| Sunday October 30, 2011 - Another Sunday - yet another day for the true Christian to engage in all things meant for the edification of the spirit a manifestation of which is shown in Christian comportment and way of life. And that way of life which abhors lying, the manufacture of filth as well as the cleansing of the mind of all things evil, mischievous, devious and unwholesome. Even as the clocks in the UK go back to GMT from the summer time of GMT+1 hour, we pray that the satanic pastor already "defrocked" by the exposure of his many concoctions, lies and fabrications will go back to the Holy Book, the real one - that shows how true Christians behave. We had in the past suggested a theme for the "sermon" of the high priest at the altar of deceit, falsehood, denigration and moral turpitude dedicated to the worship of his god ernest bai koroma, an altar the very foundation of which is based on lies, sexually explicit innuendoes, gutter language and all the muck that can be found in the treasure trove of the depraved, deprived and compulsive liar. We still would urge him, the satanic priest, to do a "sermon" on the theme - "Gluttony is a sin" with the hope that he would not be put off by his own admissions that - "The only thing I have not been able to accomplish is to pull down my weight". Is this the reason why he
refuses to touch our suggested theme? Come on "fake pastor" "satanic rev" and
all-evil rolled into one - surely you can manipulate words to present gluttony
as something good. Kindly recall that he wrote on his very own internet discussion forum for the public to read - about his "performance" even as a CAD patient and this is not merely a pun on the word as he could more than qualify as a cad - ...CAD (a heart condition) need not be a death sentence. You can survive it like I did...Do not try to set a record in bed... If you have CAD, it does not affect your performance at all...." Yes, the satanic sexually-explicit "rev" at his best again. Or does he want to be reminded about what a former ally wrote about him after discovering his love for all things of a sexual nature? Yes, we will - "This XXXX man is a miscreant; a so-called Reverend who thrives on mischievously making up stories against other people he dislikes and labels it as journalism. The level of dirty tricks and low down games he has played against me personally and against other innocent citizens over the last few years via his paper and forum is stomach churning. If this miscreant is an example of a Christian Community Leader, then Christianity would have gone to the dogs... TO THE DOGS. Thank God, I know otherwise. This man does not remotely fit the description of a Community Leader let alone a Christian Man of God! XXXX is a satanic bundle of hatred. XXXX is a son of satan (SOS) masquerading as a pastor. This pornographic pastor spends all his time on this forum and has no time to study the scriptures. You care more about the details of female .......(details too graphic to put here). You delight in immorality. The Lord whom you mock, and whose name you blaspheme will punish you if you don't repent." Repent? No way...at the altar of the shrine dedicated to his god ernest bai koroma, the only repentance you can get from the satanic pastor is when threatened the sack by his god....which reminds us...is the high priest living on taxpayers money even though he himself had written that he was not qualified for such largesse? The question must be asked because we believe that the tax payers money should be accounted for and not spent on the fancy of a satanic priest whose appointment, or so-called appointment into the public service, the civil service was not approved, at least publicly by Parliament nor the instruments of authority as laid down in rules governing the civil service. On his very own forum, one of the building blocks of the altar dedicated to his god ernest bai koroma, one contributor was clearly dumfounded when he observed the rather large volume of literature flooding that forum - all in praise of one Ernest Bai Koroma, the newly-elected and sworn-in President of the Republic of Sierra Leone. Replying to that criticism, in his usual unrepentant tone, he, the satanic priest that is, wrote "I am far better than you in the United States of America. While you are a laborer in a factory or a sausage flipper in a Macdonald's, I am a school teacher and Pastor. You cannot compare my returns to your's. In addition, xxxx and xxxx are highly-paid nurses in the U.S. system. Therefore I am self-sufficient." All nice and good in his own estimation, but what got us thinking was this admission - again in his own words - "Only an idiot like you also does not know that some of us cannot be Ministers of government because we are not registered voters in Sierra Leone, according to the constitution." Are we missing something here - or are you getting a message that something illegal is going on? Is this the reason why the high priest is willing to do anything, anything to stay in the good books of his god? For someone who claims to be self-sufficient to be drinking deep from the sewer of corruption tells a whole story - of lies, more lies and damned lies. We demand an explanation now even as we take another look at his boasts - .....his so-called newspaper - "now well-established newspaper, has so much potential to generate money....Do you honestly think I need a political job to fulfill myself in life ? .....My newspaper is big business that will bring in 10 times more income than a political job." Let us end with our piece of advice to the high priest on why lying should be an abomination to all those who claim to be Christians. Proverbs 13:5 states - "A righteous man hateth lying" - so the moment you lie, you are confessing to those who hear and to the Lord - I am not righteous.
Revelation 22:14-15 “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. The admonition in the Revelation passage simply means that anyone professing to be a Christian should not only be seen to live a life worthy of the faith but must know that to enter the city of the faithful, lying should be a thing of the past. Continue to lie, continue to manufacture falsehood and untruth and you will be left outside the gates of the city reserved for the faithful. You will be left outside with your type - dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Here we also bring you some "exclusive lies" by the satanic
pastor who also easily qualifies as "rev broke-ose, congosah bench carrier and
lie-londo of the most excellent order of the devil, thus qualifying him as a
devil-worshipper pretending to be a man of the true God. Journalist says the chaos in Bo was well-planned by the SLPP Where is the blood ? The biggest hoax since ‘Janet Bundle’ ? Exclusive : How Maada Bio got hurt in Bo Among the key findings of the report after investigating the Bo incident was 1. The SLPP thank you rally was legal. 2. That Rtd Brigadier Julius Maada Bio was indeed wounded during the attack. 3. That the APC Office was occupied by APC supporters on the day of the attack and that even before then preparations had been made to attack the Maada Bio march in Bo with instructions given to women allied to the APC to collect stones. 4. Stoning was started by APC supporters from their party office. 5. The SLPP supporters attacked and torched structures of the APC. 6. One bike rider was shot and killed by a named policeman who still remains free. We will now bring you most of the expunged articles so that you can see further proof of the devious methods of a compulsive liar and we daresay the typical "kongosah bench" carrier. |