Thursday December
25, 2014 - Christmas Day - Even though our
beautiful country is being hit by a vicious
enemy that wipes out individual lives, lives of
households and lives of communities tearing
age-long friendships and communities apart, let
us continue to give thanks. Let us continue to
pray that the Almighty Lord will one day see
Sierra Leoneans becoming themselves once more.
Good Christmas to you all. Stay safe. 
It is Christmas
Day - a day that would normally be celebrated
all over Sierra Leone where such events are
observed by all faiths as people come together
to give thanks to God for being alive with the
refrain - "Appy Krismes mi nor die o" meaning -
Thank you Lord I am around to celebrate
Christmas. I am alive".
Many, we are afraid to say
with sadness would not be around to say this on
Christmas Day 2014 - ripped away to the great
beyond by the terrible and devastating Ebola
Virus Disease, EVD. We join the concerned people
of Sierra Leone, friends of Sierra Leone and the
international community for help in trying to
arrest the rising tide of an epidemic that could
easily have been contained had the authorities,
headed by the clueless and rudderless rat at
State House had the sense of direction and
vision to know that once neighbouring Guinea and
Liberia had been hit, we would be next in line
given the free movement of people through the
porous borders.
When journalists on the
ground reported signs that people had been
afflicted and were dying in unusually large
numbers even for a Lassa infection-prone area of
the country, they were condemned by the rat and
his accomplices and labelled unpatriotic and
agents of fear and panic, threatened and warned
to desist from such reportage.
Many months on, we are
still suffering from the ravages of the disease
that has claimed many including those connected
with the dilapidated health-delivery system.
These include doctors, nurses, ward attendants,
drivers, helpers and others trying to comfort
those in pain and grief after getting attacked
by the terrible disease.
Her Majesty the Queen of
the United Kingdom in
her Christmas Day message
paid tribute to those helping out -
"Of course, reconciliation takes different forms. In
Scotland after the referendum many felt great disappointment, while others felt
great relief; and bridging these differences will take time. Bringing
reconciliation to war or emergency zones is an even harder task, and I have been
deeply touched this year by the selflessness of aid workers and medical
volunteers who have gone abroad to help victims of conflict or of diseases like
Ebola, often at great personal risk.
For me, the life of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace,
whose birth we celebrate today, is an inspiration and an anchor in my life. A
role-model of reconciliation and forgiveness, he stretched out his hands in
love, acceptance and healing. Christ’s example has taught me to seek to respect
and value all people of whatever faith or none."
The Head of the Catholic
Pope Francis
also made reference to suffering of children and
the Ebola terror -
"May Christ the Savior give
peace to Nigeria, where (even in these hours)
more blood is being shed and too many people are
unjustly deprived of their possessions, held as
hostages or killed. I invoke peace also on the
other parts of the African continent, thinking
especially of Libya, South Sudan, the Central
African Republic, and various regions of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
I beseech all who have
political responsibility to commit themselves
through dialogue to overcoming differences and
to building a lasting, fraternal coexistence.
May Jesus save the vast numbers of children who
are victims of violence, made objects of trade
and trafficking, or forced to become soldiers;
children, so many abused children. May he give
comfort to the families of the children killed
in Pakistan last week. May he be close to all
who suffer from illness, especially the victims
of the Ebola epidemic, above all in Liberia, in
Sierra Leone and in Guinea.

As I thank all who are
courageously dedicated to assisting the sick and
their family members, I once more make an urgent
appeal that the necessary assistance and
treatment be provided."
William Pooley, the nurse
from the United Kingdom who survived an attack
from Ebola while working in Kenema and came back
to Sierra Leone had a message for everyone
including the international community. His
message was broadcast by the Channel Four
television channel in a programme called
the Channel 4 Alternative
Christmas Message.
"Six weeks after
starting work in Kenema government hospital
I developed symptoms. I was tested and
later that day I awoke to find a colleague
standing over me in protective gear. He told me I’d been
infected with Ebola. In the end I was
extremely fortunate. My colleagues worked
night and day to get me flown back to
Britain for the best available treatment at
the Royal Free in London.
After I recovered I
decided that I wanted to return to Sierra
Leone and continue my work there as a nurse. My exposure to this
disease reinforced the belief that when
people need help it’s important that it’s
given. I realise I was
incredibly lucky, lucky to be born in a
wealthy country, lucky to be well educated,
lucky to have access to the best possible
treatment for this awful disease.
Thousands of people
here in west Africa have not had that luck.
They have died often lonely, miserable
deaths without access to proper medical
attention. This is a good time
to think about the sheer fortune of where
and when we happen to be born.
If anything
Christmas should focus our minds on our
kinship with people in all corners of the
globe. We are all brothers and sisters. I’m
sure we would all help a brother or sister
in need."
We would continue to blame
the smoke and mirrors occupant of State House
aka the rat who has been at the forefront of
ignoring all the financial and other
malpractices unearthed in the annual reports of
the Auditor-General. As she noted -
"...with a stronger
commitment and willingness to address public
financial management reform and strong
enforcement of existing well-established laws
and regulations, the matters could be put right
quickly as other countries have done. That is
the responsibility of the government and all
public officials. Parliamentarians, Ministers
and public sector managers at all levels need to
provide leadership in not accepting petty and
grand corruption as normative. Those in position
to do so should follow the money when things go
As citizens, none of us
should ever accept fiduciary irresponsibility
from those charged with holding the strings of
the public purse. To do so is morally corrosive,
erodes our civic rights and damages our hard-won
young democracy."
No commitment was shown by
the rat and by so doing gave the nod to
government operatives to plunder the resources
of the people.
If the oversight committee
in Parliament and the Anti Corruption Commission
had done what they were set up for, the audit
report especially on health delivery systems
should have alerted them to the near-wreck and
wretched state of affairs of the country's
health delivery system. But none cared hoping
that only the poor and unconnected would suffer
and perish while their operatives would be quick
to rush overseas for medical treatment. And all
this at the expense of the people whose
resources get plundered on a systematic and
competitive basis.

