Sunday September
20, 2015 -
As heavy rains create havoc in Sierra Leone, an uncaring
and undemocratic thing passing itself off as a
government of the people is again at its wits end -
pretending that it was an unexpected event. This even
though many, including the Sierra Herald have warned
about this becoming a reality.
We join all kind hearted and good people
in wishing the people of our great country well and that
the Good Lord in His mercy will comfort the surviving
relations of the dead as well as those affected - mainly
the poor and unconnected whose meagre possessions have
been washed away and now left homeless.
Government officials including the
chief violator of the Constitution, the smoke and
mirrors rat of a President occupying State House has
once more seen this tragedy, not as something that could
have been prevented if only they had taken their
attention off dubious money-making enterprises, but is
now used as a photo opportunity to show the like-minded
that he really cares by visiting the national stadium
where many of those affected have been ordered to find
refuge and whatever succour that comes their way. 
No doubt, the rat and the cabal he
directs would also see this disaster as yet another
opportunity to enrich self and cronies - Ebola Virus
Disease combat resources style with the rogue so-called
leader of Parliament one Ibrahim Rassin Bundu ready to
tell the nation that they have no business asking
questions about the findings of the Auditor General on
how resources for combating the outbreak was used,
misused and abused as cronies of the rat lined their
pockets with the peoples' wealth.
And to make matters even worse - we
have the Anti Corruption Commission, headed by one
Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara actually allowing himself to be
browbeaten by the same Rassin into stopping any
investigation into the massive corruption unearthed.
Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara - a man who served on the
Special Court and who knows his powers as enshrined in
the Anti Corruption Act of 2008 actually allowed the
likes of Rassin to tell him what to do quite forgetting
that he, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara has the authority to
summon Rassin before him as he Rassin had clearly
violated sections of the law. Rassin may be a member of
the Legislature, but the business of interpreting the
law does not lie with Parliament, its the business of
the Judiciary, and Rassin's assault on the ramparts of
the Anti Corruption Law is itself a crime for which he
should be charged.
But back to the recent tragedy,
pictures of which had been awash on the social media
with some scenes all too graphic and encompassing -
scenes that would make any government worth its salt to
bow its head in shame - but not the setup that passes
itself off as a government in Freetown. If we know them
well (and we think we do) they, the rat and his cabal
will soon set up a committee to address the sufferings
of those affected. That committee will consist of the
rat's chosen ones who would have been briefed on what to
do "to keep the Pa happy" meaning slicing off
allocations to line the pockets and ever-gaping and
insatiable wants of the State thieves and plunderers.
It would appear that the number of
people killed as a result of the floods are yet to be
calculated. We got this from
the VOA pages -
"Heavy flooding in Freetown, Sierra Leone has killed at
least 12 people and displaced thousands more from homes
that were damaged or destroyed. Emergency accommodations
have been set up at the National Stadium to help deal
with the disaster. People are sitting in the bleachers,
some are laying on mattresses provided, while others
line up for food and water. Naomi Koroma is one of the
thousands of people displaced.
She sits in the packed stadium cradling her newborn,
only two days old. Koroma says she is scared and
confused. Her house is still standing in her community
called Congo Town, but not her belongings. “All my
things in my house were damaged, money, my clothes, all
my items, everything just washed away," said Koroma.
According to Indrias Kassaye, a communications
specialist for UNICEF, almost 4,000 people have been
registered so far at the stadium. He says the U.N.
agency is helping women like Koroma by offering a
medical clinic for children under five. He adds that
with an Ebola crisis still in effect, things can be
challenging. “The floods came at a difficult time, as
Sierra Leone is fighting to reach zero, in terms of
Ebola and the affected communities, they are amongst
some of the high risk communities for Ebola in the
Freetown area, so definitely the Ebola response is part
of overall package provided by UNICEF and partners here
at the stadium," said Kassaye. He says crowding at the
stadium can create risks for other diseases. So the
response includes making sure proper hygiene is in
place, such as additional clean toilets and hand-washing
We were not surprised to hear about a
registration exercise - an exercise that would see the
names of those affected put on a list. Don't be
surprised to see a number of lists popping up with
fictitious names giving the nod so that the resources
would be shared at the expense of the truly affected.
