained that they
were both admitted at the 34 Hospital but she
was later transferred to Emergency Hospital
because of her physical condition.
“I’m 62 years old; I
have undergone six major operations and I have
been living with one kidney for 27 years now,”
she revealed. Junietta explained prior to being
transferred to 34 hospital, Blood Plasma therapy
was administered on her. She noted that her
condition was very serious; I went through all
the phases of Ebola
“I usually have about 18
bouts of diarrhoea during a 24- hour period. As
soon as they changed the bed sheet, it soiled
again. I was unable to get-up to use the toilet.
However I did not vomit for long about a day and
a half. She explained,
“I never lost
consciousness or went into coma at any point in
time during my hospitalization. I was conscious
about everything that was happening though I did
not know how serious my condition was,” she
said. On Saturday 20th December, I had ZMAPP
administered. It was not at all painful, and I
didn’t feel any different.
Two days later, I
realized that my diarrhoea had subsided. I could
sit up in the bed and eat and was still
conscious about everything around me. “I was
only a bit confused and slow and could not pick
my phones up. I just wanted to rest after
fighting such a big virus”, she said.
Explaining how she is
feeling after the ZMAPP, she said, I observed
that I was a bit slow for a week and my legs
were wobbling. It was not until ‘Boxing Day’
26th December that I was told my eldest son Otto
had died on the 18th of December at the Military
Explaining the side
effect -
"My skin was a bit
rumpled, dry and flaky, but it’s better now. I
also observed that I’m drinking a lot of water
trying to recoup my once dehydrated system.
Junietta Ayodele Macauley noted, “It was an
ordeal that I could never forget, but one thing
I must say that right through my hospitalization
I knew that the Good Lord was with me. I knew
that He would definitely bring me out of the
I also realized when I
opened my phone on Christmas Eve that I had 812
messages both Whatsapp and text message, 90% of
the messages were prayers and wishes for a
speedy recovery. I also realized that prayers
were offered for me all over the world and for
that I thank the whole world.”
“Ebola is real and it is
in Sierra Leone. Early diagnosis and treatment
would save lots of lives. God has just saved
mine!” she exclaimed.
We say let the people of
God in a loud voice say - AMEN and continue
praising the Good Lord for His enduring mercies.
From the jaws of death, He has delivered a
sister, mother, grand mother and above all a
Sierra Leonean from the jaws of death. Praise
the Lord. AMEN.