The Anti Corruption
Commission set up to investigate such anomalies
has become just another toothless paper tiger, a
cynical joke whose top chief Joseph Fitzgerald
Kamara, JFK, remains in office at the pleasure
of the rat.
Parliament where
representatives of the people should be taking
such action remain largely compliant looking up
to any crumb that would be thrown their way by a
nasty and corrupt executive arm headed by the
The Judiciary, the
law-interpreting arm of governance is in the
same quagmire of corruption, not daring to
question the Executive lest some members lose
positions and with that the perks that go with
the office.
Sitting in Parliament at
this moment are two so-called representatives of
Constituency 005 and Constituency 015 who were
not elected by the people to represent them.
They were ordered to sit with duly elected MPs
on the orders of a compliant Judiciary.
The editor of the Global
Times news outlet Sorie Fofana in an article
headlined - "CORRUPTION
- highlights these problems and the lack of
commitment to stem the massive plunder of the
peoples' resources.
"Successive governments in
Sierra Leone have never treated accountability
and the fight against corruption seriously.
Harassment of the media through orders from
above, executive orders, tax havens, weak civil
service, weak rule of law, weak judicial
independence, over centralized public funds,
tribalism, sycophancy, nepotism and cronyism
have all combined to provide favorable condition
for the germination of corruption in Sierra
Unlimited political
appointments of cronies to public offices have
also contributed to underdevelopment and poverty
depriving the people of their fundamental common
The greatest liability
Sierra Leone has ever created for herself is the
Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). Despite the
unimaginable monthly salaries (by Sierra Leone
standard) of Le48, 000,000 and Le36, 000,000
respectively, paid to the ACC Commissioner and
Deputy, they have spent their valuable times
signing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
some of the worst corrupt institutions in the
country such as the National Revenue Authority
(NRA), Ministry of Education, National Social
Security Insurance Trust (NASSIT), Sierra Leone
Police, the Privatization Commission, etc...
Assets tracing and recovery
by ACC are totally neglected. The question that
bugs everybody’s mind is how little if any,
proceeds from criminal proceedings recovered
from perpetrators are distributed to their
victims. In Sierra Leone even when fraudsters
are actually criminally prosecuted and
convicted, it is rare for a meaningful recovery
of stolen assets by their legitimate owners.
ACC does not seem to be
mindful of the conflict of interest engulfing
the insurance industry and bad cooperate
governance practiced in our major government-
owned banks – the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank
and the Rokel Commercial Bank. Bad debts are
given out by the two banks to politicians’
relatives, friends and cronies which are not
likely to be recovered, and the refusal of World
Bank and IMF to cancel out debts because of
Sierra Leone faces the
daunting challenges of proving to national and
international donors that the management of
their donations in the forms of materials,
logistics and money to fight against the Ebola
virus is corruption-free. However, from the
start of the fight, when concerns were raised
about how the Ebola funds were utilized the real
enemies of accountability and the State (worse
than the Ebola virus itself), retorted that we
must fight the Ebola virus first before we talk
about accounting for the huge donations that
were received.

They did not foresee the
implications of overlooking accountability...
Lest I forget! One may want
to know how much the Public Account Committee
(PAC) has recovered so far from those firms
found wanting in the 2010, 2011, and 2012 of
Auditor General’s Report for the
misappropriation of public funds.
PAC Report on the Auditor
General’s Report, for accountability and
transparency which parliament stands for should
by now be in the public domain. Fighting
Corruption goes beyond mere public relations
outfit and political propaganda. It is the true
and honest synergy between all the key
stakeholders involved that will help eradicate
the ingrained corruption permeating every facet
of our society.