Here you have people in all those slum areas grappling
with basic hand to mouth issues of where to rest their
heads, feed hungry stomachs as well as cater for health
needs. It is this group of people, who can hardly afford
the expenses of making it to the national stadium to be
"registered" that the anti-people setup would have us
believe that they really care for the people and not for
their own pockets. Several affected family members have
contacted us from Freetown, Bo and Kenema to tell us of
their problems with the floods.
Those in Kenema and Bo were surprised
to hear about the Freetown stadium registration exercise
and wondered why no government official visited them
when the main road linking Kenema and Bo was cut off by
the floods with many crops destroyed and those affected
left without food or shelter.
They asked if they were non-Sierra
Leoneans in the eyes of the authorities living,
partying, eating and drinking in the capital Freetown
while farmers' fields and grains get washed away. The
floods in Kenema and Bo happened a week or two before
the Freetown events that saw parts of buildings,
buildings, vehicles and human beings being washed away
in the torrents - the chief cause of which was man-made
- thanks to an uncaring and deaf system that is not
interested in the welfare of the poor.
How many times have concerned Sierra
Leoneans not warned the rat and his cabal about the
environmental chaos they are encouraging as water
catchment and once thriving forest covers get stripped
off by the thieving noveau riche. You don't have
to visit the mountain areas of Freetown to see the
devastation caused.
From any part of the city, it is so
easy to see the problems being created in a country
where the law is made to punish the poor and unconnected
while a set of people are allowed to get away with
In September 2003, John Whitfield
wrote this observation in
a magazine about
what he saw as a looming disaster that could be stopped
if Sierra Leone was serious about the environment. In an
article titled - "Freetown's forest vanishing" he noted
If current rates of deforestation
continue, the country's soil and water resources will
suffer, while the destruction of mangrove swamps will
cause fish stocks to collapse, says Richard Wadsworth of
the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Huntingdon, near
Cambridge. "In five years this is really going to hurt,"
he predicts.
The war, which lasted from 1991 to 2002, displaced
between one-third and a half of Sierra Leone's
population. Many moved from rural areas to the capital,
Freetown, swelling its population from 1 million to 2.5
Sierra Leone is reported to have
signed up to a number of agreements relating to the
protection of the environment and from what we have
discovered, it would seem that the readiness to sign
such deals has little to do with protecting the
environment in Sierra Leone. It is seen as another route
for garnering in funds that could be diverted into the
pockets of individuals in a system that is bent on
rewarding its operatives using all and every means
One source has it that - "The country
has also endorsed and signed several international
conventions and protocols including: Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD), United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), United Nations
Convention to Combat Desertification/Land Degradation (UNCCD),
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Convention on Wetlands
of International Importance (the Ramsar Convention), The
Cartagena Protocol on Biodiversity, United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Basel
Convention, Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol, and
the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants. These conventions and protocols are at
different stages of implementation, but in general
implementation is slow as many have not been ratified or
harmonized with the laws, policies and programmes in
Sierra Leone. As a result the country trails far behind
in the implementation of the provisions of these
Sierra Leone is
also committed to MDG Goal 7: Ensure environmental
sustainability and has actually promised that it would
halve by this year 2015, the proportion of people
without sustainable access to safe drinking water and
basic sanitation. Yes that's the promise made by the
government of the rat and you can well imagine what the
ravages of the recent Freetown floods would mean where
more than seventy percent of toilets are on site in
houses and abodes and where a sewerage system is almost
non existent with effluent and raw sewage pouring out
into the wharf areas.
A visit to the abode of one of the
APC's chief thugs, Government Wharf or something, who
was a part of the assault team that attacked the SLPP
offices in March 2009 will easily show just how reckless
the uncaring cabal continues to be with the health of
The bay areas will be quite another
story as open sewers are used as human waste disposal
points with large areas blocked by rubbish dumped from
the higher grounds and the recent floods must have
increased the risks associated with water-borne diseases
that could spell a health disaster for those living in
and around those areas.
Now who in Sierra Leone has heard of
an agency known as the Global Environment Facility? Not
many we think and according to them - The
Global Environment Facility
(GEF) is an international partnership of 183 countries,
international institutions, civil society organizations,
and private sector to address global environmental
issues. Serving as financial mechanism for several
international environmental conventions, since 1991, the
GEF has provided $14.6 billion in grants and leveraged
$74.3 billion in co-financing for 4,032 projects in more
than 165 developing countries. For 24 years, developed
and developing countries alike have funded development
projects and programs on biodiversity, climate change,
international waters, land degradation, and chemicals
and waste. Through its Small Grants Programme (SGP), the
GEF has given over 20,000 grants to civil society and
community based organizations totaling $1 billion.
This organisation has approved 13
projects for
Sierra Leone - one
of them being - Strengthening Climate Information and
Early Warning Systems in Africa for Climate Resilient
Development and Adaptation to Climate Change. The main
aim - To strengthen the weather, climate and
hydrological monitoring capabilities, early warning
systems and available information for responding to
extreme weather and planning adaptation to climate
change in Sierra Leone. According to the organisation
approval was given way back in 2013 and given what the
country has just experienced, this need not have
happened if the government as well as the GEF Agency,
the UNDP had done something about it. These are
the details on GEF
Project ID 5006 that we found on their website with
these government departments as the executing partners.
They are: Sierra Leone Meteorological Department;
Environment Protection Agency; Office of National
Security/Disaster Management Department.
To say that the floods that hit
Freetown was unexpected would be the greatest of the
many lies and ready excuses in the arsenal of the
uncaring cabal. This video has long been on the
internet, viewed by many including the overlords at
State House and so could have been prevented.
Nazia Parvez's video has been viewed
by many in authority and these officials have done
nothing. Just as they did when heavy rains cut off the
road leading to the main referral hospital, Connaught
and just as they turned a blind eye when boulders from
outlying hills get washed down, trapping, killing and
injuring all those in their path. Kindly take a look at
Lost Freetown again and according to the producer -
30-min documentary unravelling the environmental
disaster in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. The
film shows how urban migration and displacement caused
by the decade long civil war have resulted in a doubling
of the population of Freetown, stretching the city
resources beyond capacity. One interviewee extrapolates
that up to 90% of Freetown residents live in what can be
described as slums, according to the UN Habitat
definition of a slum or informal settlement.
There have been many reports in
previous years that should have alerted any caring
government of the potential for disaster. In 2014 we had
this headline in the
AWOKO news outlet -
"Sierra Leone News: Landslide kills 4 at Oloshoro". It
states in part - Torrential rains yesterday caused a
landslide, killing four youths at the Oloshoro community
at Murray Town, where thousands of people have built
shanty houses on disaster prone areas by the sea side.

The torrential rains reportedly caused
the landslide, as the earth was hanging over many
makeshift structures on a reclaimed land, killing four
people and also damaging properties worth millions of
Leones. The landslide took place in the early hours of
yesterday morning when many of the residents were
According to an eye-witness Mohamed Sesay, who resides a
few yards to the disaster scene, said during the
torrential rains yesterday, they had a loud noise of
stones and earth falling on a roof.
He said, when they rushed to the
scene, they observed that one of the houses had been
swallowed by the landslide and they were told four
people usually sleep in one of the rooms...The National
Fire Force arrived at the disaster scene later and
helped community youths to excavate the soil, to remove
the dead bodies. However, AWOKO observed that the Murray
Town Community especially by the seaside has seen
massive expansion of dwelling houses like any other slum
in Freetown. The sprawling communities are haphazardly
built on a reclaimed land underneath heavy boulders and
high-soil which according to residents, can be described
as a disaster zone.